Spirit of Inquiry Sample Essay

Spirit of Inquiry Sample Essay

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Evidence-based practice in nursing and any other field is an essential tool that facilitates advancement in various ways. The evidenced-based approach utilizes research, theories, and concepts to develop a knowledge base that can be proven. To implement evidence-based nursing into practice, each nurse needs to develop a spirit of inquiry. A spirit of inquiry is a certain curiosity that wants to challenge the current practice’s competence (Melnyk et al., 2009). As a result, the individual may go-ahead to research and explore the practice. Significantly this exercise will enhance identifying gaps and possible interventions that may be used in place of the current practice. Spirit of Inquiry Sample Essay


Topics of Study

Measuring Blood Pressure Noninvasively in Children

Blood pressure measurement in children is usually auscultatory which can be challenging in adults to get the ideal blood pressure. The accuracy of findings is determined by comparing the results of auscultation to those of the existing oscillatory findings. As such, the accuracy of findings’ may not be sufficient to make conclusive decisions (Marouane et al., 2019). Blood pressure measurement in children is as significant in children as in adults. Therefore, identifying an effective way of performing blood pressure checks in children as in adults can improve the quality of care.

Training and Integrating New Nurses 

Nurses freshly employed have a significant challenge integrating into the system where most of the task is hands-on. Every other experienced nurse can account that their first times in the practice were challenging because integrating the books’ knowledge to directly handling patients can be challenging (Walker et al., 2017). Therefore, this process requires an advanced transition to reduce the time taken to transit into the practice. When this time is short, new nurses and those experienced can have a smooth flow of work.Spirit of Inquiry Sample Essay



Marouane, A., Cornelissen, E. A., Nusmeier, A., & Bootsma‐Robroeks, C. M. (2019). Oscillometric and intra‐arterial blood pressure in children post‐kidney transplantation: Is invasive blood pressure measurement always needed? Pediatric Transplantation23(1), e13309.

Melnyk, B. M., Fineout-Overholt, E., Stillwell, S. B., & Williamson, K. M. (2009). Evidence-based practice: step by step: igniting a spirit of inquiry. AJN the American Journal of Nursing109(11), 49-52.

Walker, A., Costa, B. M., Foster, A. M., & de Bruin, R. L. (2017). Transition and integration experiences of Australian graduate nurses: A qualitative systematic review. Collegian24(5), 505-512. Spirit of Inquiry Sample Essay