Leadership Strategy Essay Paper

Leadership Strategy Essay Paper

As a nurse, you serve an important role in identifying strategies to effectively manage health care resources and in leading health care quality improvement. You must be able to decide what leadership style or strategy to apply in a given situation to achieve an effective resolution of the issue. Read the following two scenarios and select one to focus on in this Discussion. Consider the leadership style or strategy that might be most effective in the scenario you selected.

Scenario 1

You work in a for-profit nursing home, with about 100 beds, on a 20-bed unit that is largely patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Your patient mix is predominantly Medicare and Medicaid patients. Your nursing home is part of a larger system that includes a major medical center, as well as VNA, outpatient dialysis, and a fully integrated network. Your nurse manager is getting feedback from the hospital that your nursing home is sending too many patients to the ED who really don’t need to go. How would you go about figuring out what could be done at the nursing home to prevent avoidable ED visits? Leadership Strategy Essay Paper

Scenario 2

You’ve been associated with an outpatient cardiology clinic that is part of a large academic medical center. Your patients are mostly charity care and managed Medicaid. Most have a prescription plan, but none have a “family doctor” and use the clinic (and the ED) regularly. Most are unfamiliar with their medications and do not have the resources for care coordination in their family/social network. About 25 CHF patients have been “lovingly,” but inappropriately, called “frequent fliers” because of their inability to manage their own care, their frequent visits to the ED, and their “one night stays” paid at the observation rate. As a staff nurse in this clinic, describe the strategies you could devise for you and your fellow staff nurses targeting these 25 patients. Find at least one article from the professional literature to corroborate your recommendations.

Select one of the scenarios, and post the following:

Describe the most appropriate leadership style and/or strategy to apply in the scenario you chose in order to implement the recommendations successfully. Justify your selection. Leadership Strategy Essay Paper

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature. Your posts need to be written at the capstone level (see checklist)

Notes Initial Post: This should be a 3-paragraph (at least 350 words) response. Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Utilize essay-level writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Avoid quotes; paraphrase to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference list is required. Use the most current evidence (usually ≤ 5 years old). (Refer to AWE Checklist, Capstone)

Sources have to be 5 years or less and must be wrote in APA 7th edition.

Leadership Strategy

Minimizing avoidable emergency department (ED) visits are a crucial goal in the health system. Essentially, the ED is a primary source of inpatient admissions and according to research, it accounts for 50% of all inpatient admissions (Nichols &Eagerton, 2020). However, the EDs tend to pose financial and medical resource problems since they have been mandated to offer care to all patients as stipulated under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labour Act. According to studies, 16% of patients taken to ED are uninsured (Nichols &Eagerton, 2020). Over the years, the number of people being taken to ED has increased due to the role played by ED as the observational units to navigate medically unnecessary admissions. As a result, the current ED capacity is in crisis and requires initiatives to minimize unnecessary ED visits. Leadership Strategy Essay Paper


Strong leadership is key to the realization of a transformed health care system. Since healthcare leaders operate in a dynamic field that is characterized by a constant need to offer the safest, efficient, and high-quality care (Nichols &Eagerton, 2020). Therefore, to achieve their goals, they ought to lead administrative and clinician’s team while managing the resources. The leader should be adept with the shifting regulations, the fast-growing and evolving technology as well as clinical advancements and costs.

Effective leadership will help address the current situation where the number of visits at the ED ought to be reduced. The most appropriate leadership style, in this case, would be situational leadership since it states that different situations require different leadership styles (Nichols &Eagerton, 2020).

Essentially, the nursing manager should examine the situation at hand and determine the most appropriate leadership style, for example, in the attempt to minimize the number of visits at the ED, a situational leader may require people to work collaboratively and the leader will offer their support. Leadership Strategy Essay Paper

One of the ways, the organization can reduce the visits is to create a campaign that helps members of the public that it is better to always call their doctors before they head to the ED. Research shows that if patients called first, they would significantly minimize the need to visit ED (Nichols &Eagerton, 2020). Therefore, the campaign is meant to train patients to learn to call their physician first. However, it is important to note that the campaign does not mean that results will be realized immediately but to understand the campaign will be a genesis of a culture shift particularly for people who used to use the ED frequently.

Secondly, the selected team by the leader can design handouts that will guide and direct patients to the right places of care. For example, the handouts can have maps or retail clinics and urgent care, contact information, and how to access telehealth capabilities the organization offers, and the reasons to access them (Pearson, 2020). Thirdly, promotion of personal health triage applications. Since a certain demographic may not bother with the educational handout, it is important to have an app for them. Ideally, a situational leader should be up to date with the latest technology and adopt some applications that are useful for personal health guides. Essentially, these apps are designed with a series of triage questions that are important to determine whether it is important to visit an ED or not.Leadership Strategy Essay Paper

This leadership style encompasses different leadership approaches such as telling, selling, participating, and delegating (Pearson, 2020). It is the most ideal in this situation since it acknowledges that a one size fits all leadership approach does not always work.


Nichols, L. S., Bordelon, C. J., &Eagerton, G. (2020). Engaging Nursing Students With Leadership Fables: An Innovative Teaching Strategy. Nurse educator45(4), 177-178.

Pearson, M. M. (2020). Transformational leadership principles and tactics for the nurse executive to shift nursing culture. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration50(3), 142-151. Leadership Strategy Essay Paper