Care for a Person Having Surgery

Care for a Person Having Surgery

Home Care for a Person Having Surgery
A nurse is taking care of a 52 year old female client before a surgery and pre-operative preparations are complete. The nursing responsibilities of preparing client for surgery are ensuring consent forms are signed, allergies and reactions checked, bathing and grooming is done, moving all make-up and ensuring client takes nothing by mouth, verification of charts and aids, insertion of tubing among other duties (“Pearson”, 2012). Some surgical risks include factors related to obesity include delayed wound healing, thrombophebitis, pneumonia among other risks. Respiratory tract issues related to smoking may arise (Roenneburg & Wheeless, 2012). There may also be heart complications following smoking history. The patient is concerned about anesthesia, the nurse’s diagnosis and response includes close monitoring of respiratory pulses, and breathing.Care for a Person Having Surgery


Client is also advised to exercises such as deep breathing, turning and early ambulation (“Pearson”, 2012).
The role of a circulating nurse is to plan, co-ordinate and implement all activities in an operating room that relate to a nurse. The nurse ensures care and comfort for the client during all procedures. The nurse identifies environmental issues that may pose danger, as well as coordinating communication in the team and with external persons. Vaginal hysterectomy is performed in dorsal lithomy patient position, with the patient’s buttock region withdrawn from the surgical platform. Some risks associated with vaginal hysterectomy include post-operative bleeding and urinary tract infections (Roenneburg & Wheeless, 2012). Another risk is accidental bladder entrance if proper care is not taken to ensure the surgical tools access the anterior cul-de-sac (encyclopedia of pelvic surgery). The role of the recovery room nurse is general patient care as they recover from anesthesia. Their responsibilities include handling patients who wake up in confusion, pain, and breathing problems. They nurse also advises patient on quick recovery during discharge (discover nursing) (Roenneburg & Wheeless, 2012). Care for a Person Having Surgery