Social Implications of Autism» Essay Paper

Social Implications of Autism» Essay Paper


For instance, normal little learners will demand their teacher to supervise them do something; (“look at this”!), and they would carry fascinating objects to show their teacher and fellow learners at school. However, a little child with autism would not take on such activities to interact socially.Social Implications of Autism» Essay Paper


Clara, a 14 years old girl with autism, shared her problem in a social forum. She acclaimed that others viewed her to be very ugly, though she did not understand why she had no friends. The interviewer asked her what she talked of with the peers; she mentioned only two topics; environmental smells and the winds. She did not know talking of her peers interests; unique form her own, which is an important aspect for social interaction.

Autistic children may be abused physically and emotionally. This can be a common happening in school and outside home but can happen in the family too if the family has unfavorable setting. The child with autism can sometimes get confused by this kind of mistreatment not aware of what has not been done correctly.

Though children with autism want to be social just like other children, they do not succeed. This results to pulling out from social crowds in the future, especially with adolescent autistic children. Autistic children in adolescence stage could be persuaded and lured into inappropriate and unfit friendships and peer groups. They tend to socialize best with significantly adults or younger children, rather than their age mates.Social Implications of Autism» Essay Paper

A teacher of the autistic child may consider him or her as “difficult child or meager performer,” the learner’s very little tolerance for what’s seen to be normal and routine task, like homework can easily be frustrating to him or her: The teacher would then consider the child as rude and spiteful. Failed support and kindness in addition to the child’s worries, leads to problematic character (like; harsh tantrums, violent and irritated outbursts and pulling out.Social Implications of Autism» Essay Paper

Autistic children always experience social isolation in their schooling period. Because of such alienation, they seem to be out of fit in the peer groups, some may come up with friends who are just imaginary or imagined worlds and scenarios. Creating friends in the actual world and keeping those social ties often seems to be hard for the autistic children.

Such children always seem to have a preference of being by their own and they may inertly accept such affections as hugs and fondling but fail to reciprocate or even refuse attention both combined. Afterwards, they rarely ask for comfort from those around or they will ignore the parent’s display of annoyance or love in a usual way.

Researchers found that even though children with autism seem to be so much used to the parents, the way they express the kind of attachment to their parents seems to be atypical and hard to understand.Social Implications of Autism» Essay Paper

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It is sometimes universal for autistic children to have hard time controlling their behavior; leading to crying and vocal tantrums and some times self-injury characters that may be inappropriate or devoid of cause. Autistic children in most cases favor steady routines and surroundings, and they could respond negatively to alterations in the environment. It can be common that these children display regression, self-injurious character and enhanced withdrawals with extreme situations.Social Implications of Autism» Essay Paper

Individuals with autism disorder encounter complexities in social relationships, this is because they have a major setback when it comes to communication, and they face difficulties in responding to verbal and non-verbal communicating. (E.g. Schuler Peters & Wales 2005) The learners with autism have notably late development of language, and when they have the skills in language, they strain to keep a conversation with other people.Social Implications of Autism» Essay Paper

Temple Grendin a University professor, having autism, writes about her encounters with the disorder, she writes about her communication difficulties (Fewell, 1994). She describes that when she was little, she could not communicate because she did not have the words, therefore turned to screaming. She again asserts that, while growing up, she watched others but did not figure out the way to put up with them.

Many learners with autism cannot write easily or talk about their encounters; they may only use actions instead of expression to communicate their various needs. Unless they are trained other behaviors, they could slap another child as a way of communicating greetings or flee out of the class instead of expressing dislike of the assignment they have to do. Some learners with autism do have echolalic way of speech; that is repeating what is said by others instead of coming up with their own words while communicating.

Half of people with this disorder do not have the required normal speech for their daily communication. Alterations in communications could be present from the earliest years of life, and would consist of late starting of babbling, strange gestures, reducing responsiveness, and verbal patterns that are not harmonized with that of the caregiver. In the third year of growth, the autistic child has periodic and few varied babbling, words and word phrases; gestures rarely are accompanied by words. The children are less frequently involved in asking about things or discussing out experiences, and mostly, they tend to repeat words of others or reversing the pronouns. Dual attention Seems to be essential for useful speech, and deficits in dual attention mostly differentiates toddlers with autism, for instance, they may glance at a hand that points instead of the object pointed at, in addition, they  repeatedly fall short of pointing at objects to they want to comment  on and share an encounter. The individuals have complexities with imaginative fun and coming up with symbols to language.

Among adult autistic individuals, communication is often a major setback in addition to social tribulations. A 2009 study showed that adult individuals with autism usually face problems with initiating any of social bonding, yearning for bigger intimacy, a deep feeling of isolation in addition to struggle to make bigger social and self-awareness.

A much lesser part of autistic adults marries than the whole population. It is known that, individuals with autism are prone to assertive bonding; they prefer to bond with other autistic mates and give rise to children with the disorder. This proposition has been known to the popular media but not empirically proven.Social Implications of Autism» Essay Paper

Parents of the autistic children are prone to stress that result from their experiences with the condition of their children. The mental stress triggers from the tasks the parents have to do for the child, such as bathing, carpools, shopping and parent-child misunderstandings. A child with autism will express his or her wants in a way that is not usual, hence, these parents are supposed to figure out what the child could be possibly implying; is the child irritated by hunger, is he sick or something? If the parent cannot figure out what the needs of the child are, they feel frustrated and empathetic for the poor child. The frustrated little child can develop aggressive character that pose a threat to their safety and the family’s safety. Stereotypic and irrational behavior worries parents since they seem strange and disrupt with performance and learning. The child’s setbacks in social interactions such as inability to play appropriately and psychological stress could increase therefore these deficient in rightful leisure will require consistent time structure that is not possible to manage.Social Implications of Autism» Essay Paper


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Families strain with added tasks of getting the autistic child to sleep in the night or rather get to eat an expansive food variety. Timed dinner times may not be appropriate for the autistic child because of the child’s inability to sit for prolonged periods. The child will also disrupt sleeping time. Maladaptative characters may hinder the family to attend events with the autistic child.Social Implications of Autism» Essay Paper

For instance, the mother is supposed to stay at home while the father takes the other children to watch soccer. The fact that the family cannot attend events together imposes stress on marital relationships. In some families, spouses cannot be alone during leisure time because of extreme strains of parenting and the absence of trained personnel to watch autistic child on their behalf.

Bringing a child or an individual with the autism disorder into the community can result to stress to the parents. People will gaze, throw comments, or misunderstand the behavior of the child or the individual. For instance, autistic individuals, have been observed seizing food from stranger’s plates. Because of these likely experiences, there is fear and fidgeting by the families to take these children to social places or friends and relatives houses. The holidays, as a result are difficult moments for such families. Feeling like they cannot have fun or socialize with others, families with children of autistic condition feel isolated from the community and even friends and relatives

The worry of parents concerning the future of the autistic child is a notable basis of stress. Parents are aware that they give the child exceptional concern and care; they are worried that nobody can care for the child in the same manner they do. The task being hard, no other member form the family may be ready to take over or may accomplish such task. Parents struggle to battle the thoughts about the future of the child, but such thinking seems to be frequently present.Social Implications of Autism» Essay Paper

Having an autistic child can deplete the resources of the family because of the expenses involved, such as therapies, evaluations, programs based at home and constant child examinations. The demands of giving care to the autistic child may result to a parent to surrender his or her job, yet money strains may lead to deficits by having single income in support of the huge family expenses.

Parents of autistic children are sorrowful of the failure of a “normal child” a kid that was expected to begotten. Parents also grieve the failure of lifestyle that they could have as a family if the child was normal. The feeling of sorrow experienced by parents adds stress due to its continuing nature. Today’s theories of sorrow suggest that parents of disabled children experience cycles of stress throughout their life. The cycles include; unending care giving and other celebrating events such as birthdays and holidays. These grief episodes set off stress. (James, 1993) Experiencing constant sorrow can be mental stressor which is frustrating, puzzling and depressing.

In conclusion, autism is invasive developmental condition characterized with deficits in communication and social interaction. Usually autistic behaviors become significant during the infant years. Eye contact is a way in which human beings communicate; autistic individuals have great difficulty maintaining a prolonged eye contact, which weakens the ability to socialize with other people.

The way to a successful life for individuals with autism is hectic; because of the inability to fit in with other people, brings devastating effects on their daily personal life; from home, school and even the neighborhood communities. Autistic children are a bigger setback while getting to negotiate living a comfortable life. Even though autistic individuals are clever and perform well in their academics, some have notable difficulties in making a life independently because of the deficits that arise with the disorder.Social Implications of Autism» Essay Paper