Significant Contributions to Public Health Final Assignment

Significant Contributions to Public Health Final Assignment

The Final Project Microsoft PowerPoint option:

  • Must be 10-15 slides in length, and it should cover all the requirements listed in step 1, step 2, and step 3 below.
  • Please observe all the criteria listed on the rubric to maximize all the requirements expected of this Final Project.
  • Submit the PowerPoint presentation document


Step 1: Choose one topic from the following list:


  • Evidence-based practice and informatics
  • Telehealth
  • Public health informatics
  • The evolving ePatient
  • International efforts, issues and innovations related to informatics
  • Simulation in health care
  • Analytics and design-led innovations and management
  • Big data: challenges, opportunities, and realities
  • Incorporating mobile devices and sensors into daily routines
    • The potential impact for mHealth is enormous; an individual might spend 15 minutes or less per year with a primary-care physician, whereas the same person has nearly constant contact with a mobile device.
  • Applying clinical care guidelines on, and within, mobile platforms
  • Gathering and using data, particularly intensive longitudinal data, to study effectiveness of an mHealth intervention
  • Consumer informatics
  • Applications of social media in health care
  • Biomedical applications based on sensor data
  • Chronic disease management and preventative solutions.


Step 2:

  • Define your topic and explain its relevance to health informatics.
  • Describe any ethical issues associated with your topic.
  • Describe any associated laws, regulations, or voluntary standards relevant to the topic.
  • Explain how the topic relates to or impacts health care delivery, administration, education, data administration or research.
  • Summarize associated data capture tools and technologies.
  • Describe a specific example of your topic in use in health care.


Step 3:

Your PowerPoint presentation must be at least 10 to 15 slides (not including title and reference slides) with a required  presenter’s Voice notation for each slide with additions to detailed speaker notes. You may want to look at How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation (Links to an external site.) to get started. Pay attention to APA Style (Links to an external site.) and formatting in this Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)’s  guide.  (Links to an external site.)APA guidelines are required in presentations and any scholarly work you create.

Significant Contributions to Public Health Final Assignment