N492 Module 1Assignment

N492 Module 1Assignment

Assignment: (please read entire instructions)

Three-part APA Paper…. (Do not label your assignment headings Part 1, Part 2, etc. Instead, use APA style headings)

Part 1: Reflect on how those experiences from the Discussion Post impact your nursing practice now?

Discussion Question Post:

1. How does a person’s difference in age, culture, race, gender and living situation impact your comfort as a nurse in communicating with them?


2. While growing up, how were OAs (older adults) treated in your family, culture, community and in society (identify the year range)?

Part 2: Discuss what ageing biases you have witnessed &/or perpetrated.

Part 3: Create a community education plan to address ageing bias.

The assignment should be written in an APA-formatted essay. The essay should be at least 1500 words in length and include at least two scholarly sources other than provided materials.

ALL papers submitted into a dropbox as assignments IN EVERY MODULE OF THIS CLASS are to be in APA format, including: Title page, intro paragraph to tell the reader the purpose of the paper and items to be covered in the paper, the discussion (body of the paper), conclusion paragraph, and references page with references listed for each of the citations within text of the paper. Students must choose whether they are utilizing APA 6th or 7th edition formatting and are NOT permitted to combine the two formats.

When viewing the title page of your assignment, and I see a running head, I will assume you are utilizing APA 6th edition and will grade your assignment according to 6th edition rules (note that 7th ed. does not utilize a running head on the title page).

N492 Module 1Assignment