Windshield Survey for Pearland, Texas.

Windshield Survey for Pearland, Texas.


A Short Paper Assignment allows you to demonstrate your research skills to your instructor and to receive feedback that will benefit you as you continue your studies. With this assignment, you will learn how to do proper and adequate research and write a short paper.This short paper is at least three double-spaced pages of text (Times New Roman, font size 12) and you must consult a minimum of two academically credible sources. Bibliographies and citations will be in an acceptable style format, either MLA, APA, or Chicago..The short paper needs to be turned in through the assignment section for grading. If you use any of the information from your sources word-for-word, you must cite the source by using endnotes or footnotes. If you read the information and write it in your own words and it is not common knowledge, then you must cite the source because you are paraphrasing someone\\\’s information.The short paper must include a cover page with your name, course number and course title, instructor\\\’s name, and date. You must also include a bibliography at the end of your paper. While composing your paper, use proper English. Do not use abbreviations, contractions, passive voice, or first/ second person (I, you, we, our, etc). Before submitting your paper, check your grammar and use spell check. Remember, the way you talk is not the way you write a paper. Please label your paper as follows: lastnamefirstnameHIST102ShortPaper.

You may choose any topic as long as it fits into the time frame and scope of the class. Anything from American history from 1877 will work.

Prior to making your first Community visit and talking to a family you must drive around the neighborhood of your assigned family. Windshield Survey for Pearland, Texas.


  1. Describe the boundaries of the area you surveyed to answer these questions:


2. What types of housing are represented? (e.g. single-family homes, public housing units, condos, etc.)Windshield Survey for Pearland, Texas.


3. What access does the volunteer family have to shopping? (e.g. grocery stores, pharmacies, other)


4. What forms of public transportation are available? (e.g. nearest bus stop)


5. What parks/recreational areas are available?


6. What significant enclaves of discrete populations are represented? (e.g. elders, children, race/ethnic groups)Windshield Survey for Pearland, Texas.


7. What religious organizations or churches are represented?


8. What social agencies, schools, or health facilities are nearby?


9. What obvious health hazards are noticeable? (e.g. busy streets, lack of sidewalks, lack of traffic lights, poor lighting, etc.)Windshield Survey for Pearland, Texas.

Description of The Surveyed Area

Pearland city was established in the late 19th century and is located in the Brazoria county, in the state of Texas. Known for its early agricultural activities, the city drawn its name from the pear farming that was extensive towards the end of the 19th century. Today however, the town has changed to a business center, housing businesses, schools and hospitals that serve and heighten the activities of the city. With a population of over 100,00 which spans the 72 square mile radius, Pearland is an interesting city to drive around with many exciting sites.

Type of Housing Present

Pearland was a modest city which had large spans of rice fields in the neighborhoods. However, beginning 1990, there was a high rise in demand for residential housing, a situation that saw the large chanks of the rice field bought out by the developers to put up residential houses. This is mostly evident on the West side of the city when you drive through, with large part of it having the suburban development when compared to the East side which still holds much of its traditional housing that seem old enough to the times of the city establishments. On average, 80% of the town can be said to be residential which is evident from the car parks arrangement, population walking along the pathways in the residential areas, as well as children playing outside their houses. The city therefore can be termed to host both the single-family homes, as well as the public housing units.Windshield Survey for Pearland, Texas.

Access to Shopping Facilities

Pearland city is home to the largest US retails as well as local retails who have provided services for years to the city’s residents. It is hardly you go for more than a mile without spotting a retail shop of either a supermarket, grocery store or a pharmacy.Walmart, HEB Grocery and Home Depot are some of the well-established retail shops that you can spot around, serving hundreds of residents in the Pearland area. Dining establishments are also present with Pearland town center housing a mixture of retails where residents can get every shopping under one roof. Other notable retail establishments include the Bass Pro Shops, the ShadowCreek Town Center and Silverlake village shopping center(The city of Pearland, 2020). The distribution of the retail establishments is well planned with access from every corner of the city right from the towncenter to the interior suburbs and the traditional residential areas.Windshield Survey for Pearland, Texas.

TheForms of Public Transportation Available

From the observations made, Pearland city is a well-developed area in terms of transport facilities, right from the bus services, airports and free way system. About airports the city is near the Brazoria county airport with two privates owned airports within the city, but which both have an option for the public use. State highway 288 and 35 serve the city well with connections to Houston, as well as Texas State Highway Beltway 8, which extends to the Southeast boarders of the Brazoria county. These highways are interconnected with town service lanes and streets making Pearland one of the busiest cities within the Brazoria county. The city is also well developed with footpaths and bicycle lanes for a safer walk and ride around the city. Generally, the transport system within the city is well organized and residents seem to have no issues with the existing system.Windshield Survey for Pearland, Texas.

TheParks/Recreational Areas Available

Pearland boasts of a variety of recreational facilities which has elevated it to a status of a tourist town that you can wine, dine and engage in the sporting activities. This is evident as one drives around due to the presence of recreational parks that are available to the public. The most notable parks are the Southwick Lake Park, tom bass regional parks, Shadow creek ranch, Dixie farm road park, as well as centennial park(The city of Pearland, 2020). These parks host a number of recreational activities ranging from golfing, swimming, hiking, biking and playgrounds. This provides the residents with a wide choice for recreational engagements. On the other hand, one can also enjoy a movie in several cinema halls around the city with most notable one being the Cinemark Movies.Windshield Survey for Pearland, Texas.

Population Representations

The largest population composition in Pearland are young adults due to the city’s rise in population since year 2000. This is evident from the observations made within the city’s streets and its residential areas. On the other hand, the largest population ethnically are whites with a minority of African American, the Hispanics and Latinos. A mixture of languages is also spoken in the area due to the diverse culture representation of the residents. The elderly people are few, compared with the youthful generations that are presented within the city’s population.

TheReligious Organizations or Churches Present

From the observations made from the survey, Pearlandis a multireligious community with presence of several churches, mosques and temples. The most notable ones among these are the Sri Meenakshi Temple, St. Helen Catholic Church, Shady crest Baptist Church, Chabad Pearland Jewish Center, as well as Pearland Islamic Center(The city of Pearland, 2020). Small community places of worship affiliated to the largest religions are evident in the suburbs and the old town East side of the city.Windshield Survey for Pearland, Texas.

TheSocial Agencies, Schools, Or Health Facilities Nearby

The Pearland Library is the most notable social agency within the Pearland city. About the schools, there is a mixture of both private and public schools with the most notable ones being the Shadow creek high school, Pearland high school, Manvel high school, as well as Glenda Dawson high school(The city of Pearland, 2020). Others are St. Helen Catholic School and the Eagle Heights Christian Academy. About the colleges and the universities, the Pearland city boasts of several higher learning institutions that include Alvin Community College, Houston Community College and University of Houston–Clear Lake. On the health facilities within the city, there are several well-established health amenities that are visible when driving around. They include, Pearland Medical Center, St. Luke’s Emergency Center and the Texas Children’s Pediatrics (The city of Pearland, 2020). Several walk-in clinics were also spotted with a fairly distribution around the city. This is evident that the Pearland community is well served with social agencies, schools and health facilities.Windshield Survey for Pearland, Texas.

The Obvious Health Hazards That Are Noticeable

Some lanes within the city lack footpaths which may endanger the lives of the pedestrians. The lights are working well in most parts, but there are several intersections with faulty lights which may confuse drivers and posing a possibility of accidents. On the other hand, the presence of State highway 288 and 35 posses a great risk to the drivers and pedestrian alike due to their traffic congestion and busy streets that connect the highway to the city interiors (Teschke et al., 2012).Windshield Survey for Pearland, Texas.