Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development Essay

Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development Essay

According to Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development, tt 55 years, J.L. would be considered to be a patient in the 7th developmental stage. In this stage, commonly referred to as Generativity vs. Stagnation, people experience the need to create things that outlast human vulnerability (Cherry, 2018). At 55 years, it means that the patient is already in the old age period where most people starts to fade away. At this stage, the patient has to feel like a contributing member to society. However, this may not happen as most of them starts suffering from old age diseases. The patient has to accept the fact that she is growing old and may not have enough time to change anything big in her remaining time, and therefore, she will want to feel like a noble member of the society. Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development Essay.

Socioeconomic considerations:

It will involve assessing her financial status and her support systems as well as a background check of her personal life to provide optimum care for the patient. J.L. needs to feel appreciated and essential by contributing to her daily care through physically doing her chores and financially supporting herself. She should not feel like a burden to other people. It will require assessing her personality and work towards realizing these goals. Some of the conditions affecting most patients are due to social-economic conditions

Cross-cultural considerations:

J.L is a female of Caucasian origin. It is important to understand her lineage and her specific roots. It is also important to understand her cultural backgrounds and beliefs and how they affect her psychological state in the recovery process. What are her opinions of Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and how does this affect her recovery? Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development Essay. What is the opinion of her cultural background on palliative care? Different communities have different beliefs when it comes to health issues. In some communities, there are those conditions and diseases that are considered as a curse; therefore, as the doctor, it’s good to understand the patients stand towards the condition. In other communities, a female patient is not supposed to be treated by a male patient, and that is their belief. Other some of these traditions are changing with time.

Ethical considerations:

It is crucial to listen to the opinions of the patients to understand what they feel about the treatment. Some patients would prefer procedures such as euthanasia in cases where they suffer from terminal diseases, among other factors to die peacefully. Nursing is an involving process that requires many aspects and involvement. She needs to be mentally ready for recovery, and she needs support from everyone, and therefore, the nurses should ensure ethical decision making when dealing with the patient. Family members are also encouraged to be there and help in the recovery process.


Additional info needed to formulate actual diagnosis:

Digital medical records on her medical history need to be accessed. In hospitals today, patient’s records are stored in digital devices, and this means that any information required by the doctor can be assessed quickly. In this case, its good to get some information if there are other cases from the family. Some diseases are hereditary, and this makes it difficult to treat. Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development Essay. If this information is verified, then the doctor can know where to start.

She has a mental condition known as Obsessive-compulsive disorder, whereby she picks items from the left side. Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development Essay.

Erik Erikson is known as “The Father of Psychosocial Development” due to his work in the field of developmental psychology. Two of his most well known achievements are coining the term lifespan development and his eight stage theory of psychosocial development. Erikson was born on June 15, 1902, in Frankfurt, Germany. Although he had converted to Christianity from Judaism, Erikson and his family fled to The United States during World War II due to the Nazi rule over Germany. On May 12, 1994, Erik Erikson died at the age of 91 after a brief illness in Massachusetts. Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Developmental Theory The first stage of Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development is infancy. Infancy lasts from birth to one year during which time children learn about trust and mistrust. At this age babies are wholly dependent on others, so they learn to trust when they are given sufficient care, both physically and emotionally. Mistrust is established by unpredictable care and by cold, distant parents. For example, if an infant is talked to, held often, and always taken care of when crying, they learn to trust that someone will be there whenever they need help. On the other hand, when a baby is left crying for long periods of time and not always fed or getting diapers changed often, they in all likelihood, will not trust that they are always safe. Stage two of Erikson’s theory is toddlerhood, lasting from one to three years old. During the toddler stage children learn

Erik Erikson is a developmental psychologist that was prominent in 1963 who provided a framework that is used as a basis of understanding adolescent mind’s journey through psychosocial development. Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development is rooted in a belief that social aspects of development hold a greater importance than the physical and biological. Erikson didn’t see an endpoint in his theory, as throughout life a person keeps developing. As such Erikson’s theory has a total of 8 stages, starting from birth and continuing until late adulthood. What are these 8 stages?Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development Essay.  Erikson has given them stage names associated with the developmental task that must be developed within the age range. The stages from birth to late adulthood are as follows. Trust vs mistrust, autonomy vs shame and doubt, initiative vs. guilt, industry vs. inferiority, identity vs. role confusion, intimacy vs. isolation, generativity vs stagnation, and finally integrity vs despair. Whew, that is a mouthful. What do the stages actually represent? Starting at the beginning, Trust vs Mistrust, a child is born. Congratulations you ‘re now a part of this world. Im sure you need a minute or two to come to grips with your existence. Okay now that you’are all settled let ‘s explain Erikson’s stages of development you will be going through using the assigned textbook, Child and Adolescent Development for Educators . The 1st stage is about a child developing a sense of trust that their world is predictable. Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development Essay.