Health Care Delivery Essay Paper

Health Care Delivery Essay Paper

Heath care providers use various methods for improving the healthcare delivery within the health care organizations. Four major methods include patient-focused care, primary or total advantages and disadvantages.

Patient-focused care method. The major advantage of this method is the fact that health care delivery is totally centered on patients. The team members make decisions jointly to meet the patients’ needs. Patient is the focus of the service and a functional member of the team. The disadvantage of this method is the fact that some prescriptions and advises of health care professionals are often ignored by the patients. This reduces the effectiveness of health care delivery (Chalice, 2007, p. 119). Health Care Delivery Essay Paper


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Primary or total nursing care method combines the concepts of total client care and all-professional nursing staff. The major advantage is the fact that primary nurse is the only person, who establishes the care plan and provides direct care to the client. It creates a close contact between the nurse and the client. However, this fact is simultaneously a disadvantage, because in case of a nurse’s mistake, nobody can save the life of the patient as everybody follows the prescriptions of the nurse. Health Care Delivery Essay Paper

Team method. It resembles the primary nursing method, but in this case, nurses work in a team ruled by the team leader. The major advantage is the team work, as team consideration of the patient’s case assists to understand the cause of the problem and prescribe a proper treatment. However, the disadvantage is the fact that due to the certain number of team members, it is rather difficult to find the guilty person in case of a patient’s death.

Functional nursing method. It presupposes assigning specific tasks to a nurse (medication nurse, treatment nurse, or charge nurse). Again, the advantage is that each nurse has her specific niche with a set of necessary tasks. However, the problem is that such treatment often turns out to be inefficient and ineffective (Humphrey & Milone-Nuzzo, 1996, p. 159). Health Care Delivery Essay Paper