Research, Evidence-based Practice and Improvement Processes Discussion

Research, Evidence-based Practice and Improvement Processes Discussion

The responses should be 100 words and should add to the understanding and learning of the topic and should include at least one peer-reviewed journal article reference. Asking and addressing questions is also highly encouraged.

Participate in the following discussion:

Differentiate and discuss the difference between research, evidence-based practice and improvement processes. Discuss the role each plays in the nursing profession and provide an example of each.

The responses should be 100 words and should add to the understanding and learning of the topic and should include at least one peer-reviewed journal article reference. Asking and addressing questions is also highly encouraged.


Research is what allows a nurse to practice their critical thinking skills. Research helps expand the mind by searching what the best practice might be for certain patient situations. As a nurse, the goal is to promote health and wellness for their patient. This includes using research by identifying barriers to which could give the patients a even better chance of health and wellness. “All nurses share a commitment to the advancement of nursing science by conducting research and using research evidence in practice.” (ANA,2015)  Research in nursing is an ongoing investigation that will never come to a conclusion due to the health care system being a continuous learning field. Research helps provide evidence that is proven to be applied to be practiced in clinical situations. Example: Bed baths; researching how to give a bed bath with the least amount of risk of getting an infection from bacteria. Should you use rags and a bucket of soap and water? Or should you use the vacuum sealed package of sponge pads? Which one will promote a better health and wellness outcome for the patient? Research shows the vacuum sealed bags are 99% bacteria free if used properly. Research, Evidence-based Practice and Improvement Processes Discussion

Evidence base practice is a combination of critical thinking and research and an understanding of the patient’s particular situation. This is where a nurse would take what they already know and combine it with valid research findings and use it along their scope of practice. In order to use evidence base practice, the nurse must also understand and respect the patient and their family’s beliefs. Evidence base practice can also show you outcomes of mortality and morbidity of patients with certain underlining diseases, based on the practice that was used to try and help promote health and wellness. Example: Infection control; using barrier precautions to keep patients safe from infection, such as always wiping down equipment when used on one patient to  another. Such as a thermascan when taking vitals.

Quality improvement is the assessment, practice, and analysis on what the medical field as a whole can do better to promote health and wellness. Quality improvement uses research and evidence base practice to help discover new and safer ways to improve standard of care. “All nurses share a commitment to the advancement of nursing science by conducting research and using research evidence in practice. Example: How can we decrease UTI’s in patients who have orders for a Foley Catheter. Quality improvement would use assessment, specific goals for improvement, rapidly testing practice changes, and etc.

LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2018). Nursing research: methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice (9th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

American Nurses Association (ana). (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Washington,DC: The Association.

Research, Evidence-based Practice and Improvement Processes Discussion