Support Planning Geriatric Health Conditions Essay.

Support Planning Geriatric Health Conditions Essay.


New Zealand belongs to 1 of several countries that contain an increasing amount of ageing population according to research. The aged society for elderly such as 65 years and above is going to elevate 2 times for approximately one point five million at the entire year of 2035 and then for the coming two decades it is also expected to increase up to 1 hundred 30 % of the population. Alternatively the populace of the children were going to decrease.Support Planning Geriatric Health Conditions Essay.

There are normal problems in geriatric patients such declining physical and mental health. To become more specific it offers issues such as cardiovascular disease, depression and stress and anxiety that continued to see by them compare with other young adult or people. These problems can be treated, mostly through the use of early medical prognosis by the experts but if there are disease that can be cured, there’s also existing one’s that cannot and the only solution is to give support to the patients to condition such dementia and Alzheimer.

As the populace of elder people are growing, there are health issues arising that are related with their health that captured the public’s matter. One of the most common problems of the elderly is having dementia wherein several symptoms influences their cognitions. Symptoms may include personality and behavioural changes, physical exercise that they usually do begins to be neglected by them, there are changes in language use that influences their marketing communications with family and friends. This particular health alarms the public because regarding to survey it’s the fourth leading cause of sickness into older 65 and over in New Zealand. (http://www. mayoclonic. org/diseases-conditions/dementia/basics/definition/con-20034399;http://www. alzheimers-support. com/en/alzheimers-stats-new-zealand. html). Increase of financial costs occurred together with a growing population that’s the reason the government are doing the best they can to support the needs of folks having this condition.Support Planning Geriatric Health Conditions Essay.


Dementia condition is irreversible but the healthcare professional’s definitive goal is to somehow postpone the abrupt spread or worsening of the condition having an early detection. How to manage the disease development is very challenging especially in the area of the relatives and health care professionals as a result of signs or symptoms brought by the condition hence, critical course of action is needed and it includes the data and experience that the medical care specialists possessed.

Task 1 Forms of support and usage of community support services to clients in Kindly Residential Treatment Rest Home to handle problems regarding what is written in this article provided by the management.

What are the emotional holds with individuals in early stage of dementia involved in decision-making?

These include personal care and attention and understanding about the situation of the patients, companionship, assistance, and supervision of medication.

What will be the support organisations and services for geriatric clients and clarify how their services assist the elderly with geriatric problems

Super Platinum Cards

This card has been issued to those who find themselves eligible older persons and veterans whom are being known by the country of New Zealand for their contributions to the society. The card functions as a discount credit card that provides the qualified people the to get discounts and special offers to such business, discounts include free of travel to chosen regions of New Zealand. The criterion to receive the greeting card includes reaching the time of sixty-five and above plus they should be considered a legal citizen of New Zealand.Support Planning Geriatric Health Conditions Essay.

The cards can be use to maintain some financial problems about medications and other bills with both sick and tired and healthy elder’s. Being old could lead into lessening physical exercise that results into incapacity to work and make money to support such needs that’s the reason this card plays a essential role in elder’s lifestyle. The cards also support not only the health maintenance hence, the recreational activities of the senior’s because they can have privileges also from hotels and resorts around the country.

International Federation on Ageing

This international and non-government service company service’s goal is to enhance senior’s lives for the forthcoming years throughout the world. This organisation acts as an attention opener of the elderly regarding their protection under the law and practices. These were aiming to interact with private areas as well as the non-government company. The company is focusing on delivering information concerning the privileges of older people by using mass media publication and reports.

One good example that the company do is to gather information’s about specific diseases like dementia and building strategies on how to provide and inculcate to the minds of the people issues concerning that condition.

United Countries programme on Ageing

When it comes to ageing, this provides as the heart and soul of the United Nations system.

The goal of the programme is to create the Madrid international plan of action about ageing. To handle the issue of ageing the company has made a guideline. In New Zealand strategies are focused in promoting medical and well-being beforehand manner as well as making the surroundings an extremely supportive in nature. Because the programme has set its guideline it’ll be a big help in resolving issues immediately so long as they will continue to monitor the progress of the answer made using evaluation to measure whether it is effective or not.

Grey power New Zealand

This can be an organisation shaped in yr 1986 in the month of February wherein it is composed of people older than fifty. This company was built because people want to fight for their protection under the law from the government’s idea on making use of an additional fee with their pension. The group was formerly located in Auckland and it was known because it captured the interest of the media, from their starting others association began to form also. The tiny group turns into the development of the grey power federation and the opportunity of the plan has widened because they become willing in handling those subject of healthcare and subsidies for those over fifty years.

The aim of the policy is to give benefits to those who are aged 65 and over by means of receiving a normal amount that originated from their salary contribution being made and put into fund at the time that the bearer was still capable of working and gain salary. This tax-funded by the workplace has been reserved for the time of retirement life of the bearers.Support Planning Geriatric Health Conditions Essay.

Because of the growing people of the company, people have a tendency to join them as a result of benefits which made them more powerful and being successful in aiming what they are struggling with for. Another good impact has brought by this organisation is to provide the other country an idea on building their organisations too to handle existing problems being came across by this group.Support Planning Geriatric Health Conditions Essay.

Carers New Zealand

This is a technique action plan which is launched by the minister of seniors last 2014 to 2018

The main target of the strategy is to give support to the carers of the clients with disability, health issues and other condition. The carers are the one who give care for someone who wishes to look after their family or friends because they cannot do it for some reason such as being busy at work, the propensity which is common in New Zealand’s people is to send themselves in leftovers home. Usually the carers are called healthcare workers or caution giver.

The role of the carer is not an easy job because they need to give their full attention to the customers with different health conditions. Actually it is an extremely challenging role to the area of the carer as I am a person who is employed in a facility I have to be careful about how to handle each patient because I must use different strategy of nurturing in each of them. Some have dementia, spirits swings; some will just annoy you by keep on duplicating such words all day that’s the reason being a carer takes a never ending patience to help the client live as comfortable and happy as is possible.Support Planning Geriatric Health Conditions Essay.

What do the carers obtain in trade of the care and attention they are supplying to clients was the financial needs in this programme. It serves as their rewards when planning on taking care of the one who aren’t related to them. On the other hand the effect to carers is burning off their communal life with friends and for individuals who are new to being carers, they become stressed but the good thing is even though they are new, most of the facilities offer an in-service education on handling the patients properly.

Select services procedures and explain that they assist older people with common geriatric conditions.


When in terms of handling huge selection of client’s condition, nursing homes are the most efficient destination to bring the customers since it has complete laboratory tools that is required to monitor well the health condition of the clients. The laboratory tools are being used in the identification of the condition through getting bloodstream examples from the patients. Clinic also offers both brief and long-term attention and decides if the clients need to be discharged or to continue to stay at the center.Support Planning Geriatric Health Conditions Essay.

Nursing Homes

There will vary kinds of assisted living facilities in New Zealand, predicated on my experience as a health care assistant. You will find facilities that are operating only as an escape home but there are also being controlled as both hospital and rest home. Because of an increasing human population of elderly most of them cannot enrolled into the hospital that is why the number of break home facilities in new Zealand are growing so that the needs of the customers even merely to make sure they are comfortable everyday while having a shelter and providing them the special health care they need. As what I’ve said that we now have different varieties of slumber homes with special patients condition are only allowed such dementia service because they want different form of care and attention compare to the elderly.

Nursing homes serves as the client’s home. You will discover exercises being done in their day-to-day lives. The service also provides some recreational activities that suit the client’s condition which make them relaxed and believe that there’s still a family in their homes.

Psychiatric services

This facility are accountable on managing clients whom are experiencing a progressive mental and mental condition that can’t be handled in an escape home service or hospital because their services have only a field of expertise to such disease condition like dementia. The thing is that the family performs an important role in supplying support to clients in this service because people surrounding the family are the one who is aware your client well and they’re themselves must be engage in the procedure of giving care and attention and counselling as well because they need to understand what will be the patient’s experiencing.Support Planning Geriatric Health Conditions Essay.

Other health insurance and social care workers

Again as a result of increasing range of the elder people, different types of employees are popular in this country but its unique focus is to provide a holistic health care to client generally in very far places that requires the health care of the clients. The New Zealand has its program from the district health planks in which healthcare providers need to be sent in different areas with limited hours merely to give and provide cares to the customers who can’t find the money for to stay in a hospital unit because of financial problem.


Since elder patients are experiencing a lowering physical activity with regards to ageing. Capability to have an absorption of wholesome foods is declining as well. This service helps a lot in the form of gaining again the healthy condition of the clients because of experiencing a special and strict diet program for the patients, their nutrition won’t be compromised.

General practitioners

They have a general knowledge about a myriad of disease and their jobs are significant to the population of seniors experiencing health problems especially for those who need an emergency procedure. Despite the fact that they don’t hold the area of expertise, they can do some recommendations in case there is more serious health issues needing special steps such heart procedures etc. The overall practitioners also can do maintenance and regular monitoring of the health of the clients where elder prefer to seek their help.Support Planning Geriatric Health Conditions Essay.

Task II identify and assess the support requirements of individuals with common geriatric conditions and make suggestions concerning the negative and positive influences of stereotypes and common myths related to conditions in Kindly Residential Care and attention Snooze Home. The management of Kindly Home Care recovery Home wants you to give a booklet wherein the members of the family, individual client and other healthcare staffs can simply be led on the center giving them a brief education about the customers common condition all together as well as the negative and positive impact of some common myths, stigma’s surrounding dementia and stereotypes among elderly. The following are the stigma influences:

Social isolation of the average person and the family

The expression stigma is being described as the problem of an person wherein she or he lives and that environment influences them about how to cope or manage situations coming into their lives. Sometimes it does bring a poor impression to population depending of the wisdom of people around knowing where a person comes from. Friendly isolation of a person is merely one of the stigmas being experienced by the clients of kindly personal care break home because residing in a rest home provides distance to the client’s normal life with friends and family members. Health such as dementia is a vague because there are symptoms like the individual tends to forgot the folks who used to play a big area of the patients life where in the impact of this to family members is very distressing. In our facility this type of event usually happens once we care and attention givers can observed the lonely family because there are situations that the own children of your client is being forgotten or being shouted and saying foul words by cause of the situation which resulted into loneliness of both celebrations.

Good support that is given by the family is very important in managing this type of condition. Exactly like what the relatives are doing in an escape home like visiting the patients regularly and developing a good dialog somehow help the residents feel they are still secured and surrounded by their family hence, enhancing their standard of living.

Assumption of computerized lack of independence

Wrong beliefs of an individual can result into emotional distress. Most of the people have a opinion that ageing makes them fragile, dependent and worthless. It is absolutely stressful in the part of old people in a rest home especially the one who are able to still think properly because their feelings affects them plus they can expect why did these are living in an escape home and being just cared by folks who’s anonymous by them. The tendency is usually that the residents would believe that they are reliant because in an escape home there are routines everydays and they can feel that it’s not making them unbiased.

Unable to make decisions about own care

Due to dementia, residents who are damaged usually do not think normally and this condition results into being centered of the care being directed at them by the individuals around them. Progressive impairment of judgment by your client can be annoying to them because they will feel useless which is manifested by change moods and being grumpy sometimes. Care for these folks needs to be organized carefully. The carers has a major impact on the customers situation when you are patient to the customers as well as being supportive because they can still allow patient do few things depending on your methodology and by this they can feel that they are not useless. We can’t prevent them to believe poorly but letting them do little things we think they can make difference.Support Planning Geriatric Health Conditions Essay.

Uncertainty of support services and treatments

Deterioration of considering process impacts doing the proper health care to clients by refusing of the medications and treatments directed at them because they get upset of receiving this stuff realizing that their conditions does not make any difference and getting worse. Different way by the carers can be a huge help specifically for the healthcare assistant who use to have long-term contact with the patients because they already recognized what are the clients wants, how to proceed and not to do to them. Building rapport to patients plays a vital role because after the carer has generated this; he/she can simply do the proper care to patients without being stressed exactly like others who’s becoming annoyed when they can not give what the patient desires. Good example is when the members of the family are visiting the patient compare to caregivers, the individual will do what’s being informed by the caregiver instead of what’s being informed by the family member as a result of approach.

Dissatisfying connections with the medical community

Patients become unsatisfied into whatever cares they may be receiving from the medical professionals, patient feels that cares are not beneficial to them because sometimes group of symptoms are manifesting and this result into dropping of trust and being uncooperative. Whenever this example happens, the sole management should result from the patients and caregivers support.


Because of an increasing individuals experiencing dementia and other conditions, the medical care facilities around New Zealand should put more efforts on how to assist these people by adding various services that will dwelling address their needs such as offering a training seminars to the old ones about the common conditions being encountered by them and the holds and benefits they have got relative to the governments services.

Stigma can be a big factor of your respective improvement upon his own condition but support from the carers and people around the customers are the most powerful thing to give them to handle the situation. Encouraging people and making them self-employed up to what they can will impact for the clients and will give them self-assurance and will believe that they still belong in a standard society.

All of the supports for the customers are important however the best should come from the family and friends since it is real and much more intimate. Relaxing and developing a chat with clients are also important because this can make the client discuss their thoughts and can make them feel comfortable and they might not exactly feel by themselves and helpless nowadays. Similar treatments should share with them because they are no different compare to others even though they may have needs which are not the same to another.Support Planning Geriatric Health Conditions Essay.