The differences Between Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

The differences Between Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

Patient’s information should not be disclosed to the public at any cost or circumstances. There have been numerous lawsuits filed against health practitioners who, either intentional or by mistake exposed their patients’ information. A new platform has emerged to the aid of this malpractice, if not carefully used; social media could add stress onto the already existing ones for nurses. Health practitioners are to be careful and work within the HIPAA policy to avoid ending their careers or putting the health institution in jeopardy.

In most cases, the malpractices in this profession are caused by negligence from the practitioner’s side. For profession negligence to be claimed as valid, four elements are to be present in the case: Duty, breach of duty, damage, and causation ().The differences Between Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide.  Negligence will be found if; the nurse had a commitment to the patient but did not do it which leads to a breach of duty. By breaching of the duty, the patient must have suffered, and damages caused to them by the negligence of the particular task must be seen. If there is no damage or harm caused to the patient; then, there was no negligence from the health practitioner’s side.

From the scenario presented, the RN did not commit an act of negligence towards the patient. The reason behind this claim is because the patient did not develop any adverse effects, harm or damage from not being turned after every two hours. Although the act cannot fall under negligence, the RN’s behavior was not conducted ethically. One of the patient’s health-care-needs was to be turned after every two hours of which the RN did not seem to care. In an occasion where the patient had developed bedsore, the case would have been under negligence and malpractice of profession from the RN. There would be harmful and damages both physical and emotional as evidence of the RN’s breach of duty.


The differences between Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

Euthanasia occurs when the death of a person is induced by a physician under the consent of the persons in question. The person who is being aided in dying has to be in 18 and above and within states that allows the practices. A physician has to be involved in inducing the aid-in-dying drug to the patient, while in Assisted Suicide the act is usually done by the patients(). Assisted Suicide only occurs when a doctor prescribes an overdose of a drug to a patient or other similar actions with intentions of helping them die. The act has to be intentional from both parties with the last act which would cause death committed by the patient.The differences Between Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide.

Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia should be left to the interested parties’ decision making. What constitutes of enjoyable life might be different from one person to another, the same goes for the purpose and reason for it, life. There should be no legal laws that hold a person who wishes to die peacefully through medical help if they feel they lack the essence of life. I think the decisions should left to the patient in question. With this regard, Florida should follow Oregon

Additionally, in respect to the ANA Code of Ethics on interpretive provision one, states that nurse should respect the dignity, worth and human right of all individual (). It further says that nurses should create a trust-based relationship and provide services per the patient’s needs and wants. It also states that the patient’s decision does not have to agree with the nurse and should be respected ().The differences Between Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide.

ANA’s Position on Euthanasia

The ANA Code of Ethics; interpretive provisions one regarding Euthanasia and Assisted Suicides is supportive of the practices. It is within the ethics of a nurse to give factual information about the patient’s condition that will help them make an informed decision about the well-being of themselves. To accept or refuse treatment is upon the patients legal and moral right and nurses should respect it (). The nurses are supposed to help the patients avoid any unnecessary therapies that would not benefit the patient.

Other alternative actions could have been taken

Rosie Doherty was severely sick and occasionally was not in a position to speak. She suffered a lot, and in accordance with Hoy’s opinions-a nurse at the Baystate, Medical Centre-Doherty was “basically rotting”(). It was wise for the three parties: her family, the nurses, and the physician to be involved in the matters Doherty’s well being by shifting from curative care to palliative care but, it would have been wiser to engage the technical assistant. The nurse assistants are usually connected with the patients in a much deeper level than the physicians and the nurses. By involving her in the decision making, she would have been able to air her views concerning the palliative care. Better yet, the whole group would have a synchronized look of palliative care for Doherty which would not have resulted in the dramas of body poundings by the police.


Another alternative is to look at the legality of the situation. The medical ending of life policy needs to be in legal agreement with the state in which the practice is being done. The family could provide a written statement to show their consent in the matter which would have untied any legal issues that would arise from it.

The difference between refusing treatment from euthanasia

In Euthanasia, the physician helps the patient by inducing aid-in-dying drugs to patients who do not want extra-care that will not alleviate their health status. This practice has to be done by the laws of a country. On the other hand, refusal of treatment is within the moral and legal right of the patient. This right is exercised only when in the provision of extraordinary medication (); however, all the necessary medical care must be administered.The differences Between Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide.

It is not with the RN scope of practice to perform other advanced action from the scenario presented. The performance of other additional action in addition to the professional nursing practices should only be done under the supervision of a physician. The states act defines a registered nurse as “any person licensed to practice professional nursing” as per section 464.003 (22). Therefore, it clear that RN has not specialized in advanced practices that would allow him to perform “other actions” as presented in the case. In the case, the information whether the nurse has enough experience is not given. The fact that there were no standing orders that would have covered the RN action means that the board of the institution has yet invested in post-basic training in the RN. Furthermore, the actual mention of an advanced registered nurse is not availed. The nurse is within his scope of practice for the practice or done by him further treatment should only be done under the order of a physician. The differences Between Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide.