An Understanding of Knowledge of Advanced Nursing Essay.

An Understanding of Knowledge of Advanced Nursing Essay.


The purpose of this assignment is to promote an understanding of knowledge of advanced nursing that comes from use of an explicit grand nursing theory. Apply a grand nursing theory to only one personal story of a nursing situation. Select a grand nursing theory from the list below:
• Madeleine Leininger’ Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality
• Jean Watson’s Theory of Unitary Caring Science and the Theory of Human Caring
• Anne Boykin and Savina Schoenhofer on their Theory of Nursing As Caring


1. You will need to delve into the theory and really develop a deep understanding of the theory, as well as its strengths and weaknesses.
2. Search the literature for other primary and secondary source material, with an emphasis on primary sources. Reading in depth and broadly will help you to better understand the theory.An Understanding of Knowledge of Advanced Nursing Essay.
3. Using the concepts and conceptual relationships that make up the theory, re-interpret your nursing story in the language of the theory you have chosen; that is, find all the dominant themes of the theory within the nursing situation you have described.
4. Re-write your nursing story in the language of the theory, accurately using the concepts and their interrelationships and the language of the theory in a two page narrative.An Understanding of Knowledge of Advanced Nursing Essay.
a. Introduce the work by naming the theory you will apply to your nursing situation and stating your purpose for the paper
b. In the body of the paper, analyze your nursing story, explicitly using the distinctive language of the theory to answer these four questions:
i. What is the UNIQUE FOCUS of nursing – what is nursing about, what is the unique nursing “take” on health care situations, as expressed in this theory of nursing?
ii. What do nurses DO when they are nursing – what are the activities of nursing, from the perspective of this theory?
iii. Why do nurses do what they do – what is the PURPOSE of nursing, from the perspective of this theory?An Understanding of Knowledge of Advanced Nursing Essay.
iv. What is CREATED in and through nursing – what is the product of nursing, from the perspective of this theory?
c. Conclude your analysis with a sentence or two that describes insights gained into the nursing situation through the experience of viewing it through the lens of a grand nursing theory.An Understanding of Knowledge of Advanced Nursing Essay.

Nursing theories assist nurses to comprehend their role and purpose in healthcare settings. Besides guiding the development of knowledge, these theories direct nursing education, research, and practice while setting the foundation by providing an explicit definition of nursing(Hoeck & Delmar, 2017). Grand nursing theories offer a conceptual framework that identifies the critical concepts and principles of the profession. They are more abstract, accurate and only analyze a specific situation using a limited number of variables. The purpose of this paper is to applyMadeleine Leininger’ Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universalityto a persona story I experienced in my practice setting. Here, the nursing story is described using the concepts and conceptual relationships of Leininger’s theory.

In my current nursing practice, I encountered an elderly Irish woman who was hospitalized and scheduled for surgery in our facility. After talking to her family, I was notified that she had complained of intense pain, an aspect that she had not communicated to me as the attending nurse or the physician. Being culturally aware, I understood that it is a cultural tendency for Irish women to hide the pain. Therefore, I consulted with the physician and granted the family’s request to move up the surgery date. This scenario accurately reflects cultural competence in care delivery, and Leininger’s theory of culture, care diversity, and universality are highly applicable.An Understanding of Knowledge of Advanced Nursing Essay.

Based on this theory, nursing’s unique focus is to assist patients with real or anticipated needs as an approach to improve the human condition of concern. In the scenario, moving the patient’s surgery date up was behavior or action that reflects this nursing focus. It was meant to improve her condition by alleviating pain. The action was highly essential for the patient’s survival, well-being, and capacity to deal with life events effectively.

According to Leininger’s theory, the nurse’s role is to demonstrate feelings of compassion, interest, and concern to others. All activities of the nurse should, therefore, be directed to the provision of care. When nursing, health professionals must direct all their efforts towards the patient’s cultural features to integrate into the nursing process. The scenario incorporated the patient’s cultural preferences into her care plan and understood that hiding pain is a characteristic of Irish women. Agreeing to move the surgery date up was a nursing action driven by the patient’s cultural factors.An Understanding of Knowledge of Advanced Nursing Essay.

From this theory’s viewpoint, the purpose of nursing is to provide patient care congruent with the patient’s cultural values, practices, and beliefs. I respected the patient’s values by considering her family’s request to move up the surgery date as they were acting in the best interests of the patient.An Understanding of Knowledge of Advanced Nursing Essay.

From the perspective of Leininger’s theory, the product of nursing is cultural care(McFarland & Wehbe-Alamah, 2019). She defines cultural care as the broad, holistic means through which nurses can know, understand, and analyze care phenomena to guide their practice. The primary focus of nursing care frameworks is to help nurses eliminate ethnocentric assessments to effectively deliver care that is responsive to their cultural needs and preferences. In the given scenario, I was able to provide culturally congruent care to the patient that was responsive to her cultural values.An Understanding of Knowledge of Advanced Nursing Essay.

Conclusively, my experience provides vital insights into the significance of family input as a crucial aspect of nurses’ cultural competence. Providing care that is responsive to patient needs is incredibly critical in advancing the goals of the profession.An Understanding of Knowledge of Advanced Nursing Essay.