The Anatomy of Care Essay

The Anatomy of Care Essay

The Anatomy of Care is an online game designed to help learners in healthcare and nursing to identify and solve basic problems related to patient care and patient satisfaction. The program aims at helping learners in patient care, as well as nurses, develop positive work habits that can help improve patient care and customer’s loyalty in hospitals. The game is consistent to the sentiments expressed in Fred Lee’s book, “If Disney Ran Your Hospital” as it helps the player identify some of the dos and don’ts of patient care and how both the right and wrong decisions may impact the customer loyalty and overall rating of the hospital.The Anatomy of Care Essay.

Additionally, the game seems to point out the critical issues that arise within the hospital environment that makes patient care challenges. The game uses the right and wrong choices approach to help the players, identify the right decisions to make on matters concerning patient care despite the position of a person in the hospital surrounding. The game also helps the player to identify issues related to communication, patient care, teamwork and orientation of fellow staff. The Anatomy of Care is set up. This essay aims to use scenarios in The Anatomy of Care to discuss some of the main course themes related to customer loyalty and service care marketing. Also, the essay will also use John Lee’s “If Disney Ran Your Hospital to discuss what I would as an administrator to correct the services marketing issues discussed in the paper.


Gaps model of service quality

Gaps model of service quality is a service model framework that identifies the gap that exists between customers’ expectations and caregivers performance and expectations. The model identifies five gaps that exist between customers and caregivers, including management of caregiving institutions. The first of the five gaps identified in the gaps model of service quality is the gap between customer expectations and the management perception of their expectations.The Anatomy of Care Essay.  The gap challenges the manager to ensure that customers get the level of service that they believe is needed. Most organizations in the service care industry fail to meet the client’s expectations on customer experience. The Anatomy of care demonstrates through several scenarios that the management of the hospital is neither aware of the customer expectation, nor takes care of the expectations to ensure that the institution meets the customer needs. The scenario where the hospital’s Charge Nurse Janice Williams directs a client to a room without looking at her demonstrates that the management does not have a model that ensures that the caregivers in the institution provide the client’s expected experience. The gaps model of service quality also contains for other gaps that organization should focus on to ensure that they provide the best service care to patients. Among the gaps include the second gap which is the gap between the management perception of the customer experience and the actual specification of the customer experience (Blogger, 2013).

Dimension of Quality

The dimension of quality refers to some of the dimension customers use when evaluating service quality. Customers evaluate and rate the quality of service in a given hospital based on several factors.The Anatomy of Care Essay.  The five dimensions of service quality provide a critical analysis of some of the dimension’s hospital clients use to access and evaluate the type of service they receive. Dimensions of quality affect the customers rating of the hospital or the caregiving institutions. Fred Lees’ book “If Disney ran your hospital stresses the importance of customer rating and the difference between a four-star rating to a hospital and the five-star rating. According to Fred Lee, the loyalty of a customer who gives a four-star rating is more likely to be affected than most institutions may perceive. Some of the dimensions of service quality that are contained in the five dimensions of quality service include the physical dimension which deals with issues with physical assets of the hospital like the leaking ceilings with molds in the meeting scenario. In the scenario, Janice Williams identifies the leaking of the ceiling as an environmental use that the hospital should put into a keen perspective. The Anatomy of Care Essay.

The appearance of physical facilities is among issues that customer put into deep consideration when rating a hospital. The second dimension of service quality is the issue of communication, which relates to how the hospital staff communicates to the customers and the clients. Another dimension of quality is known as reliability. Reliability refers to the customers to perform customers dependable and securely. Other issues that relate to dimensions of quality include responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Empathy refers to the caregiver’s ability to show empathy and sympathize with the customers, and to give them time to talk about their illnesses. Responsiveness refers to the caregiver’s willingness to respond to the customer’s emergency needs and to help them with prompt services (Dye, 2010)

Service Marketing

Service marketing refers to the ability of an institution to market the services of its company based on values and relationships. Service market relates to the issue of marketing of a company’s services through good relationships with customers and upholding values of the institution. Organizations should ensure that they provide their client with the services that market their brand through actions. Service quality involves the response to customer demands, communication with customers and the ability of the service care providers to meet customer demands . The Anatomy of Care Essay. A scenario in the Anatomy of Care that demonstrates the lack of Service marketing is the case of the Charge Nurse is the scenario where the nurse responds to a customer who needs time and company y explaining to him the procedure and directing a nurse to take care of him. The move might be the right thing to do depending on the workload but not the type of service that would build relationships with the patient and demonstrate organizational Values. Service marketing is about demonstrating organizational values while also building relationships with customers to ensure that they remain loyal and give a positive review of their experience in the hospital. According to Fred Lee’s If Disney Ran Your Hospital, the priority for caregivers should not be the procedures, but instead the customers experience.

Disney Concepts.

If Disney Ran Your Hospital demonstrates several issues that would be different within the hospital environment if Disney was in charge. Fred Lee combines his experience in the healthcare industry with his time at Disney to identify key areas that the healthcare industry needs to perform differently in by imitating Disney’s model of marketing. According to Lee, the fact that Disney does not work in the healthcare industry does not prevent it from formulating policies that may help the industry thrive. Lee proposes nine key concepts that would change in the running of a hospital if Disney managed the hospital. In the book, Lee identifies top drivers of patient satisfaction in the healthcare industry. Among them, the book identifies how well customers work together, overall cheerfulness of the hospital and skills of nurses among other issues that are key to patent satisfaction. The Anatomy of Care Essay.

Additionally, the book also identifies staff etiquette and cleanliness among other issues that may influence customer rating.

Lee’s book also identifies some of the factors that can help hospitals ensure customer loyalty by raising customer satisfaction. Among the issues include raising the score of customer satisfaction, obtaining the loyalty of the patients as well as ensuring that customers welfare is the hospital’s staff’s priority. According to the book, some of the measures that hospitals can take to ensure that they run like Disney would include hiring cheerful employees, training of caregivers as well as teaching positive language to customers to ensure that they show compassion and positive attitude towards patients. Hospitals should also provide that they stress the importance of continually briefing customers on the status of their condition and to ensure that they communicate in polite languages that assure the parents of their eventual wellbeing. As an administrator in the hospital, it would be relevant to communicate the importance of customer satisfaction to the fellow staff to improve the situation discussed above (Lee,2004).



The Anatomy of Care provided very memorable examples of how a hospital can change from a good institution that cares for its customers to an institution that is not a patient’s preference. The Anatomy of Care Essay. This essay combines the information from the Anatomy of Care game with the provisions of Fred Lees book to arrive at solutions over that would help caregiving institutions relate well with their patents and rate higher among patients. This essay also demonstrated the relevance of customer satisfaction to customer rating and loyalty. The essay mainly tries to demonstrate that to keep customers, employees and management have to make them happy.


Blogger, G. (2013). Service Quality Gap Model. Verint Connect,




Lee, F. (2004). If Disney ran your hospital: 9 1/2 things you would do differently. Bozeman, MT: Second River healthcare press.

Dye, C. F., & Lock, J. D. (2010). Leadership in healthcare: Essential values and skills. The Anatomy of Care Essay.