Community Health Nursing Essay.

Community Health Nursing Essay.


Course Description: Continued study of nursing models and application of relevant theories to guide nursing practice as it pertains to health promotion and risk reduction. Using the family as the essential unit of care across all environments within the community, critical thinking and clinical decision-making processes will facilitate the design, management, and provision of care to modify risk factors. It promotes engagement of healthy lifestyles among individuals and families within the community. Specific clinical activities are related to prevention and reduction of health disparities across the life span through the conduct of community assessment and the development and implementation of culturally appropriate nursing strategies reflecting professional values and behaviors.Community Health Nursing Essay.


Prerequisites or Co-requisite:NURS 3000, NURS 3020, SOC 2100

Course Objectives:

At the conclusion of the course, the student will be able to:

A.Describe the current focus of state, national and global health objectives. B.Define health promotion and population-focused nursing practice. C.Utilize principles of public health core functions and health education to formulate population focused health promotion interventions that address the goals of state, national and international objectives (outcomes). D.Function as patient/family advocate by designing, coordinating and managing the provision of nursing care focusing on health promotion and risk reduction in and across all environments. E.Demonstrate knowledge and sensitivity in the care of diverse populations in regard to age, gender, culture, race, religion, socioeconomic status and lifestyle preference. F.Facilitate active family participation in health assessment and the promotion of health lifestyles and health care decisions. G.Conduct comprehensive community assessment to determine family health risks/strengths.Community Health Nursing Essay.

H.Demonstrate effective use of information-based technology in planning health care promotion with families in the community. I.Design and implement an appropriate curriculum for health promotion of families in the community. Program Assessment Plans are located at the following link and can be accessed by clicking on the link in the first column for each program.Community Health Nursing Essay.