Sexual Behaviors of Teenagers in the United States Essay

Sexual Behaviors of Teenagers in the United States Essay

Sexually Active High School Students

The number of sexually active high school teens has decreased. A recent survey done by the National Survey of Family Growth (2015) showed that 42% of females and 44% of male school going teens were sexually active. However, the percentage proportion has decreased since 1991 with 13%. Moreover, for the sexually active teens, 73% of females had their first sex with a steady partner, while 58% of males had their first sexual encounter with a regular partner. Sexual Behaviors of Teenagers in the United States Essay.The report showed that the number of teenagers under the age of 13 years who were sexually active had decreased from 10.2% in 1991 to 3.1% in 2015. The percentage of teenagers under the age of 13 years who were sexually active was significantly decreasing.

A report released by the Centers for Disease Control (1992) indicated that the prevalence of having sexual intercourse was higher in males than females by 3.4%.  Moreover, many teens were engaging in other sexual intercourse apart from virginal intercourse. The reports also showed than more than half of sexually active teens were having oral sex, and one out of ten teenagers had anal sex.

The trend of using contraceptives among teens has improved. The direction has made the US have the lowest pregnancy rates among teenagers. The survey done by NSFG (2015) showed that 81% of teens were using contraceptives compared to 74% reported in 2002. Females having intercourse with partners younger than them were reported to lead in the use of contraceptives by 83%. The female teens having sex with males who were four years or older 64% of them used contraceptives. What had contributed to an increase in teens using contraceptives to control pregnancy is the increase of awareness in sexual health. Sexual Behaviors of Teenagers in the United States Essay.

The decrease in Sexually Active Teenagers

The number of high school students with more than one partner has decreased. A report released by Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (2015) showed that the cases of teen males having intercourse with more than one person were higher compared to teen females by 5.3%. The report showed teens in 12th grade leading in having sex with more than one partner by 19.5%. The number of people with more than one sexual partner has decreased from 37.5% in 1991 to 30.1% in 2015. Sexual Behaviors of Teenagers in the United States Essay.


The report by Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (2015) showed that the trend of having more than one partner was significant among black males. Black males led the list by 28.2%, followed by Hispanic males 15.3%. Moreover, black female teens were reported to result in having more than one sexual partner by 9.2%, while the Hispanic female with more than one partner was 6.7%. The number of high school going teenagers with more than four sexual partners had also decreased. The report released by Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (2015) showed the number had been reduced from 18.7% in 1991 to 11.5% in 2015. The trend is higher in urban areas than states with a moderate population.

Reasons for Change in Sexual Activities among American Teenagers

Engaging in protected sex

The pregnancy rate has significantly dropped since 1991. Most teenage pregnancies are a result of irresponsible sex. A report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2015) showed that most teenagers are using condoms to prevent unwanted pregnancies and controlling sexually transmitted diseases.Sexual Behaviors of Teenagers in the United States Essay.  Moreover, what has contributed to the lower pregnancy rate is that teenagers are adopting abstinence until they are old enough to engage in sex. The trend taken to using contraceptives has significantly reduced the number of unwanted teenage pregnancies.

Use of Contraceptives

The use of contraceptives reduces the chances of getting unwanted pregnancies. The teenagers are being taught on the most effective type of contraceptive. The decrease in teenage pregnancy cases has been boosted by awareness in using contraceptives. Moreover, there are now emergency contraceptives that can be accessed in chemists in case the teenager is not under long-lasting contraceptives. An increase in the consistency of birth control been used has reduced teenage pregnancies.

Increased Awareness in Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)

School-going teenagers have become aware of risks associated with having unprotected sex. The teenagers are now aware of sexually transmitted diseases and the methods they can use to control the conditions. Health facilities are playing an essential role in giving teenagers accurate information on sex education. The awareness created has significantly reduced the new cases of STDs. Sexual Behaviors of Teenagers in the United States Essay.

Use of alcohol and drugs by teenagers

The use of drugs and alcohol is a trend that is negatively affecting the change in sexual behaviors. When other trends are improving sexual practices among teenagers, the use of drugs and alcohol is encouraging irresponsible sexual intercourse. A report released by CDC (2015) showed that 21% of high school students had sex while under the influence of alcohol and drugs. The number of teenagers having sex while under the influence of alcohol and drugs has significantly increased from 22% in 1991to 25% in 2015. The trend has increased the chances of teens engaging in unprotected sex, which can lead to unwanted pregnancies and contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

Teen’s exposure to the internet and social media platforms

Most American teens have phones, tablets, and laptops. The teens are using gadgets to access pornography. Watching pornography has increased the number of high school teenagers engaging themselves in sexual intercourse. The social media platforms are also promoting sexual intercourse among teens. Teenagers are dating online with unknown strangers. Upon invitation, they end up having unprotected sex or even rape. The teenagers should be educated on the importance of the internet, and it should be used to do the right thing. Sexual Behaviors of Teenagers in the United States Essay.


Brener, N., Lowry, R., Kann, I., Kolbe, I., and Lehnherr, J. (2002). Trends in sexual behavior among high school students. Morbidity and mortality weekly report, 51(38), 856-859.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC). (1992). Sexual behaviors among high school students. 1990. MMWR Morbidity and mortality weekly report, 40 (51-52) 885.

Kann, L. (2016). Youth risk behaviors surveillance-United States. MMWR Surveill Summ, 63 (4).Retrieved from

Youth Behavior Surveillance, (2015). The number of teens choosing not to have sex. Resource center for adolescent pregnancy prevention, 12-17. Sexual Behaviors of Teenagers in the United States Essay.