Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory, Mental Health and Long-Term Care.

Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory, Mental Health and Long-Term Care.

APA formatted essay with at least 2 scholarly references that addresses all of the following bullet points: 1. Given the increasing longevity of Americans and the costs of providing long term care, anticipation of the costs should be a major element of every family\’s financial planning. Current information suggests however, that very few families or individuals give this consideration. What factors might impede this advance planning? What measures might be effective in raising awareness among Americans about this important matter? 2. Identify the major factors that have resulted in the shift in utilization from inpatient hospitalization to ambulatory care services. What are the implications of this shift for hospitals, consumers and the health care delivery system as a whole? 3. The recipients of mental health services in the U.S. represent only a small percentage of those in need of services. Discuss the factors that impede access to mental illness treatment.Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory, Mental Health and Long-Term Care.


Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory, Mental Health and Long-Term Care

The increasing longevity of Americans is a key driver towards the high costs of healthcare. However, research shows that a small proportion Americans plan long-term care, although the majority will need it. Approximately two of every three Americans will require long-term care when they get at the age of 65, for about three years (Silvestre et al., 2015). Yet, the majority of populations over the age of 40 have not planned on long-term care. In the US, most of the population underestimates the rates of long-term care and overestimate the cost to be covered by insurance entities such as Medicare. While majority worry of issues associated with aging, such as being burdens to family members or memory loss, only a few set aside funds for long-term care.Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory, Mental Health and Long-Term Care.

Factors Impeding Advanced Planning for Long-term Care

Various factors obstruct early planning on long-term care for these American families. For instance, most Americans ignore the thought of aging, and they prefer not to think about aging and its associated factors. Instead, they prefer living at the moment. They place a huge concern about losing their independence and fully relying on their families as they age. The majority are also worried about leaving their homes into nursing homes. Therefore, a significant majority of the American population prioritize other things that accord them more independence. For example, they purchase homes with no stairs, live close to family members, and reside in areas close to healthcare facilities. Through this, they are confident in relying on family members in times of need.Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory, Mental Health and Long-Term Care.

Additionally, most Americans feel that long-term healthcare services should be provided informally at their homes by family members and friends who serve as caregivers. However, it is notable that informal caregivers experience high costs of care, including lost income and increased stress. Further, Americans feel that the federal government should bear the cost linked to long-term care (Silvestre et al., 2015). As a result, most end up confused about how to compensate long term care. Americans aged 40 and older expect to rely heaving on Medicaid to cover their long-term care costs. However, Medicare does not cover the majority of costs linked to long-term care, such as nursing home care, assisted living facilities, and home health care aides.Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory, Mental Health and Long-Term Care.

Effective Measures in Raising Awareness among Americans on Long-term Care

Training Americans on early preparation for long-term care is a vital measure geared towards improving awareness of the prominence of long-term care. Populations should understand that medical care triples as individuals advance with age. As individuals near sixty years, they are highly likely to need long-term care. Training for the population should encourage families to start saving early for long term care by making them realize the difference made by advanced planning (Broyles et al., 2015). Admittedly, educating the broader public on early planning for their long-term care is difficult. In this case, targeting millennials who understand the significance of life insurance is crucial. Buying health plans when young creates an affordable payment in the future.Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory, Mental Health and Long-Term Care.

Additionally, healthcare entities should stress the importance of long-term care to evade informal care problems. Specifically, informal care is associated with economic and societal burdens, encompassing decreased outcomes for families, and the concomitant desire to tap public assistance resources. Making the transference of assets difficult is another way to ensure that Americans invest in long-term care. Additional strategies for raising long-term care awareness include establishing alternatives to nursing homes and coordinating acute and long-term care to reduce costs.Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory, Mental Health and Long-Term Care.

Factors behind the Shift in Utilization from In-patient Hospitalization to Ambulatory Care

Various elements have contributed to increased utilization of ambulatory health care facilities and a shift from inpatient care.


Most outpatient or ambulatory healthcare facilities can be set up in less expensive areas and less inflated to build and operate than hospitals.Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory, Mental Health and Long-Term Care.


Ambulatory healthcare facilities highly meet patient expectations as they offer easy access to clinical services with shorter visit lengths, two aspects that drive patients’ expectations of care.Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory, Mental Health and Long-Term Care.

Patient Management

Outpatient healthcare facilities effectively engage patients and consider them equal partners in care management. These facilities, therefore, provide preventive care is less expensive settings (Beans, 2016). Seeking affordable care is the goal of every American. Patients, therefore, tend to shift to outpatient facilities that are more affordable compared to inpatient settings.Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory, Mental Health and Long-Term Care.

Physician Support

In ambulatory care settings, health workers work in tandem with physician groups to conduct healthcare procedures. As a result, such an approach creates numerous referrals for patients.

Chronic disease management and the presence of medical technology are additional factors behind the shift to ambulatory care services. Outpatient facilities easily manage chronic diseases, and the availability of technology allows ambulatory facilities to deliver coordinated care regimens to patients.Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory, Mental Health and Long-Term Care.

Impact of the Shift to hospitals, Consumers, and Healthcare System

The increasing focus on outpatient care will impact hospitals by reducing the number of admissions. Ultimately, this will impact hospital-related performance metrics. The continued decline in inpatient utilization stems from patients becoming more price-sensitive and seeking value-based care. The shift will affect the overall financial profile of hospitals. Concerning health consumers, the shift will benefit patients as they will access convenient, high-quality, affordable clinical services outside hospital settings. Patients will obtain value-based healthcare services. The impact on the overall health systems will translate into the reduction of healthcare costs (Beans, 2016). Ambulatory healthcare facilities are efficient, and patients incur lower costs in the treatment of chronic diseases. Outpatient facilities provide low-cost care and extend to underserved areas.Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory, Mental Health and Long-Term Care.

Factors that Impede Access to Mental Illness Treatment in the US

The impediments to mental healthcare access in America are considerable issues that impact the US population’s well-being.

Social Stigma

According to Knaak et al. (2017), the stigma associated with mental health diseases prevents the population from seeking treatment for mental health conditions. Stigma has been acknowledged as a top hindrance to mental care access and recovery for persons with mental health diseases. Stigma also impacts health-seeking behaviors for both patients and providers.Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory, Mental Health and Long-Term Care.

Financial Barriers to Mental Health

Even after the institution of the Affordable Care Act requiring medical insurers to cover mental and behavioral healthcare, the cost of treating mental health conditions restricts adequate access to mental health services. For most of the population, lack of sufficient financial resources prevents them from accessing mental health services.Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory, Mental Health and Long-Term Care.

Inadequate numbers of Mental Health Professionals

As the US continues to face a rapid shortage of healthcare workers, the shortage of mental health specialists is way steeper. According to Costa (2016), approximately 89 million Americans live in federally designated areas with a shortage of mental health specialists. Further complicating the issue is that the federal government has limited reimbursement, meaning that fewer individuals chose to specialize in mental health education as few can afford the out-of-pocket costs.Non-Hospital Entities: Ambulatory, Mental Health and Long-Term Care.