Safe Staffing And Maintaining Financial Viability Essay

Safe Staffing And Maintaining Financial Viability Essay

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It is difficult to find a healthcare issue in which costs is not a competing factor. The shift in healthcare to a business model has often led to decisions rooted in cost effectiveness rather than patient outcomes (Kelly & Porr, 2018). The importance of safe staffing and maintaining financial viability are often seen as opposing factors in management decision making. Sometimes, to the detriment of patient outcomes, cost saving decisions are made without consideration of nursing staff input. But as with all difficult situations, sometimes solutions are found through collaboration, and thinking outside the box. Safe Staffing And Maintaining Financial Viability Essay


As one example, hospitals often rely on maintaining low staffing rosters and supplementing with registry nurses as needed in order to meet staffing demands without the incurred costs of permanent staffing positions. However, one study showed that hospitals with lower staff rosters offset their savings due to longer patient stays (Griffiths et al., 2021). In a different staffing model, hospitals have developed an “in-house registry” system. In this system, nurses are paid at a premium rate to rotate within the hospital system. This way hospitals increase available staff while bypassing extra costs associated with relying on an outside agency (Christ, 2022). Both these scenarios address the goal of financial responsibility while exploring the bigger picture of patient outcomes. Because both ends of the specturm are valid points, the answer is often found somewhere in the mid-point of saving money without sacrificing our main objective of patient care. Safe Staffing And Maintaining Financial Viability Essay


Christ, G. (2022). Hospitals eye in-house staffing agencies to combat nursing shortage. Modern Healthcare, 52(9), 14.

Griffiths, P., Saville, C., Ball, J. E., Jones, J., & Monks, T. (2021). Beyond ratios – flexible and resilient nurse staffing options to deliver cost-effective hospital care and address staff shortages: A simulation and economic modelling study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 117.

Kelly, P., Porr, C., (January 31, 2018) “Ethical Nursing Care Versus Cost Containment: Considerations to Enhance RN Practice” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 23, No. 1, Manuscript 6. Safe Staffing And Maintaining Financial Viability Essay