NP Collaborative Practice Agreements in the Sate of Texas.

NP Collaborative Practice Agreements in the Sate of Texas.


In many states, nurse practitioners are completely autonomous professionals. In other states, however, NPs have a wide range of “restrictive” practice ranging from requirements for a “supervising” physician to requirements for a “collaborative” agreement with a physician In this Practicum Journal Assignment, you will examine the requirements of your own state in order to prepare yourself for the realities of practice upon graduation.


Students will: Analyze state PMHNP practice agreements Analyze physician collaboration issues Analyze barriers to PMHNP independent practice Create plans for addressing state PMHNP practice issues To Prepare for this Practicum Journal: Review practice agreements in your state. Identify at least two physician collaboration issues in your state. (TEXAS) For this Practicum Journal: Briefly describe the practice agreements for PMHNPs in your state. (TEXAS) Explain the two physician collaboration issues that you identified. Explain what you think are the barriers to PMHNPs practicing independently in your state. Outline a plan for how you might address PMHNP practice issues in your state.NP Collaborative Practice Agreements in the Sate of Texas.

Practice agreements for PMHNPs in Texas call for nurses’ provision of primary healthcare to patients with mental health problems. Nevertheless, a formal agreement is needed between the PMHNP and the person whose task is to supervise, like a doctor (Scope of Practice Policy, n.d). Standard procedure guidelines are established and revised every year. The Texas Regulations require PMHNPs to recognize mental health problems and care for patients with psychiatric disorders and psychological issues. Even so, a nurse’s administration of medications is governed under the Texas nurse Practice Act, which entails that the prescription agreement must be signed. The agreement outlines the medications, equipment as well as other things that could be needed for care.NP Collaborative Practice Agreements in the Sate of Texas.

As per the existing regulations, PMHNPs can provide advice and counseling to clients with psychological disorders. They can also take part in educating family members with an experience of mental illnesses. Additionally, PMHNPs can suggest screening for mental illnesses to assist patients in becoming knowledgeable and implement self-care interventions that enable them to solve challenges. They will achieve so, however, by collaborating with other doctors and practitioners. When a doctor is certified in Texas, he or she has the right to begin private practice. In contrast, medical assistants and PMHNPs cannot work individually and therefore, should be closely monitored by the designated doctor (Scope of Practice Policy, n.d).NP Collaborative Practice Agreements in the Sate of Texas.

Physician Collaboration Issues That Were Identified

           The two collaborative issues that I identified include the delivery of pharmacological treatment and physician dominance.

Under pharmacological treatment administration, the Psychiatric-Mental Health nursing Practitioner should work alongside the doctor to administer medicine that assists patients in recovery from the mental illness. Under this situation, the agreement allows PMHNPs to remain in touch with the psychiatrist to give clients the right treatment. The PMHNP should also guarantee that the recovery process for psychiatric patients meets the objectives and outcomes established to guarantee that patients achieve mental health and stability.NP Collaborative Practice Agreements in the Sate of Texas.

Regarding physician dominance, a shortage of adequate understanding and uncertainty about the field of operation of the PMHNP is the biggest obstacle to collaboration. Physicians and PMHNPs collaborate to offer best practices and effective services to psychiatric patients. Nevertheless, a conventional style of operation focuses on hierarchy results in counterproductive cooperation between physicians and NPs (Hain& Fleck, 2014). This is because physicians view themselves as superior to other staff members, which inhibits the capability of NPs to function at their competence level.NP Collaborative Practice Agreements in the Sate of Texas.

Barriers to PMHNP Independent Practice in Texas

           Nurse Practitioners in Texas have attempted but failed to gain freedom due to the provisions that connect them to professional oversight. e PMHNPs pursue the freedom to administer and administer treatment for patients without signing agreements with physicians as mandated by regulations (Alfaro, 2017). Nonetheless, the freedom of PMHNP is confronted with two significant barriers.NP Collaborative Practice Agreements in the Sate of Texas.

           One of the barriers includes physician barriers. Several Texas Doctors think that PMHNPs cannot deliver safe and high-quality treatment like them. The reason is that doctors receive intensive and prolonged learning than other nursing staff (Alfaro, 2017). Physicians also claim that NP-physician agreements are crucial because they facilitate care delivery. The point is that doctors are more competent than NPs. Nevertheless, certain doctors are conscious of the importance of PMHNPs towards healthcare provision.NP Collaborative Practice Agreements in the Sate of Texas.

State and licensure barriers are also a challenge in independent practice in Texas. The Texas State License governs the operation of PMHNP, and this restricts their abilities to deliver healthcare at the degree of their expertise and professional knowledge. Many state-laws and licensures differ, and others grant PMHNPs maximum professional authority that permits assessment of patients PMHNPs performance of diagnostic order examinations, and initiation of patient treatment and condition management by PMHNPs (Hain& Fleck, 2014). Nevertheless, PMHNPs in Texas are fully limited and cannot perform without the oversight of doctors or other healthcare professionals.NP Collaborative Practice Agreements in the Sate of Texas.

How to Address PMHNP Practice Issues

           The best solution to resolve practice issues in Texas is to guarantee that PMHNPs are permitted to operate individually and make use of their skills (Altman, Butler &Shern, 2016). One way to achieve this mission is to eliminate state regulations and limitations on licenses that hinder the practice of PMHNPs. Enabling complete exercise where PMHNPs may assess, administer testing, and commence therapy without supervision by physicians guarantee hat NPs provide healthcare services to the degree of their expertise and experience. PMHNPs undergo a higher degree of clinical and patient care training sufficient to deliver secure and reliable treatment for patients. Withdrawal of state constraints will be an advantage PMHNPs, clients, and the entire state by offering better and quality healthcare.NP Collaborative Practice Agreements in the Sate of Texas.