Nature of The CPD Activity/Practice-Related Feedback.

Nature of The CPD Activity/Practice-Related Feedback.


Reflective account one: Appraise the underlying pathophysiology and presentation of acute physical health conditions.
What was the nature of the CPD activity and/or practice-related feedback and/or event or experience in your practice?Nature of The CPD Activity/Practice-Related Feedback.


Trauma and orthopedic nursing care continue to be vital managing joints, musculoskeletal, and connective tissue conditions. Trauma and orthopedic nurses have a responsibility to provide surgical, clinical, and rehabilitative healthcare services to debilitated patients (Taylor, 2015). During my placement in the trauma and orthopedic ward, I got to learn how most orthopedic illnesses progress slowly from the mild to the advanced or chronic form. The pain accompanied by most of the orthopedic diseases compromised patients QoL, and ability to perform ADLs.Nature of The CPD Activity/Practice-Related Feedback.

Nature of The CPD Activity/Practice-Related Feedback

Diagnosis and management of knee pain

Lessons from The CPD Practice Experience

Student placement is a concept that has greatly impacted the nursing profession, particularly trauma and orthopedic nursing. My placement in the trauma and orthopedic ward influenced my ability to analyze patients’ thoughts, actions, and feelings, and determine the patient’s needs. This presented an opportunity to learn from experience and actual practice, which is one of the main pillars of professional development, as well as an integral aspect of ensuring growth in nursing.Nature of The CPD Activity/Practice-Related Feedback. During my placement, I attended to different patients and each patient’s case was a learning milestone. I was able to diagnose and manage arthritis and a major case in point was a 58-year-old female patient who presented with complaints of pain on the left knee and a history of right hip arthroscopy. A comprehensive assessment revealed that the patient also had groin pain. She could hardly verbalize pain nor appropriately respond to questions due to severe pain.Nature of The CPD Activity/Practice-Related Feedback.

It was interesting to note that, most of the patients in the trauma and orthopedic ward presented with the complaint of knee pain, which was a good area for clinical inquiry to conduct further research and implement the findings for best outcomes. As I assessed this patient, the priority diagnoses of knee pain were mechanical injury and osteoarthritis. Arthritis refers to tenderness and swelling in one or more joints which worsen with age and its primary symptoms are stiffness and joint pain. I particularly diagnosed primary osteoarthritis since the patient had no history of a predisposing disease or trauma, but had several predisposing factors (female gender, BMI 33(obesity), and age (58 years) (Chen & Hung, 2015).  Besides, there was also radiographic evidence of non-uniform loss of the left knee joint spaces, the formation of osteophytes, and cysts to support this diagnosis.Nature of The CPD Activity/Practice-Related Feedback.

Osteoarthritis (OA) affects between 3.3%-3.6% of the global population and results in moderate-severe disability among 43 million people. As a result, it is the 11th most debilitating condition across the globe. In the US, Sen & Hurley (2020) approximate that 80% of individuals aged 65 years and older are the most affected and have radiographic evidence of OA, which makes it an issue of significance.Nature of The CPD Activity/Practice-Related Feedback.

How I Improved My Practice

I developed a better understanding of arthritis, particularly the ability to distinguish types of arthritis, to differentiate primary and secondary osteoarthritis, make a clinical diagnosis of osteoarthritis using radiologic and laboratory evidence, and managing osteoarthritic pain. However, I learned that, understanding the predisposing factors and pathophysiology of osteoarthritis are key to being efficient and accurate in diagnosing arthritis. OA affects an entire joint including the subchondral bone, articular cartilage, the meniscus, and synovial tissue. As highlighted by O’Neill & Felson (2018), its pathophysiology relies on the interchanging mechanisms in the formation of osteocytes, cartilage degradation, subchondral sclerosis, and synovial hyperplasia.Nature of The CPD Activity/Practice-Related Feedback.

This placement also improved my understanding of arthritic pain which is associated with poor QoL and worse functional outcomes. It was the most predominant symptom that made patients seek care, was localized to the affected joint, had aggravating, and relieving factors. Identifying the mechanisms and sources of OA is significant as this can help to target patients with specific and appropriate therapy. Besides, as suggested by Senthelal, Li & Goyal (2020), this understanding can also help tin recognizing alternate therapies. Although I found a wide range of evidence-based resources and guidelines about arthritic pain, the unpredictability of different responses to therapy resulted in disappointment and frustration for the patient.Nature of The CPD Activity/Practice-Related Feedback.

With regards to managing OA, I was able to focus on specific goals to improve joint mobility, physical functioning, and overall QoL. The management specific-goals were: preventing joint damage, reducing pain, and preventing loss of function. In the course of pain management, I also took into account costs, adverse effects, patient preferences, comorbid conditions, and individual risk factors.Nature of The CPD Activity/Practice-Related Feedback.

Relevance to The Code

Practice effectively – obtaining the knowledge required to practice safely and effectively

Preserve safety – requesting for assistance from experienced healthcare providers when taking history, performing an assessment, or interpreting laboratory/radiological tests that require a comprehensive and in-depth understanding.

Nature of The CPD Activity/Practice-Related Feedback.

What did you learn from the CPD activity and/or feedback and/or event or experience in your practice?


How did you change or improve your practice as a result?



How is this relevant to the Code?
Select one or more themes: Prioritise people – Practise effectively – Preserve safety – Promote professionalism and trust

This is the learning outcome to be meant


LO1: Appraise the underlying pathophysiology and presentation of acute physical and mental health conditions.Assessment 1:
LO2: Monitor and interpret information, in a prompt and timely manner, in relation to the deteriorating person.Assessment 2:
LO3: Analyse the short and long term physical, psychological and social aspects associated with the deteriorating patient and acute episodes of care.Assessment 2: LO4: Reflect upon clinical workplace practices to evaluate and develop strategies for future development.Assessment 3:Nature of The CPD Activity/Practice-Related Feedback.
LO5: Demonstrate the ability to appropriately escalate and manage patients within an acute episode of care in line with theNMC (2018) code and scope of practice for the Nursing this is the learning outcome to be meant

Nature of The CPD Activity/Practice-Related Feedback.