Vulnerable Child And Family Community Work Essay.

Vulnerable Child And Family Community Work Essay.


Assessing the level of understanding and understanding the position of an individual and intervention for the kids and their families by utilization of several theories to get the optimum performing and healthy lifestyle is one of the original actions by communal workers or health care professionals.Vulnerable Child And Family Community Work Essay.


In this case study prior to the analysis of every theory and ideas, the provision of a wholesome & protected climate and providing ways to improve life process through self-awareness -to improve the mental capacities and enhances independence will helps client or family face actuality and improve her mental, physical and mental capability is also examine and carefully assessed. Encouraging them to seek these resources towards home and others supports achieving the perfect level of wellness of every member of community and finally promotes therapeutic human relationships which is the foundation of therapeutic good care management and earn the world co-operation and trust (Hassany, 2006).Vulnerable Child And Family Community Work Essay.

This research study is an exploration and identification of need for the evidence about communal interventions and methodologies available and the likelihood to be better structured, plainly synthesized and made more open to those who take care of and lead quality interventions in health care organizations (Janko, 2008).

Crime and assault against children is considered as a complicated societal problem, with variety of etiologies that must address in specific and thorough method in order to effectively curtail the current situations. Additionally it is a relational concept which identifies the partnership between parents and children and the social symbolic distinctions between them. In recent years, knowing of maltreatment and violence prevention at the family level has more than doubled, as has the range of new initiatives and programmes being performed in this field (Linden, 2004). Though it is not possible to report all activities here, the following literatures and reviews measures that are currently being implemented to avoid violence in different parts of the world, which range from activities that count on immediate WHO support to those that are pretty much independent of WHO participation (Beaulaurier, 2005).Vulnerable Child And Family Community Work Essay.


The subject of this research study is a kid, his family and the availability of health care facilities and management for the coffee lover specifically the topic. The type of family is traditional family. It comprises the father, mom and their children. Both of the parents have their work and they’re married. Along with the family is moving into the same house. The family is living alongside one another and in good shape. Both parents are the one who decide about the health attention of the family as well as the thing involved with money matters. The couple is very particular to the training of the students as well for medical maintenance of each of the family members in conditions of food and immunization. Also, they are serious and in charge of their assignments as parents (Hassany, 2006).

During interaction, the things grooming was not good prior to day care and attention but on the later part he improves and shows good grooming. Most of the time, he exhibited appropriate cosmetic expressions and pose during interactions. At first, he cannot screen eye contact which may show lack of targeted and interest on the topic (Hassany, 2006). As times moves by there is an establishment of trust on the subject and he keeps good vision contact. They exhibited co-operation in the whole duration of responsibility and able to answers all questions asked to him and participates in all activities. It had been also discovered that he was outgoing with other relation. He also shows apprehensiveness throughout the connection (Linden, 2004).Vulnerable Child And Family Community Work Essay.


According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the physiologic needs must be first fulfilled therefore quality medical is essential to every individual to boost an individual’s quality of life. According to the World Health Company, standard of living is the perceptions of individual about his / her status or level in life in the context of the worthiness systems and culture which she or he lives and in accordance to his or her objectives, standards, targets, goals and concerns (Hassany, 2006). The range includes a definition of quality medical management or delivery and a description specific to three aspects of quality healthcare management – tactical planning, performance improvement and information systems – interrelated and important to the development of an individual’s quality of life (Janko, 2008).Vulnerable Child And Family Community Work Essay.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is set in level of significance. It is often described as a pyramid composed of five levels: the first level is consists of physiological needs, while the higher stages are identified needs of development together with mental health needs. Lower level needs must achieved first. Once these exact things achieved, having to satisfy needs for expansion drives personal fulfillment (Linden, 2004).

The maltreatment in the family group is also related to family problems such as poverty, alcohol misuse of parents, the behaviour of a child, the child’s lack of social skills, domestic conflicts and housing problems. The family income is also one factor in this case.

Based on this case an treatment program for parents of maltreated children examines the ineffective initiatives of the family and child welfare system to avoid maltreatment, as detailed by the experience of the kid targeted by their state protection company for children, and urges more far-reaching plan changes to coordinate more diverse and early sorts of support for the children and their own families. Following an examination describing child maltreatment determinants and the info collections predicated on parents’ reports and their family histories (Hassany, 2006).Vulnerable Child And Family Community Work Essay.

Moreover, the examination of the types of procedures for substantiating child maltreatment and proper subsequent legal interventions may also be important in cases like this. The potentially intergenerational child mistreatment mother nature, with the impact of poverty, and child protecting services function are necessary. The romantic relationships of the child between his parents were evaluated predicated on the perception of child security workers, and reducing the misperceptions of an caseworker that can worsen their interactions. This case shows that a more preventive model of child and family welfare service other than the existing system, impressing the role of parents “in the system” who were able to perform change in their lives through utilization of support from a number of resources (Petersen, 2004).

This case also explores how the compliance with child welfare contracts will often help the cultural worker and a mother or father to gain again her child, but might not exactly cause long-lasting relational changes in the problems that precipitated the child maltreatment.Vulnerable Child And Family Community Work Essay.

In this circumstance the community healthcare facilities and programmes are necessary determinants of cultural welfare especially in the region of healthy living. There must be available programs, interventions for each individual in a certain community. Urban living environment has been found to be one of an risk factor for the themes. Also, social disadvantages have been regarded as a risk factor. This includes racial discrimination, unemployment, family dysfunction, poverty and migration related to cultural adversity, or poor real estate conditions (Petersen, 2004). Stress and Childhood activities of abuse are also known as risk factors for the development of any disease later in life. Parenting is also held accountable every health but marriage with unsupportive dysfunctional dynamics may contribute to the chance (Davis, 2003).

Since the subject’s case is significant because it explains the different etiologies an specific may have that can cause to truly have a problem like mental problem and interpersonal roles which performs a large part in the physical development of the subject. In addition, it assesses the stages of development and discover the choices and option of involvement and management (Petersen, 2004). In addition, it clarifies the possible problems. As a social worker we have to have understanding of this kind of situation so that if we will face something similar to this we will know very well what will be right move to make and we can help the average person (Trygged, 2009).

Social and behavior of the subject were discovered and examine. Spirituality is also included. It really is a client’s notion about life, health, health problems, fatality and one’s marriage to the world. In conditions of spirituality, the topic possesses positive behavior. The introduction of faith can be an interactive process between the persons and the environment (Beaulaurier, 2005). Corresponding to him, the spirituality decides relationship of a person to God or divinity and appears on how these relationship effect experience of a person with other folks and most of kind of creation. The communal and cultural interactions of your client were affected by the situation causing her romance with her family and friends’ to be altered (Davis, 2003).Vulnerable Child And Family Community Work Essay.

This research study presents recommendations how the kid welfare system should be customized or evolved:

(1) Proper involvement should get prior to the maltreatment or misuse incidents appear.

(2) Sufficient duration of intervention should be achieved and must be shown on the dynamics and characteristics of the problems they want to address

(3) An extremely trained social personnel should deliver the skilled interventions

(4) The kid welfare programs should focus from a deficit model to 1 of advantages and empowering of fostering mother or father to seize control over the social services, informational options and monetary support

(5) Empowerment and support must be done within the family and communities rather than concentrating within agencies and individuals checking out the “how” and “why” of change, including the risks and models of intervention principles.Vulnerable Child And Family Community Work Essay.


This case study seems to be focused toward mother or father maltreatment and maltreatment which is considered as a public problem and toward parents and community especially in vulnerable families.Vulnerable Child And Family Community Work Essay.