Research Article Critiques: PACE Program for the Elderly.

Research Article Critiques: PACE Program for the Elderly.


PART 2. Research Article Critiques: Each student in a group will submit a brief critique of a scholarly peer-reviewed journal research article on your approved group topic (PACE program for the elderly) that will be used to develop the presentation. See the instructions for a Brief Research article critique and answer the questions in this link for your critique.


An electronic copy of the article must be submitted with the brief critique for grading on Sunday in Week 3. This will be the start of your literature support to build a group of articles for the group to use to support your presentation. Choose an article, describing a research study, from a professional nursing journal that you think will be helpful in addressing your project topic. One way to know that you have a research article is that it should contain the following sections: – Abstract – Introduction/review of the literature – Purpose/research questions – Methodology with sample, instruments, data analysis plan – Results – Discussion.Research Article Critiques: PACE Program for the Elderly.


Research Article Critiques: PACE Program for the Elderly

            This discussion is a review of an article authored by Oosterveld-Vlug et al. (2019). The article specifically focuses on adopting the “PACE Steps to Success” in long-term care facilities. According to the authors, “PACE Steps to Success” was primarily designed to boost the quality of palliative care offered to the elderly in long-term care facilities. The program mainly focuses on ensuring that high-qualitypalliative care is being provided to the residents. This objective can be achieved by facilitating the organization to adopt change, including guiding the staff on how to effectively perform their duties in palliativecare.Research Article Critiques: PACE Program for the Elderly.

The key strength of this article is its clear organization. It has an abstract, which explains clearly what the article is all about. The article also has an introduction section providing background information. Additionally, the introduction section has a well-labeled diagram indicating the six “PACE Steps to Success.” It also has a methodology section showing the research design, data collection method, and data analysis strategy. Specifically, the study has utilized a rigorous study design, which is more effective. Finally, the findings of the study have been discussed in the result section.Research Article Critiques: PACE Program for the Elderly.

On the other hand, the article has some limitations.The first shortcoming is the failure to reference process evaluation studiesthat have been adopted inpalliative care programs. Therefore, there is no adequate evidence that the program will be successful once implemented in palliative care facilities.

In conclusion, the article has revealed the effectiveness of the “PACE Steps to Success” in improving long-term care facilities’ quality of services. It is attributed to strengths and weaknesses. Clear organization, including an abstract, introduction, methodology, and findings section, is among the key strengths. On the other hand, failure to reference process evaluation studies is the major shortcoming of this study. Research Article Critiques: PACE Program for the Elderly.