Contemporary Public Health Example

Contemporary Public Health Example

Public health is a branch of science which deals with prevention of diseases thereby, increasing the life expectancy of all the individuals in the overall population. Contemporary public health refers to management strategies which are applied for prevention of various types of diseases within a population. It also aims at improving healthcare services by enhancing and increasing higher standards of living (Chrystyn, Small and Estruch, 2014).  It also focuses on different social and economical variables of health prevailing in today’s generation which has both positive and negative impact on healthcare practices and services. It identifies methods and plans to implement community oriented primary care to all the individuals living in UK. Throughout the history, public health organisations have been focussing on reducing and preventing communicable, non-communicable, viral, bacterial and biological diseases (Gurman, Lebow and Snyder, 2015).Contemporary Public Health Example


The report focuses on the prevalence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorders in Contemporary UK society. Further it will also study different health inequalities which is concerned with the vulnerable group or diseased group of people residing in UK. The report will also explore different health outcomes due to inequalities and various strategies adopted to reduce these discrimination in UK.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in UK.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in UK is one of the most common and prevalent respiratory disease which starts affecting individuals after the age of 32-35 years.  Most of the cases of COPD are not diagnosed before the age of 50 years. Every year more than 3 million people are affected with COPD but only 27% of individuals are diagnosed in UK (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 2016). The main reason behind this is that many people confuse the COPD symptoms with smoker’s cough. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a syndrome of various diseases including, asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and  lung disorders.Contemporary Public Health Example

1. Extent of and character of health inequalities referring to vulnerable groups in relation to COPD in UK.

Health inequalities exists in all parts of the world with an increasing percentage in countries like, UK, Scotland, Ireland and European countries (Hoaas, Andreassen and Zanaboni, 2016). Although various health organizations such as NHS, local health authorities and education have helped in tackling health inequalities in relation to COPD but there is a greater need to increase the strategies in order to prevent discriminations at healthcare level in UK. The extent and character of different health inequalities in relation to COPD are discussed below.

  • UK is not only the country which is suffering from health inequalities, but there are many other countries in the world who are subjected to inequalities in health sector (Hurst, Elborn and De Soyza, 2015).
  • The most important reason behind health equations and inequalities is the presence of socio-economic groups that exist in different parts of the country.
  • Individuals suffering from COPD in UK have higher potential for assets in diagnosis and treatment which indirectly affects the health of vulnerable group (James, Petersen and Donaldson, 2013).Contemporary Public Health Example
  • There are many reasons which contribute to health inequalities in UK. The foremost reason is the difference in socio-economic class . All individuals are born with different physiological stock which gradually depreciates with time (Lippiett, Gillett and Wilkinson, 2015).
  • Diet, stress, smoking habits and exercises are also included in factors which contribute towards health inequalities in UK (McMichael, 2013).
  • Income, socio-economic groups, employment status, per capita income and educational attainment are some variables which account for increasing inequalities in UK. These discriminations have been narrowed in recent times but over the last ten years health inequalities increased (Navarro, Kohl and Markel, 2016).
  • The study suggested that discrimination in relation to COPD in UK have been increased to 13% in women and 7% in men by the end of 2011.
  • These are not only noticed in individuals with socio-economic differences but it is also very common in gender variations, ethnic groups, elderly people and individuals suffering from mental health problems and learning impairments (Network, 2015).
  • There is a greater need of subjecting different types of laws and policies which can effectively eradicate the health inequalities.  Discrimination at healthcare level is also one of the major reasons which has increased the mortality rate of COPD patients in recent years (Reducing health inequities, 2016).Contemporary Public Health Example
2. Holistic factors that influence the health and level of COPD of vulnerable group in contemporary UK society

There are many factors which are responsible for influencing the level of COPD and health in population of UK suffering from COPD (Sørensen, Van den Broucke and Brand, 2012). This includes lack of proper knowledge, inadequate diagnosis and evaluation,lack of proper designs to diagnose and evaluate, improper communication and ethical issues.


  • Due to lack of knowledge about COPD many individuals are confused with the symptoms of COPD and smoker’s cough. This further reduces the chances of diagnosis and recovery in individuals suffering from chronic disorders (Thomas, Radwan and Marshall, 2014).
  • Socio-economic difference in social groups is on of the most important reason which influences the health in population of UK. People with low economic backgrounds are not given assistance and treatment which further deteriorate the health conditions (Tiwari, 2016).
  • A larger percentage of men are reported to suffer from COPD as compared to women. Although the rate of females getting infected with COPD is much higher than men in UK.
  • Gender variations and inequalities is also one of the prominent reason which influences the level of COPD in both males and females (Chrystyn, Small and Estruch, 2014).
  • Most of the cases of COPD and asthma in UK are not reported due to economic and social variability that exist in UK. People who have assets and income to follow up the treatment affects the vulnerable group in negative ways.
  • According to baseline data and sources, a study suggested that out of 3 millions who suffer from COPD every year in UK 12% of the cases are left unreported and undiagnosed due to economic and social backwardness among different social groups that exist in UK (James, Petersen and Donaldson, 2013).Contemporary Public Health Example
  • The main reason which COPD in individuals is excessive smoking habits and chewing of tobacco. 90% of the people who suffer from the major symptoms of COPD are likely to be unaware of reasons which causes COPD.
  • Ethical issues and existence of inequality is also one of the factors which influence the lifestyle, level of disease and health in the overall population of UK (Lippiett, Gillett and Wilkinson, 2015). It has been reported that certain developed areas of UK are supported  and provided better healthcare services to all the people who are diagnosed with COPD.
  • On other hand regions and areas which are under developed and poverty ridden lack all the healthcare assistance and facilities which decreases the health issues in UK.Contemporary Public Health Example