Recruitment Matrix Worksheet Paper

Recruitment Matrix Worksheet Paper

Include the following in the matrix:

  • Five recruitment strategies or methods
  • Strategies might include job fairs, online résumé submission, or planned networking events.
  • Internal or external strategy identification
  • A detailed 200-word description of the strategy and why the strategy is appropriate for health car


Recruitment Matrix Worksheet

HCS/341 Version 6


University of Phoenix Material

Recruitment Matrix Worksheet

Part 1

Complete the following matrix.

In the matrix, you must identify five recruitment strategies or methods, including whether they are internally or externally focused, and describe each in 100 to 200 words. In your description, include why the strategy is appropriate for health care.

Recruitment Strategy or Method External or Internal Description and Appropriateness for Health Care

Part 2

Create a graphic image identifying the different components of the selection process. Examples of a graphic image are flowcharts, Venn diagrams, graphs, and slides.

Insert your image and description in the space below or attach it as a separate document along with this one.

Part 3

Using the table below, explain the differences between job analysis, job description, and job specification

Job Analysis Job Description Job Specification

Recruitment Matrix Worksheet Paper