Health Essay Topics

Writing about health can be an interesting and rewarding experience if you choose the right topic. Whether you are looking for something to write about for a school assignment or are just interested in exploring the many health areas, there are plenty of ideas for interesting health essay topics. In this article, we will provide some great ideas to get you started on your health essay.

What is a healthy essay?

A healthy essay is an organized piece of writing carefully constructed to ensure it meets all the requirements for a successful composition. A clear introduction, body, and conclusion are connected with meaningful transitions. Additionally, a healthy essay should have a strong thesis statement that develops the main idea and guides the reader through the essay.

The structure of a healthy essay should be well-constructed to keep readers engaged and actively reading. This can be achieved using concrete evidence from reliable sources, including factual information and logical arguments to support an opinion or point of view. The body should also include accurate citations for any sources used and an appropriate style of language that is concise and vivid in its description.

How to Choose Health Essay topics

Choosing the correct health essay topics is critical to ensuring your paper succeeds in its mission. Whether you are writing for a medical journal, an academic assignment, or to help spread awareness about important issues, it’s essential that you select topics that are interesting and relevant for your readers. Here are some tips on how to choose health essay topics:


  • Do some research and consider current trends when selecting potential topics
  • Pay attention to any hot-button issues that may be making headlines in the media and recent developments in medicine and healthcare. This will help ensure that your essay is both topical and engaging
  • Ensure to consider factors such as audience demographics when selecting appropriate topics – after all, what works for one group may not necessarily appeal to another
  • Researching and learning about relevant public health policies can be beneficial for providing an informed perspective within your essay.
  • Ensure that any sources used are reputable to avoid providing inaccurate information in your essay
  • Think about how much knowledge and research is available on the subject so that you can write an informed essay

General essay topics on health

  1. Explore the relationship between diet and physical activity and its effect on overall health
  2. How does what we eat affect our physical well-being
  3. What types of exercise should we be doing regularly for optimal fitness
  4. Explore the power of preventative care in terms of both physical and emotional health
  5. Alternative medicine
  6. Are parents responsible for teaching their children about preventative healthcare?
  7. What is the impact of technology on healthcare delivery
  8. How does nutrition affect physical, mental, and emotional health
  9. Access to quality healthcare for all people regardless of economic class or ethnicity
  10. Preventative measures for illnesses such as obesity or diabetes

Public Health Essay Topics

  1. Social determinants of health can be explored through writing
  2. Disparities in healthcare exist between different socioeconomic groups or racial communities
  3. Mental health in disadvantaged communities
  4. Public health education initiatives
  5. The differences in access to healthcare and outcomes between particular communities
  6. The effects of air pollution, water contamination, and other environmental issues on public health
  7. How mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety affect public health outcomes
  8. How nutrition, both good and bad, affects physical and mental well-being over time
  9. The effectiveness of current vaccine policies in preventing disease outbreaks worldwide or in certain communities or countries
  10. Epidemiology and public health surveillance systems

Mental Health Essay Topics

  1. Anxiety and depression
  2. PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
  3. How has technology changed the way we understand mental health
  4. What role does genetics play in mental illness
  5. The prevalence of anxiety disorders in young
  6. How media affects body image issues
  7. The Role of Social Media in Mental Health
  8. The Impact Of Social Media On Mental Health
  9. The importance of mental health awareness
  10. The impact of stigma surrounding mental health issues

Environmental Health Research Paper Topics

  1. The effects of toxic chemicals on the environment
  2. How climate change affects people’s wellbeing
  3. How different countries handle various aspects of environmental health
  4. How certain agricultural practices impact water sources or soil quality
  5. Chemical runoff from manufacturing plants and its effects on local wildlife communities
  6. How human actions such as deforestation or over-fishing can lead to changes in local biodiversity levels
  7. The role climate change plays in public health
  8. The social, economic, and environmental implications of climate change
  9. The relationship between air pollution and asthma rates
  10. The impacts of water pollutants on aquatic ecosystems

Personal Health & Wellness Topic For An Essay

  1. How nutrition plays a role in maintaining good personal health and wellness
  2. The benefits of exercise for aiding in improving physical and mental health
  3. The importance of mental health through coping strategies for stress management
  4. The benefits of physical activity
  5. How food choices affect energy levels
  6. The relationship between diet and chronic illness prevention
  7. How environmental toxins have impacted public health over time
  8. Steps individuals can take to make their environment healthier
  9. The influence of diet on mental health
  10. The role of nutrition in achieving optimal health

Obesity Research Paper Topics

  1. Potential treatments for obesity
  2. Preventative measures that can be taken to reduce its prevalence in society
  3. How different societies address the issue of the obesity problem
  4. How healthcare policies have evolved to address rising levels of obesity
  5. The impact of socioeconomic factors on rates of obesity in different populations
  6. The relationship between genetics and obesity
  7. Behavioral patterns associated with obesity
  8. The long-term effect of childhood obesity
  9. The effects of racism on obesity rates among minority communities
  10. The economic consequences of obesity

Schizophrenia Research Paper Topics

  1. The effects of schizophrenia on individuals and society as a whole
  2. The impact that medications have on reducing symptoms
  3. Potential side effects associated with certain drugs used to treat this disorder
  4. The risk factors associated with developing this condition
  5. The causes of schizophrenia
  6. How symptoms can vary between individuals
  7. Treatments that have been developed to manage the condition
  8. The social stigma associated with schizophrenia
  9. Effects of schizophrenia on family dynamics
  10. The clinical manifestations associated with schizophrenia

Cancer Research Paper Topics

  1. The role of lifestyle factors in causing or preventing cancer
  2. How access to medical care affects outcomes for people with various forms of the disease
  3. Exploring emerging treatments
  4. Developments in medical technology that enable earlier detection
  5. Disparities among different racial/ethnic groups regarding diagnosis and treatment outcomes
  6. How lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, or environmental exposures can impact cancer risk or progression
  7. Social aspects on how stigma or lack of knowledge affects individuals’ decisions when it comes to their health would be an intriguing angle for a paper topic
  8. The causes and effects of different types of cancers
  9. The history of cancer research
  10. Various aspects of the social impacts of cancer

Autism Research Paper Topics

  1. The diagnosis process of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
  2. The causes of autism
  3. The current state of medical interventions used in treating people with autism
  4. Ways that parents and educators can help children on the autism spectrum develop skills and abilities essential for success in life
  5. The impact and challenges faced by those living with autism
  6. The latest developments in treatments or interventions
  7. Effective therapies that can be used with autistic individuals
  8. How autistic individuals interact with their environment
  9. How technology can help enhance communication between autistic individuals and those around them
  10. Applications that might be helpful in teaching skills like language and communication

Controversial Health Essay Topics

  1. Whether vaccinations should be mandatory for all children
  2. Whether genetically modified food products should be
  3. The role of technology in improving mental health care
  4. How artificial intelligence could help diagnose and treat patients more quickly and effectively
  5. The impact of climate change on human health
  6. How rising temperatures could lead to increased risk of disease
  7. Allergies that affect population groups differently
  8. The cost of healthcare reform
  9. What strategies have been effective in making medical services more
  10. The ethical implications of advancements in genetic engineering technology

Bottom line

Health essay topics provide an excellent opportunity to explore various issues related to our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. With the wide range of topics available, it is possible to select an issue that is both interesting and relevant to our lives. Researching and reflecting on different health essay topics can help us gain deeper insights into how we can better manage our health.