The Healthcare Services Methodology Paper

The Healthcare Services Methodology Paper

The practice of applying the findings of research in the delivery of healthcare services is critical in ensuring that healthcare and patients’ outcomes have been improved.The Healthcare Services Methodology Paper Over time, nursing science has continued to improve on the dimensions of depth and breadth paving a way to the existence of evidence that guides our practices in areas such as pressure ulcers prevention, pain management and transitional care among others. The application of this scientific knowledge has however proved to be challenging when it comes to its application in different fields. To come up with the final translation hurdle, it is necessary to promote the uptake and use of the findings of research at the point where healthcare services are delivered (Avorn, 2010). Nurses have been seen to so much strive to incorporate the use of evidence in their practices. Nonetheless, the struggle to deliver quality care and improvement of the results of healthcare has always been seen to fail because it is subject to delay where the scientific findings do not reach the patients on time (Doughety and Conway, 2008).The Healthcare Services Methodology Paper


EBP is a very critical part of quality care. It refers to the judicious employment of the best empirical evidence in conjunction with clinical expertise as well as patients’ value in guiding healthcare decisions (Sackett et al., 2000). Contrally to this, implementation science refers to the process of methods examination, involvements and the constantly changing factors swaying the enactment of evidence-based practice by officialdoms. Therefore, integration of evidence into the provision of healthcare services is what is referred to as EBP while translation science refers to the study of how to foster the employment of proof into medication. The extent to which the adoption of EBPs takes place is subject to mode of communication of EBP to the involved and concerned parties in the context of practice and the type of the evidence-based topic (Titler, 2011). There are some principles that guide the employment of evidence-based practice into nursing care. The Healthcare Services Methodology Paper