Development In The Field Of Nursing Essay Paper

Development In The Field Of Nursing Essay Paper

Health care spending consumes a significant proportion of the national budget. As a result, good management practices should be part of providing cost-effective care to the community. The nursing profession is effective in providing primary care to the community. Even though the practice dates to the 19th century, its significance emerged in the previous decade as a result of changing demographics and global environment. It compliments health care policies through comprehensive nursing assessment, monitoring progress and early intervention. Additionally, it facilitates referrals and social support services such as education to promote self-reliance among people at risk. It combines biophysical, psychological, social knowledge and experience to develop capacity in health care provision. Therefore, the role of public health nursing is changing from contemporary generalist services to specialized and advanced roles in dealing with shifts in demographics, sociological and cultural factors that affect the health of the community.Development In The Field Of Nursing Essay Paper


Public health nursing focuses on the entire community with similar health characteristics. As a result, it is a population-based intervention program that involves everyone at risk. Secondly, it guides assessment of the community’s health status through an elaborate process. For example, the practice develops and prioritizes plans in accordance with research and analysis of risk factors, assets and health status of the community. Additionally, the practice also considers external determinant of health. The determinants are a range of factors that affect the health other than a person’s health risk or illness, and they involve social support networks, income, education and employments status.Development In The Field Of Nursing Essay Paper

Public Health Practice considers preventive measures with a focus on primary care. Prevention activities solve problems before they occur, and, as a result, reduce health and social inequalities. Additionally, they focus on reducing the number of, and exposure to risk factors. Secondly, Public Health Practice integrates care at level of practices, which are at the community, health care system and families. Community-focused approach targets the complete, or section of the community. Systems-focus does not deal with personal or/and community concerns, but with policies that impact healthcare. Lastly, the individual-focus develops positive attitudes and behavior in individuals who are a part of the community.Development In The Field Of Nursing Essay Paper

Significance of Changing Role of Public Health Nursing
Public health is a collaborative effort from the federal state and local government. Depending on the job description, environments and roles, the public health care professions offer different services to the public. As a result, it is a synthetic of nursing theory and public science; a range of models and theories such as community health promotions and primary care, illness and injury prevention, community participation, and community development. The practices require self-motivation since practitioners work autonomously in different settings.Development In The Field Of Nursing Essay Paper

Secondly, since it is a collaborative effort, practitioners need to share information, and consults with the community and colleague. Additionally, they use evidence in decision making by incorporating research finding and best practices in the profession. As a result, public health nurses participate in research by identifying clinical nursing issues. Additionally, public health nurses share knowledge and skill with students. They use practical training model to improve the profession for both parties and integrate innovative techniques. For example, they incorporate ethical, empirical, personal and social-political information to increase understanding on the field.Development In The Field Of Nursing Essay Paper

Public health nursing focuses on the entire group at the community level, which is not in hospitals. As a result, public health nurse focuses on the relationship with groups’ health concerns and the environment. Moreover, the practice focuses on patients’ care as well as the community, and population health promotion and diseases prevention campaigns, which are an interdisciplinary approach on nursing, social sciences and public health. Nonetheless, public health nurses work in diverse settings, and, therefore, interact with an array of stakeholders, services to patients and community members. Such methods include public education and epidemiological research.Development In The Field Of Nursing Essay Paper

Public health care nursing improve public health comprises of different specialists in the field. The practice comprises of different job descriptions and responsibilities for health care workers. Secondly, there is a difference in the training, qualifications and education for health care nurses. Thirdly, most nurses are generalists, and the scope of coverage differs depending on the jurisdiction. The above factors are part, as a result, of national wide shortage in the nursing workforce. For example, there are a high number of support nurses who provide primary care to patients Development In The Field Of Nursing Essay Paper

Public health nurses develop disease preventive measures at the community level. Even though the scope of the profession may seem narrow, nurses assume complex and extensive roles on a daily basis to carter for primary care. The roles involve disease surveillance, patients’ education and public health campaigns. The contribution is significant since it assists in the management of changing demographics, epidemiology, heath care reforms and workforce national wide. For example, the migration of health professions impacts negatively on the workforce, and, therefore, results in inequality in health care systems.Development In The Field Of Nursing Essay Paper

Public health nurses are proactive on social and health care trends, new policies, and changing need that affect the health of families, communities and the entire health care system. It is important to mention that public health nurses are leaders at the community, national and global level. They develop measures and initiatives that empower the community in an aim to improve the well-being, social status and development of a community. The levels of service delivery may be a source for support or stress. For example, national policies may either affect the practices positively or negatively. Other factors include the living condition, health and resources of the committee safety factors.

Preparation, responding and recovering from disaster is a public health priority. As a result, public health nurses play a significant role in meeting the national preparedness objectives. As a result, their role is extensive to cover preventive role and recovery efforts in national and community threats posed by significant risk such as terrorism. Therefore, public health nursing is part of a national framework and disaster planning process for preparedness. Above all, in disaster management, public health nurses focus on service delivery such as dispensing preventive and curative therapies, community awareness, care and managing shelter for displaced persons.Development In The Field Of Nursing Essay Paper

The above working environment requires nurses to have skills and knowledge to develop disaster policies, plans and evaluate preparedness. They also should collaborate with other experts such as laboratories, environmentalists, epidemiologists, social workers and physicians to enhance preparedness, response and recovery capacity at local and global level. As a result, they form a network to maximize preparedness and performance. In fact, nurses are part of response and command centers in leadership and administrative roles. They are an essential part in the health care system within the community and jurisdiction. They link with stakeholders to mobilize resources in developing disaster preparedness and policies at all level of the community.Development In The Field Of Nursing Essay Paper

Future of State of Public Health Nursing
Since the 19th century, public health nursing evolved from direct care for ill and at-risk persons in the community to promoting health, preventing diseases and taking leadership roles in health care and policy making. As a result, change is not only inevitable, but also an essential part of the practice. Therefore, the future necessitates continued emphasis on risk reduction, health promotion and disease preventive measures. Secondly, the field will develop policies that foster diversity in the community’s demographics patterns, which significantly influence service delivery.Development In The Field Of Nursing Essay Paper

Despite the growing rate of health care spending in the U.S., health outcomes do not reflect that. As a result, the changing role of public health nursing is an essential part of transforming the system. For example, the practice is a multifaceted approach with the public health system in developing preventive measures to reduce the growing rate of health care spending.

Additionally, increased training and professional opportunities due to reforms in the health care system, and technology will expand the role and scope of the practice. For example, new technologies may require advanced training and development for practitioners, which will be a challenge or an opportunity. For instance, technology will ease information sharing with colleagues, communities and organizations globally.Development In The Field Of Nursing Essay Paper

In conclusion, the public health nursing profession is an effective tool for providing primary care to the community. The practice existed since the 19th century; however, its significance emerged in the 21st century as a result of changing demographics and global environment. It compliments health care policies through comprehensive nursing assessment, monitoring and intervention through referrals and social support services such as education to promote self-reliance among people at risk. As a result, it is community-based intervention program that involve everyone at risk. It guides assessment of the community’s health status through an elaborate process. For example, the practice develops and prioritizes plans in accordance with research and analysis of health status such as risk factors and assets within the community Development In The Field Of Nursing Essay Paper