NURS 6521 week 6 Assignments Essay

NURS 6521 week 6 Assignments Essay

Walden University Question 1 1. Which of the following would be the most important safety-related instruction for a nurse to give to a patient taking baclofen (Lioresal)? A.


Learn to self-administer the drug B. Do not walk or drive after taking the drug C. Discontinue the use of alcohol D. Take a laxative when needed 1 points Question 2 1. A clinic nurse is following a 9-year-old boy who is taking somatropin. Which of the following will the nurse monitor periodically? A. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) levels B. Dehydration C. Height D. Water retention 1 points Question 3 1.NURS 6521 week 6 Assignments Essay  A nurse is developing a care plan for a patient who has multiple sclerosis. An expected outcome for the patient who is receiving glatiramer would be a decrease in A. chest pain. B. heart palpitations. C. breathing difficulties. D. fatigue. 1 points Question 4 1. A patient with diabetes has had a cough for 1 week and has been prescribed a cough syrup (an expectorant). What special instructions should the nurse include in the patient teaching for this situation? A. Monitor glucose levels closely B. Wash hands before and after taking the medicine C. Note the time the medicine is taken each day D. Keep track of any gastrointestinal tract infections 1 points Question 5 1. A 70-year-old woman who is on long-term ibuprofen therapy for osteoarthritis has returned to the clinic for her regular 6-month visit. In the last couple of months, she has been having increasing periods of abdominal pain. The nurse suspects that this pain may be related to A. anemia. B. interstitial nephritis. C. peptic ulcer disease or gastritis. D. constipation. 1 points Question 6 1. A nurse is caring for a 61-year-old man who has had a severe attack of gout while in the hospital for food poisoning. The nurse administers colchicine intravenously in order to A. avoid aggravating the gastrointestinal tract. B. minimize the risk of depressed bone marrow function. C. ensure quick distribution of the drug. D. prevent the risk of infection or bleeding. 1 points Question 7 1. A patient receives 25 units of NPH insulin at 7.AM. At what time of day should the nurse advise the patient to be most alert for a potential hypoglycemic reaction? A. Before lunch B. Late afternoon C. After breakfast D. Bedtime 1 points Question 8 1. A nurse is teaching a patient about his newly prescribed drug, colchicine, for gout. The nurse will instruct the patient to avoid which of the following foods? A. Milk B. Shrimp C. Eggs D. Green beans 1 points Question 9 1. A 43-year-old woman was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 2 years ago and has experienced a recent exacerbation of her symptoms, including muscle spasticity. Consequently, she has been prescribed Dantrolene (Dantrium). In light of this new addition to her drug regimen, what teaching point should the woman’s nurse provide? A. “This will likely relieve your muscle spasms but you’ll probably develop a certain amount of dependence on the drug over time.” B. “We’ll need to closely monitor your blood sugar levels for the next week.” C. “There’s a small risk that you might experience some hallucinations in the first few days that you begin taking this drug.” D. “You might find that this drug exacerbates some of your muscle weakness while it relieves your spasticity.” 1 points Question 10 1. A 13-year-old patient has juvenile arthritis. He has recently had oral surgery and was told by the surgeon to take aspirin for the pain. The nurse will monitor for which of the following? A. Agranulocytosis B. Hepatotoxicity C. Aplastic anemia D. Bronchoconstriction 1 points Question 11 1. A 33-year-old man has developed acute gouty arthritis. He has been prescribed colchicine. When developing a care plan for this patient, which factor will be most important for the nurse to consider? A. Ethnicity B. Typical daily fluid intake C. Dietary habits D. Work environment 1 points Question 12 1. A diabetic patient being treated for obesity tells the nurse that he is having adverse effects from his drug therapy. The patient has been taking dextroamphetamine for 2 weeks as adjunct therapy. Which of the following adverse effects would need the nurse’s immediate attention? A. Jittery feeling B. Decreased libido C. Dry eyes D. Increased blood glucose 1 points Question 13 1. A patient in need of myocardial infarction prophylaxis has been prescribed sulfinpyrazone for gout. Which of the following will the nurse monitor the patient most closely for? A. Renal dysfunction B. Hypothermia C. Bleeding D. Hypotension 1 points Question 14 1.NURS 6521 week 6 Assignments Essay  A nurse is working with a 57-year-old man who is a former intravenous drug abuser. He has been prescribed a weekly dosage of methotrexate for his rheumatoid arthritis. Which of the following will the nurse include in her teaching plan for this patient? A. Avoid high-fat foods B. Drink plenty of water every day C. Avoid red meat D. Take the tablets before bedtime 1 points Question 15 1. During long-term desmopressin therapy in a 48-year-old woman, it will be most important for the nurse to assess which of the following? A. The patient’s diet B. The patient’s environment C. The condition of the patient’s skin D. The condition of the patient’s nasal passages 1 points Question 16 1. A patient is taking gabapentin (Neurontin) for spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis. Which of the following should be the priority for monitoring? A. Cardiac function B. Respiratory function C. Hepatic function D. Renal function 1 points Question 17 1. A nurse is instructing a patient in the administration of regular insulin by the subcutaneous route. Which of the following strategies would the nurse suggest if the goal is to promote absorption of the regular insulin? A. Rotate injection sites by using the arm one day, the stomach the next day, and the thigh the day after and then repeating the cycle. B. Administer the medication 30 to 60 minutes after a meal. C. Select one injection site for regular insulin injections and use it exclusively. D. Select one anatomic area for regular insulin injections and then use serial locations within that area. 1 points Question 18 1. A nurse will instruct a patient taking allopurinol to take each dose A. at night. B. after a meal. C. first thing in the morning. D. before a meal. 1 points Question 19 1. A male patient with a diagnosis of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis is in the clinic to discuss with the nurse the possibility of self-administration of glatiramer. During the patient education session for self-administration, the nurse will emphasize A. the need to use only the thigh muscle for the drug injection site. B. the need to avoid crushing the tablet. C. the need to rotate the injection site of the drug. D. the need to place the tablet under the tongue. 1 points Question 20 1. The nurse is conducting a medication reconciliation of a new resident of a long-term care facility. The nurse notes that the resident takes allopurinol on a daily basis for the treatment of gout. What is the primary purpose of this drug? A. To balance urate concentration and prevent gout attacks B. To promote the remodeling of damaged synovium C. To potentiate the metabolism of dietary purines D. To achieve pain relief in joints affected by gout 1 points Question 21 1. A 65-year-old woman has an advanced form of rheumatoid arthritis. Her treatment includes a regular dosage of methotrexate. The nurse will advise her to take which of the following vitamin supplements while taking the drug? A. Vitamin C B. Vitamin B C. Vitamin D D. Vitamin A 1 points Question 22 1. A 66-year-old woman has experienced a significant decline in her quality of life as a result of worsening rheumatoid arthritis. Her physician has prescribed etanercept and the nurse is responsible for facilitating this new aspect of the patient’s drug regimen. This will involve the administration of A. weekly administration of an enteric coated tablet. B. weekly subcutaneous injections. C. daily, oral administration . D. daily, outpatient intravenous therapy. 1 points Question 23 1. A nurse has been invited to speak to a support group for persons with movement disorders and their families. Which of the following statements by the nurse addresses the chronic nature of these diseases and the relevant drug therapies? A. “Drugs do not cure these disorders; they instead enhance quality of life.” B. “Drugs used to treat these disorders always pose a risk of severe liver and kidney dysfunction.” C. “Drug therapy can consist of one or more drugs to eliminate the symptoms of these diseases.” D. “Persons of all cultures are treated similarly and respond in similar ways to treatment.” 1 points Question 24 1. A nurse is caring for a patient who has been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Levothyroxine (Synthroid) has been prescribed. Before the drug therapy is started, the nurse will assess for which of the following? A. The patient’s age B. Allergy to seafood C. History of taking anticoagulant drugs D. Hirsutism 1 points Question 25 1. A nurse will monitor which of the following when assigned to a patient taking allopurinol for chronic gout who visits the clinic every 2 months? A. Liver function tests B. Blood pressure C. Blood sugar levels D. Body temperature 1 points Question 26 1. To minimize the risk of adverse effects of glucagon when given to an unconscious diabetic patient, as the patient regains consciousness, the nurse should A. administer carbohydrates. B. monitor for nausea and vomiting. C. administer calcium supplements. D. position the patient in the side-lying position. 1 points Question 27 1. A nurse is instructing a patient who was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis about dantrolene (Dantrium). The patient is a 38-year-old-male and the foreman for a construction company. In order to minimize one important adverse effect of the drug, the nurse will give the patient which of the following instructions? A. Decrease the dosage if any adverse effect is experienced B. Have a complete blood cell count done weekly C. Wear appropriate clothing and sunscreen whenever he is in direct sunlight D. Eat a high-protein diet 1 points Question 28 1. A 32-year-old female patient is taking tizanidine (Zanaflex) for spasticity related to her multiple sclerosis. The nurse will inform the patient and her husband that the adverse effect that poses the greatest safety risk to the patient is A. constipation. B. dry mouth. C. fatigue. D. hypotension. 1 points Question 29 1. Following an assessment by her primary care provider, a 70-year-old resident of an assisted living facility has begun taking daily oral doses of levothyroxine. Which of the following assessment findings should prompt the nurse to withhold a scheduled dose of levothyroxine? NURS 6521 week 6 Assignments Essay A. The resident has not eaten breakfast because of a recent loss of appetite B. The resident’s apical heart rate is 112 beats/minute with a regular rhythm C. The resident received her annual influenza vaccination the previous day D. The resident had a fall during the night while transferring from her bed to her bathroom 1 points Question 30 1. A 34-year-old male patient is prescribed methimazole (MMI). The nurse will advise him to report which of the following immediately? A. Epigastric distress B. Vertigo C. Intolerance to cold D. Loss of appetite NURS 6521 week 6 Assignments Essay