Reflection Journal EBP Databases Nursing Shortage and Stress

Reflection Journal EBP Databases Nursing Shortage and Stress

Use one of the provided databases to research the practice problem you identified in Module Three for your final project. Cochrane Collaboration CINAHL Complete After using a database to research your problem, write a journal assignment reflecting on the information you were able to gather about your practice problem, as well as how you currently use or may use the database in your future professional life. Consider how the theoretical evidence from the databases listed above applies to your current practice setting. APA 7th edition Done in word for editing

Reflection Journal EBP Databases: Nursing Shortage and Stress

Various nursing issues are documented in multiple databases, including Cochrane and CINAHL. In this case, CINAHLwas used to research about nursing shortage and stress. This journal assignment will contain a reflection on the information that I gathered about the nursing shortage and stress. Additionally, it will include the use of the database in my future professional life. Finally, the reflection journal will address the application of the theoretical evidence from the databases to my current practice setting. Reflection Journal EBP Databases Nursing Shortage and Stress


The information gathered from the database revealed that a positive relationship exists between nursing shortage and stress. Nurses strive to provide quality and safe care to their patients in their respective units in healthcare settings, thus improving clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction (Woo et al., 2017).Nursing shortage increases their workloadcompromising the quality of care and health outcomes(MacPhee et al., 2017). Low-quality care and poor health outcomes, in turn, leadto stress among these practitioners(Faremi et al., 2019). For instance, I was stressed when I was assigned more patients in the setting since I could not meet their healthcare needs. CINAHL will be useful in my future professional life. I will gather information about various issues that might arise during my clinical practice in the future. Therefore, this database will enable me to address the various problem, thus improving the quality of care provided to the patients. Finally, the theoretical evidence about the nursing shortage and stress from the databases will be applied to my current practice setting. The management will strive to hire more nurse practitioners and retain the current ones to maintainan appropriate nurse staffing ratio. Consequently, the practitioners will have an appropriate workload, thus providing quality care to the patients, which will prevent them from being stressed.Reflection Journal EBP Databases Nursing Shortage and Stress

Overall, information gathered from the database revealed that a positive relationship exists between nursing shortage and stress. This theoretical evidence about the nursing shortage and stress from the database will be applied to my current practice setting to prevent stress through appropriate nurse staffing ratios. 


Faremi, F. A., Olatubi, M. I., Adeniyi, K. G., & Salau, O. R. (2019). Assessment of occupational-related stress among nurses in two selected hospitals in a city in southwestern Nigeria. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences10, 68-73.

MacPhee, M., Dahinten, V. S., & Havaei, F. (2017). The impact of heavy perceived nurse workloads on patient and nurse outcomes. Administrative Sciences7(1), 7.

Woo, B. F. Y., Lee, J. X. Y., & San Tam, W. W. (2017). The impact of the advanced practice nursing role on the quality of care, clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, and cost in the emergency and critical care settings: a systematic review. Human resources for health15(1), 63. Reflection Journal EBP Databases Nursing Shortage and Stress