The Importance of Bedside Reporting Paper

The Importance of Bedside Reporting Paper

Communication of information between healthcare providers is a fundamental component of patient care. Throughout the semester we have shadowed nurses from Morristown Hospital and have experienced at hand protocols followed in certain situations. In this project I will go over bedside reporting during shift change and how if implemented at Morristown Hospital this procedure can reduce failure to rescue incidents, empower patient’s involvement in their care, and overall increase quality of care in healthcare facilities.The Importance of Bedside Reporting Paper

Bed-side shift reporting has recently been implemented in nursing in health-care facilities across the United States. Research has found that using bed-side reporting during shift change allows for healthcare providers to focuses on anticipating care, coordinating care, and engaging patients and families during their stay (Maulik, Currier & O’Brien, 2011). This format of reporting goes as follows:


Bedside Change-of-Shift Report

• Interact using AIDET

• Report using SBAR format The Importance of Bedside Reporting Paper

• Verify information

• Patient input

• Individualized goal setting

• Plan

Increasing Quality Care:

Caruso’s article points out the importance of an informative and effective nurse-to-nurse report. She reviews the latest recommendation from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) National Patient Safety Goals (Maulik, .“The JCAHO recommends that organizations implement a standardized approach to hand off communications”. Within Caruso’s research, she refers to a study conducted which identified three client-centered positive outcomes associated with nurse-to-nurse bedside report: (a) patient empowerment, (b) patient involvement, and (c) patient becoming an additional resource in diagnosis and treatment.The Importance of Bedside Reporting Paper

Preventing Failure to Rescue:

Failure to rescue, a risk to patient safety, is defined as patient deaths associated with a complication from treatment (Carrington, 2012). Not being able to recognize changes in a patient’s status is more inclined to occur during shift changes. The Importance of Bedside Reporting Paper