Shared Care Programs: Risks and Opportunities Essay.

Shared Care Programs: Risks and Opportunities Essay.


Shared care in healthcare spans an comprehensive range of diseases, treatments and total health care services across many medical disciplines. The predominant emphasis of this essay will be the patient in receipt of these vital shared care services. Patient care services and treatment plans should treat all the needs offered by each patient’s unique medical situation. However, the care necessary for some paediatric patients with intricate chronic comorbidities can just become much too complex to ever before realistically be carefully and effectively cared for in a homecare environment taken off their secondary attention facility. This essay will highlight some common areas of problems and obstacles which can result in various errors across different health problems where shared treatment services are prevalent. On review of the books two common areas of potential problem that are apparent are as follows: -Shared Care Programs: Risks and Opportunities Essay.

  1. The communication of changes in a patient’s health care treatment (Coleman and Berenson, 2004): –

These communication messages (or ideally open up access to a countrywide online EHR) should combine all the multidisciplinary team which expands across a sophisticated labyrinth of disciplines. Often these important communications (which provide a health information exchange, HIE) neglect to get sent to the relevant caregivers within the relevant time frame for the right action to be taken (Rinner et al. , 2016).

  1. Medication prescription mistakes: –

These are generally the highest category of errors in the ongoing care of patients in every care options whether in extra, primary or homecare.

This article will also give attention to the paediatric environment as a result of importance for us to protect and make an effort to improve care to the most susceptible. Attention has been directed at information technology alternatives, proposals and systems through the literature looking at process.Shared Care Programs: Risks and Opportunities Essay.


Shared Health care (Patient related known reasons for homecare)

It has been proven that whenever you allow a kid to leave their secondary care institution and give back home to a homecare shared service that the chance of clinic borne infections are reduced and general standard of living and pleasure are improved, this can result of shorter hospitalisation stays (Hudson et al. , 2014).

The development of distributed care in neuro-scientific Paediatric Oncology were only available in Ireland twenty-five years back. These family-centred homecare services may also be a variety of ‘father or mother’ treatment with community good care assistance, normally relating a team of medics, pharmacists, nurses, cultural employees, dieticians and other allied professional medical specialists. The HSE has publicized a final draft ‘New Country wide Model of Care for Paediatric Medical care in Ireland’ which hopefully will be used as it addresses the majority of the key areas associated with shared treatment at home (HSE, 2016). This HSE proposal will closely rely by using an expandable ICT service and the initiatives that are being progressed and developed within eHealth Ireland.

Shared care centres for paediatric cancer manage common area effects from the patient’s main treatment, they deliver supportive attention to the patients and their main caregivers. During oncology treatments patients become prone and fatigued, for these patients and their strained households/caregivers who would have had to travel long distances from your home to their secondary good care centre, can by constantly travelling, bring about a relapse in health to the individual. Home Treatment is the response for these patients but home treatment can also bring on a set of new obstacles for the patient’s main caregivers. On many events this may leave individuals and caregivers short on nursing care hours for his or her ill child. In Ireland, a few charitable organisations have been create to help battling families with sick children who want and have to be in their house environment. The Laura Lynn charity provides extra services for children and their families (when the nationwide system in Ireland comes brief) allowing them Respite, Problems, Transitional and End of Life attention assistance in many ways including nursing time and a home from home (no care like home good care) when required. https://lauralynn. ie/families/what-we-do/#. WMhiun9sZ_k.

Challenges and Opportunities

One of the largest challenges with shared care strategies is the length of time the patient is from the tertiary centre that snacks them for their condition, (either joining a local clinic/care centre or utilising a home treatment package from the city), is the potential for errors to occur during treatments. For example, medication problems have such a negative impact on patient effects and research shows these negative incidences can be reduced with the right use of ePrescribing decision support and drug delivery checking system (Meyer-Massetti et al. , 2012).

In regards to homecare, the key caregiver is often necessary to perform as a Nurse, Pharmacist, Father or mother, Physiotherapist and Dietician and normally likely to administer complicated drugs without the support of your double-checking ‘manual’ or ‘electronic digital’ system available in a Clinic.

In a study of 117 paediatric oncology outpatients visits 18. 8% were linked to a medication mistake in which 15 errors resulted in injury and 64 of the 117 errors were likely to cause damage. These mistakes regularly arose in the administration period (56%) (Walsh et al. , 2009). Walsh’s results advised that intervention focuses on including increased correspondence about prescription supervision within the OPD medical center and home.

Lighthouse Tasks Initiative

In 2016 the Irish health service (HSE) through eHealth Ireland has invested in three ‘lighthouse jobs. These exciting jobs are in the medical areas of Epilepsy, Haemophilia and Bipolar Disorder. Elements of this built in health strategy mirrors back to the potential mistakes in shared care that this essay has been discovering and will solve the situations where in fact the errors arise using ICT technology to improve communication and medication prescription monitoring, including a great many other benefits unique to each split project, as mentioned about the bipolar disease job “This use technology to enable self-management and the recognition of early indicators of relapse, thus empowering the patient” (eHealthIreland(2), 2016).

These tasks are building a knowledge and demonstrating the results that a countrywide connected EHR would bring the Irish professional medical system. Furthermore, using the proposed national individual health identifier (IHI) in these assignments will help cohesion moving forward to a full electric patient record in key and secondary health care.Shared Care Programs: Risks and Opportunities Essay.

Across the three tasks communication and medication basic safety doesn’t visit secondary or major healthcare but this process will empower the patient via a ‘patient site’ and a mobile program. The diagram below shows the structure needed to ensure a full coverage of good care.


Fig 1:- http://www. ehealthireland. ie/images_upload/Library/Document-Library/Bipolar/Bipolar%20Lighthouse%20Proj%20Image. png

New Children’s Medical center (NCH) Spoke & Hub Solution

The New Children’s Clinic service model is a distributed care approach to emergency treatment and satellite out-patient’s departments. The building site has been cleared because of this one billion euro Children’s Clinic on the St. James’s Hospital Campus.

What is interesting is the ‘Hub & Spoke’ solution (Fig 2) being used for these satellite centres; this is area of the new style of look after paediatric services in Ireland.Shared Care Programs: Risks and Opportunities Essay.


Fig 2: – http://www. newchildrenshospital. ie/clinical-vision/

The two Satellite Centres, one at Tallaght Medical center and the other at Connolly Medical center Blanchardstown provides urgent care and attention with better local access to trauma orthopaedics OPD services, home-based and community services, diagnostics and persistent disease management, “where consultant-led crisis good care will be provided. These urgent health care systems will have observation bedrooms and state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging and x-ray equipment” (NCHDB, 2015).


Fig 3: – http://www. newchildrenshospital. ie/clinical-vision/delivering-the-right-care-in-the-right-place-at-the-right-time-by-the-right-staff/

The HSE is Upgrading the three old children’s clinics with one mighty flagship plus two satellite centres (and a fresh model of care and attention). The benefits of this new composition (credited to space restrictions in a city centre site) is probably not initially obvious however the fact that this is a HIMSS Level 7 center and due to integration and showing of knowledge across these websites will in theory benefit patient health care and effects, “clinical-vision delivering the right care and attention in the right place at the right time by the right personnel” (NCHDB, 2015).


In order to really have the desired optimal and totally functioning shared care and attention networking many changes will need to be forthcoming.

Predominantly, modifications with regards to care functions, the transmitting and utilisation of information (to enhance better clinical decision making and communication) between clinicians in the shared care setting have to be achieved.

A shared style of attention needs as it’s basis stone a completely included ICT system and skilled personnel to operate it. Sound telecommunication links between distributed health care stakeholders locally, regionally and nationally will be key to the reliable and effective operation of shared health care services.

In addition to effective communication it is essential that ICT links will support the existing local and national specialized medical information systems (CIS) alternatives which have been developed and deployed already (i. e. NIMIS) to aid medical staff, medical care specialists, pharmacists and key caregivers.

From the above it is clear that the Irish approach (and significant investment into eHealth Ireland) using ICT solutions in medical is taking positive strides in the desired way in a field fraught with complexities.

Fortunately, within ten years, ‘the confirmation will be in the pudding’, as they say, as we will be in the problem where we can look again and analyse the success (or failures) of the machine that is now in development.Shared Care Programs: Risks and Opportunities Essay.