Nurse Anesthetics Essay

Nurse Anesthetics Essay

Nursing positions are in demand! Healthcare teams and professionals actively team up to supply education to prospect nurses. Not only are entry level nurses in high demand, but specialized nursing positions need to be filled. There are currently 100,000 nurse anesthetists in the American work force which service 60-70 percent of the population in the United States. How can these positions be sufficiently staffed to create a better United Health care system? All the steps to achieve a C.R.N.A. position take specific professional experience, competence in a specialized work environment, and specific personal and professional attributes. It is a highly competitive field of study with many more prerequisites than a standard registered nursing program. These positions present many challenging tasks, but great rewards in performance of one’s duty.Nurse Anesthetics Essay


Necessary Professional Requirements
Any person who longs to achieve the position of a C.R.N.A. must be ready for a challenging journey. I discovered that all applicants must have a B.S.N. or a bachelor’s degree in a Healthcare/Science related field of study, which on average takes 8 semesters to complete. The standard minimum GPA for a C.R.N.A program is a 3.0, although, “the typical accepted applicant carries an average GPA of 3.6” according to Chief Nurse Anesthetist, David Rowan, C.R.N.A., of the UCDAVIS Health System located in Sacramento, CA. He also states,
“the selected candidate will generally have to have good letters of recommendation, a GRE score of 310, generally 2-3 years practical working experience in acute care as a registered nurse, and a specific number of cases completed Nurse Anesthetics Essay

With all of the different specialties in healthcare, some get overlooked or may be under the radar. An uncommon and often disregarded career choice in healthcare is that of a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist or a Doctorate of Nurse Anesthesia Practice. Although not many people know about these healthcare careers, they play a vital role within the healthcare team. This field is growing rapidly and the likelihood of coming into contact with a nurse anesthetist during a hospital stay is on the rise. Knowing the history, education, responsibilities, and career outlook for a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist or a Doctorate of Nurse Anesthesia Practice can aide in understanding their very specific role in the care of patients.Nurse Anesthetics Essay
(History of Nurse Anesthesia Practice. 2010, May), (Koch, E., Downey, P., Kelly, J. W., & Wilson, W. 2001). The education for CRNAs has always been an important factor in this career choice. The difference in the educational requirements from 1909 have changed tremendously. In 1909, the average nurse anesthetist could become a CRNA in only seven months. The average schooling as of 2014 is about two to four years in addition to obtaining a bachelor degree as a registered nurse. (History of Nurse Anesthesia Practice. 2010, May). The requirement for education is on the rise. A lot of hospitals are pushing their anesthetists to obtain a doctorate in the field instead of just a masters; this is the difference between a DNAP and CRNA. Anesthesia is a very high risk career in the medical scene, so the proper education is vital to having a successful career. These programs are available in most states. Even though the education for Nurse Anesthetists is on the rise, there are still a few states that have yet to adopt a CRNA or DNAP program.Nurse Anesthetics Essay

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Nurse Anesthetist

A nurse anesthetist has been a career that has interested me since my childhood. I think that nursing would fit my personality and me. Another reason for my interest in nursing is because I am concerned with the well-being of others. Many strengths that I have in school are leading others and being a detail-oriented and persistent person; however, my weaknesses are taking risks and problem solving. I am willing to go through college for at least four or more years to get the best degree and best salary possible. I would prefer to work in a hospital with a stable work environment and predictable routines. On the basis of my interests and strengths, I believe that becoming a nurse anesthetist would be the ideal career for me.Nurse Anesthetics Essay

The history of nursing learned throughout generations has developed into a modern field of study. Putting patients to sleep first developed in the 1840s with the use of ether and chloroform-soaked cloths. Before ether, the only form of saving someones life was alcohol or opium to kill the pain (Cosgrove 751). During the Middle Ages, certain religious groups were especially devoted to tending the sick. These group members were taught several nursing methods of practical experience. It was the efforts of Florence Nightingale in the mid-1800s that brought about the recognition of nursing as a technical profession. Training for nurses actually began in the nineteenth century. In 187, the first class of privately trained nurses was graduated in the United States. Nurse Anesthetics Essay

For 125 Years Advanced Practical Nurses have been safely providing anesthesia care to more than 22 million surgical, obstetrical, and trauma patients each year in the United States. Nurse Anesthetists administer every type of anesthesia, work in every type of practice setting and provide care for all types of operation or procedure. They are used in collaboration with Surgeons, Anesthesiologists, Dentists, Podiatrists, and any other qualified health professional. A high degree of autonomy and professional respect is given to Nurse Anesthetist’s because of the their advanced education and practice level. There are 36,000 Nurse Anesthetists in the United States as of 2010, with 45 percent of these being male compared to the 8 percent of male in nursing as a whole. CRNA’s are the sole providers of anesthesia in two-thirds of all rural hospitals in the United States enabling facilities to offer obstetrical, surgical and trauma stabilizing services.Nurse Anesthetics Essay
The working condition for CRNA’s is very good because they can work at just about any medical facility. Traditional hospital surgical suites are the most common place because of the high number of surgeries involving CRNA assistance takes place. Dentist offices, Podiatrists and even Plastic Surgeons also use these nurses to safely monitor and put their patients under. The least common are pain management specialists, military hospitals, Public Health Services and Veteran affairs but still need a Nurse with advanced training for their patients. There are many options on where to work depending on what you are interested in which also makes the job exciting knowing you have all these good options. Nurse Anesthetists carry a heavy load of responsibility and are compensated accordingly.
In order to get your Nurse Anesthetist degree you must finish a twenty-six month accredited Nurse Anesthesia program. To be accepted into this program you must be a licensed Registered Nurse with your Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or another appropriate Bachelor’s degree. On top of this, one year of experience in an acute care setting or Intensive Care Unit (ICU). CRNA programs which lead to Master’s degree, take two to three years and include clinical training in University-based or large community hospitals. Once Schooling and training is finished, Nurse Anesthetists must pass the National Certification Exam before practicing begins. Forty hours of continued training is also required every two years to keep up with advancements.Nurse Anesthetics Essay
Nurse Anesthetist’s salary varies depending on experience, where you work, how much you work, private or public practices or higher position is achieved. According to the starting salary for a CRNA is about $110,000 with an average salary of $160,000. Pay increases for Nurse Anesthetists practicing in specific areas and with more experience your pay could reach the higher end of the spectrum at $200,000 plus. Temporary CRNA’s who fill in at health practices get an hourly wage of $95.00 to $105.00 an hour depending on the area and practice which adds up to $3,800 to $4,200 in a forty hour week which adds up to about $212,800 to $235,200 a year but it is harder to find steady work for forty hours a week all year. With experience, Nurse Anesthetists can advance to higher pay and supervisory positions. They may also join private surgical practices.


The idea of taking care of someone and providing assistance to a complete stranger is something not many people do. Seeing people at their worst, during a difficult, challenging and frightening moment of their life is not a job many people would take. However, being there for a person at their time of need is what captivates me the most. Nursing, a career I want to pursue and one that is on my to-do list. Being a nurse entails a lot of things; you must be strong, passionate, hardworking, and caring. Becoming a nurse is my ultimate career goal. In the long term a clear-cut decision would be to further continue my education and become an Nurse Anesthetist with a Master’s degree.Nurse Anesthetics Essay

As I complete the final year of my high school education, I realize that I must focus on my goals and interests in order to make intelligent college curriculum decisions. I have always been considering a career in health, but the opportunities and diversification in the health field have perplexed me. I have always thought the job of a nurse anesthetist was extremely interesting, and it would be a great way to contribute to helping the lives of others.
Nurse Anesthetists are simply registered nurses who are educated to specialize in anesthesia. Anesthesia describes drugs and gases that help to block sensation, and they keep patients unconscious while in surgery (Career: Nurse Anesthetists).
The main goal of the CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist), which is extremely important, is to have the patient awake free of pain (6). CRNAs, or Nurse Anesthetists, are responsible for administering, supervising, and monitoring anesthesia- related care for those patients undergoing surgical procedures. Before the surgery, the CRNA obtains information regarding the patient’s medical history, evaluates the patient’s anesthesia needs, and develops a treatment plan with the goal of a risk-free and uncomplicated surgery. The CRNA then explains the planned procedure to the patient, and answers any question that they may have. Lastly, just before the surgery, this caregiver administers a sedative to the patient to help them relax, so that the upcoming procedures will follow more smoothly. Following the sedative, the CRNA uses educational skills to combine drugs to achieve and maintain unconsciousness, promote insensibility to pain, and muscular relaxation for the patient. Throughout the patient’s surgical experience, the CRNA monitors their vital signs, such as blood pressure and heart rate, and maintains their blood, water, and salt levels Nurse Anesthetics Essay