Anxiety Disorders And Panic Attack

Anxiety Disorders And Panic Attack

Panic disorders and attacks are often linked; anxiety can come from a number of places. Stein et al. (2010) believes that obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a form of anxiety, as it is a condition wherein people will often fret about an apparent lack of organization, or they feel unease unless they perform a repeated action for a certain number of times arbitrarily. This can often lead to panic attacks in the afflicted individual, as they feel a tremendous amount of anxiety when something is out of place, or they are unable to perform that action. Stein et al. are attempting to get OCD included as an anxiety disorder in the DSM-V, as it most definitely qualifies as something that would cause panic attacks, and requires intervention.Anxiety Disorders And Panic Attack

Perez Benitez et al. (2009) performed a follow up study 1 year after a previous study was conducted regarding anxiety disorders, to see how those participants were faring. The goal was to determine whether or not anxiety sensitivity could be used to foresee whether or not an anxiety disorder would develop in an individual, with a unique focus on panic disorder. Anxiety sensitivity is defined as “the fear of the experience of anxiety and anxiety related sensations”; effectively, people are often well aware of when they will have a panic attack some time before they actually have it (Perez Benitez et al., p. 335). The authors determined that, indeed, anxiety sensitivity can be an indicator of the instance and longevity of a panic disorder episode. The level of anxiety sensitivity experienced in a patient can determine just how long it will last, and how to gauge the course of the disorder. This knowledge of anxiety sensitivity, and the study of panic disorder as an offshoot of anxiety disorders, can be very useful in a future study about that same subject. The presence of anxiety sensitivity can be inserted as a factor in this investigation.Anxiety Disorders And Panic Attack


Kim et al., (2009) explored a particular type of intervention for generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorders – their primary method was cognitive therapy that had a strong basis in mindfulness. These techniques are meant to allow for significant stress reduction in a patient, through group meditation, strengthening of cognitive vulnerabilities and address depressive issues. They conducted a study with 63 Koreans with generalized anxiety or panic disorder, putting them through mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), with the goal of seeing just how well that technique would work to reduce these anxiety and panic symptoms. According to their results, MBCT has a much greater effect than education for reducing the symptoms of anxiety-ridden patients and depressives. This paper shows the effectiveness of a very specific type of intervention for panic disorders and anxiety disorders, and can be very useful as a jumping-off point for this study.

Febbraro (2005) conducted a study in which panic attacks were treated through a couple of different interventions. The first was bibliotherapy, which consists of self-help books which teach patients techniques and thought processes that can curb anxiety and depressive thoughts. The second was minimal contact interventions, which is where the therapist has little to no contact with the patient during the time of the panic attack; this can help to reduce the number of times the therapist communicates with the patient unnecessarily. A combination of the two methods was used in a study, with three variations to see which one was the most effective in treating panic attacks. According to the results, the strategy involving phone contact with the therapist, in conjunction with bibliotherapy, had the greatest level of help for those who underwent the study. This is an interesting and unique intervention that goes beyond mere cognitive behavioral therapy, allowing for the patient to play a part in his or her own treatment. Knowing of this type of intervention can inform my study on effective methods of treating anxiety disorders and panic disorders.Anxiety Disorders And Panic Attack

Byrne, Carr and Clark (2004) incorporate agoraphobia into their study of panic disorders; in their literature review, they investigate the effectiveness of couples-based interventions for PDA, and determine that it is a very effective treatment. Compared with individuals-based cognitive therapy, it is nearly as effective, if not more so; it involves the participation of the partner of the individual patient, making them feel more open and communicative with the therapist. It also helps them to feel more at ease with the situation, and they also receive marital or couples-based treatment as well. Their relationship undergoes therapy and investigation, thus strengthening the bonds of the couple, and putting the patient more at ease. Patients respond more readily to therapy when their partner is also involved, as the partner learns methods of positive reinforcement they can use in interactions with the patient. This type of intervention is also interesting, and can come in handy when discussing possible interventions for use in my study.Anxiety Disorders And Panic Attack