The Medical Terminology Essay

The Medical Terminology Essay

Medical Terminology is composed of prefixes, suffixes, and root words. Five (5) suffixes and five (5) prefixes and define them.The Medical Terminology Essay


anti – antiflu- prevent development of the flu and the emergence of possible complications: Scientists have made a new research in the use of the antiflu drugs.

allo – allopathy  – this therapy based on the usage of the pharmacological agents causing reactions in the body opposite to the symptoms: Allopathy is a form of the conventional medical practices and it can relieve the suffering of the patients (Chabner 67) .

inter- interosseous – located between bones: There is an interosseous space between the bones.The Medical Terminology Essay

re – reinfusion – collection and reverse infusion of the patient’s own blood: Negative aspects of the reinfusion are associated with the changes occurring in the blood during its outpouring into the wound.


ana- anaplasia – to return cells and tissues into the undifferentiated state, while they fail to fulfill specific functions and acquiring the ability for unlimited growth: There are 6 types of anaplasia: morphological, biochemical, physical, chemical, immunological and functional.


-ism – parkinsonism – a syndrome of progressive damage to the nervous system, manifested by the reduction of the overall physical activity, slowness of movements, tremor, increased muscle tone, due to the defeat of the extrapyramidal system: Parkinson’s disease, or Parkinsonism is a slowly progressive condition which manifests slowness of movement, muscle rigidity and tremor of rest (Cohen 78).The Medical Terminology Essay

-algia – myalgia – a severe muscle pain, weakness, headache and decreased quality of life: Myalgia can occur immediately (with a sharp decline and physical work) or develop gradually.

-ase – lactase – this enzyme from the family of β-galactosidase, produced by mature enterocytes of the person and is needed in breaking down lactose into two simple elements – glucose and galactose: Lactose remains in the intestine in its original form and binds water causing diarrhea.The Medical Terminology Essay

-asthenia – myasthenia gravis – an autoimmune neuromuscular disease characterized by abnormal, rapid fatigue of striated muscle: The most frequent clinical manifestations of myasthenia gravis are dysfunction of extraocular and bulbar muscles, and weakness of muscle torso and extremities.

-ation – hepatization – a seal of the parenchymal organ in result it becomes similar to the liver: Red hepatization is observed in the debilitated, malnourished patients with high vessel porosity (Taber 124).The Medical Terminology Essay