NURS 6521 week 4 Assignments Essay

NURS 6521 week 4 Assignments Essay

NURS 6521N Week 4 Quiz (2018): Advanced Pharmacology:


Walden University Question 1 A nurse is providing education to a 56-year-old man who is admitted to the emergency department with an acute asthma attack. The nurse’s initial assessment reveals that the patient has a history of pneumonia, drinks large quantities of coffee, and eats a high-calorie diet. Albuterol is prescribed for him. The important consideration when the nurse is preparing a teaching plan will be that the patient A. prefers a high-calorie diet. B. has a high coffee intake. C. is a 56-year-old man. D. has a history of pneumonia. 1 points Question 2 A man who smokes one pack of cigarettes daily has been diagnosed with chronic bronchitis. He has been prescribed theophylline by his family doctor. What effect will the patient’s smoking status have on the therapeutic use of theophylline? A. The patient may require higher doses of theophylline than a nonsmoker B. Theophylline may be contraindicated due to the risk of an anaphylactoid reaction C. The patient may require administration of an inhaled bronchodilator before each dose of theophylline D. The patient will require serial blood testing to ensure a safe serum level of theophylline 1 points Question 3 The parents of a 7-year-old boy who has just been diagnosed with allergic asthma are being taught about their son’s medication regimen by the nurse. NURS 6521 week 4 Assignments Essay The nurse is currently teaching the parent’s about the appropriate use of a “rescue drug” for acute exacerbations of their son’s asthma. What drug should the nurse suggests the parents to use in these situations? A. Beclomethasone B. Acetylcysteine C. Theophylline D. Albuterol 1 points Question 4 A nurse is assigned to a patient who is receiving IV aminophylline. The nurse is aware that the IV infusion rate should be A. no more than 25 mg/minute. B. not less than 15 mg/minute. C. no more than 100 mg/minute. D. not less than 10 mg/minute. 1 points Question 5 A 70-year-old woman has a complex medical and a current drug regimen that includes calcium and vitamin D supplements for osteoporosis, metformin (Glucophage) for type 2 diabetes, phenelzine (Nardil) for depression, and metoprolol (Lopressor) and furosemide (Lasix) for hypertension. The woman is requesting dextromethorphan for the treatment of a recurrent cough. What component of her drug regimen contraindicates the use of dextromethorphan? A. Phenelzine (Nardil) B. Calcium supplements C. Metformin (Glucophage) D. Metoprolol (Lopressor) 1 points Question 6 A patient is in the clinic for seasonal allergic rhinitis. Loratadine (Claritin) is prescribed. Which of the following statements will the nurse include when providing patient education concerning this drug? A. “You should take the medication twice a day.” B. “Determine if the drug is going to make you drowsy before you drive.” C. “Be sure to take this medication on a full stomach.” D. “This drug has to be taken every 4 to 6 hours.” 1 points Question 7 A 72-year-old man is prescribed theophylline for symptomatic relief of bronchial asthma. Which of the following findings would alert the nurse to the need for close monitoring? A. Need for additional bronchodilation B. Hypersensitivity to povidone C. Signs of an active lung infection D. Enlarged prostate gland 1 points Question 8 A college student has presented the campus medical clinic complaining of cold symptoms that he has been experiencing for the past 2 weeks. He tells the nurse that he has been taking OTC decongestants twice daily since the onset of the cold. What teaching point should the nurse provide to this student? A. “You can probably expect to get relief within the next few days or a week at the longest.” B. “You might find yourself more congested than ever as your body compensates for your use of these drugs.” C. “It’s best to take small doses of decongestants several times daily rather than two larger doses each day.” D. “Over-the-counter decongestants don’t normally work; you’ll likely need to get a prescription for something more effective.” 1 points Question 9 A female patient calls the clinic and reports that since she has been taking dextromethorphan (Robitussin), she has been extremely drowsy and dizzy. The nurse will question the patient about which of the following? A. The amount of tea or soft drinks she has during the day B. The number of cups of coffee she has during the day C. The amount of water she drinks every day D. The amount of grapefruit or orange juice she has during the day 1 points Question 10 A 53-year-old man has been treated for severe asthma for several years with prednisone. Recently, his physician initiated alternate-day therapy for him. The patient tells the nurse that he would rather take the medication every day to prevent confusion. Which of the following would be the best response by the nurse? A. “This schedule will enable you to lose weight.” B. “This schedule will decrease the cost of your medication.” C. “This schedule will be more convenient for you.” D. “This schedule allows rest periods so that adverse effects are decreased but the anti-inflammatory effects continue.” 1 points Question 11 A 54-year-old male patient with small-cell lung cancer is receiving etoposide. The nurse will carefully monitor for which of the following? A. Hypoglycemia B. Hypertension C. Tachycardia D.NURS 6521 week 4 Assignments Essay  Hypotension 1 points Question 12 A patient with a diagnosis of nonsmall cell lung cancer is currently undergoing chemotherapy. At the encouragement of a family member, the patient has announced to the nurse his intention to complement this treatment with a regimen of herbal remedies. How should the nurse respond to this patient’s statement? A. “It’s important to discuss what herbs you’ll be taking with your doctor or the pharmacist to make sure there aren’t any interactions.” B. “It’s likely best to begin taking herbal remedies after you’ve completed this round of chemotherapy.” C. “Unfortunately, your current chemotherapy program will likely preclude the use of herbs.” D. “If that’s something in which you and your family see potential benefit, I’d encourage you to pursue it.” 1 points Question 13 Which of the following will a nurse inform the patient is one of the most common adverse effects of guaifenesin (Robitussin)? A. Increased blood glucose B. Urinary retention C. Gastrointestinal distress D. Increased blood pressure 1 points Question 14 A 72-year-old female patient is prescribed ipratropium aerosol for pulmonary emphysema. The nurse will instruct her to “test spray” the new metered-dose inhaler (MDI) three times before using it to prevent which of the following? A. Asymptomatic elevated hepatic enzymes levels B. Anaphylactoid reaction C. Symptomatic hepatitis with hyperbilirubinemia D. Paradoxic acute bronchospasm 1 points Question 15 A 47-year-old woman has been diagnosed with open-angle glaucoma. Pilocarpine drops are prescribed. The nurse’s assessment reveals that the patient has worn soft contact lenses for 15 years. The nurse will instruct the patient to A. stop wearing the contact lenses during the pilocarpine therapy. B. apply the contact lenses and wait 5 minutes before applying the drops. C. remove the contact lenses before applying the drops. D. apply the drops directly on the contact lenses. 1 points Question 16 A 57-year-old male patient who has been prescribed doxorubicin for small-cell lung cancer is advised by the nurse to avoid taking aspirin or drugs that contain aspirin because it may A. cause extravasation injury. B. cause acute nausea and vomiting. C. cause a radiation recall reaction. D. promote bleeding. 1 points Question 17 A 20-year-old woman calls the clinic at 5 PM and reports to the nurse that she forgot to take her morning dose of fexofenadine (Allegra). She usually takes her evening dose at 8 PM. She wants to know what she should do. The nurse will instruct her to A. skip the evening dose and start back in the morning. B. forget about the morning dose and take the evening dose. C. take the morning dose now and the evening dose at the regular time. D. double her evening dose. 1 points Question 18 A 68-year-old man complains of a chronic, nonproductive cough. He states that he has to have relief, that he has been coughing every 2 to 3 minutes, and he is worn out. Dextromethorphan is prescribed for him. Before he leaves the clinic he asks how long it will take for the medicine to work. The nurse will advise him that he should experience therapeutic effects in A. 60 minutes. B. 15 to 30 minutes. C. 5 minutes. D. 10 minutes. 1 points Question 19 A nurse is caring for a female patient who has developed atelectasis because of thick mucus secretions. The nurse is monitoring IV administration of acetylcysteine (Mucomyst) and notices that the patient’s face is flushed. The appropriate nursing action would be to A. remove any residual drug from the patient’s face. B. slow the administration of acetylcysteine and administer diphenhydramine if ordered. C. stop the administration of acetylcysteine. D. dilute the acetylcysteine solution. 1 points Question 20 A female patient has been taking prednisone for her asthma for 1 month. The nurse will teach her to gradually decrease her dose of prednisone to avoid A. gastrointestinal problems. B. adrenal insufficiency. C. menstrual irregularities. D. hypokalemia. 1 points Question 21 A 24-year-old factory worker has been prescribed guaifenesin for the first time. Which of the following will be a priority assessment by the nurse before the patient’s first dose? A. The amount of alcohol consumption B. The amount of fatty foods eaten daily C. The amount of salt intake D. The number of cigarettes smoked per day 1 points Question 22 A high school student was diagnosed with asthma when he was in elementary school and has become accustomed to carrying and using his “puffers”. In recent months, he has become more involved in sports and has developed a habit of administering albuterol up to 10 times daily. The nurse should teach the student that overuse of albuterol can lead to A. severe anticholinergic effects. B. permanent liver damage. C. community-acquired pneumonia. D. rebound bronchoconstriction. 1 points Question 23 A 25-year-old woman comes to the clinic because of a chronic, nonproductive cough. Assessment reveals that she has a history of asthma and dextromethorphan, (Robitussin) is prescribed for her. The nurse will question this order because A. serotonin syndrome may result. B. persistent coughing may develop. C. respiratory secretions may be thickened. D. secretions may be retained. 1 points Question 24 A nurse is providing patient education to a 42-year-old man who has been prescribed dextromethorphan (Robitussin). The patient is a crane operator for a local construction company. The nurse’s assessment reveals that the patient is a smoker and has diabetes. The most important safety consideration while the nurse is designing a plan of care for this patient would be the fact that he is A. a diabetic. B. 42 years of age. C. a crane operator. D. a smoker. 1 points Question 25 A patient with bronchial asthma is prescribed a sustained-release preparation of theophylline. To help minimize the adverse effects of the drug, which of the following should the nurse suggest? A. Take it with a meal B. Take it on an empty stomach, 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals C. Take it with foods containing xanthines, such as caffeine D. Increase the drug dosage up to 50% 1 points Question 26 A female patient, age 36, is prescribed inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) for daily use. Which of the following adverse effects should the nurse closely monitor for in this patient? A.NURS 6521 week 4 Assignments Essay  Pharyngeal Candida albicans infection B. Suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis C. Delayed growth D. Hypotension 1 points Question 27 After a recent history of shortness of breath that has become increasingly severe, a woman has been prescribed ipratropium by MDI while she undergoes a diagnostic workup. What patient teaching should the nurse provide to this patient? A. “Make sure that you take this at the scheduled times, regardless of whether you feel short of breath.” B. “It’s important that you perform deep breathing exercises before and after taking ipratropium.” C. “You should think of this as an ’emergency drug’, and it should only be used when you experience symptoms.” D. “Most people find that ipratropium cures their lung disease within a few months.” 1 points Question 28 Children age 6 to 11 are recommended to start with what dosage of Allegra? A. 30 mg twice a day B. 65 mg twice a day C. 120 mg twice a day D. 240 mg once a day 1 points Question 29 A male patient is to begin treatment for pneumonia with an albuterol (Ventolin) inhaler. The nurse will advise the patient that he will most likely experience which of the following common adverse effects of the drug? A. Headache B. Dyspepsia C. Muscle cramps D. Throat irritation 1 points Question 30 A woman has a long history of seasonal allergies that are typically accompanied by rhinorrhea, red eyes, and frequent sneezing. Sneezes are a result of A. stimulation of goblet cells and mast cells by the presence of microorganisms. B. elevated CO2 levels that are detected by chemoreceptors in the large vessels. C. a CNS reflex that is initiated by receptors in the nasal cavities. D. a reflex that is caused when irritants come into contact with cilia. NURS 6521 week 4 Assignments Essay