Program Name & Institution Essay.

Program Name & Institution Essay.


Placenta Abruption

Pregnant women are considered venerable populations in healthcare. Therefore, maternal healthcare is important throughout pregnancy, delivery, and after delivery. Several abnormalities occur during pregnancy with different etiologies. Common conditions during pregnancy include eclampsia, gestational diabetes, anemia, placenta previa, hyperemesis gravidarum, and placenta abruption among others. This discussion explores on, placenta abruption, causes, presentation, and nursing management (Downes, Grantz&Shenassa, 2017). The information discussed is essential for midwives to obtain the necessary knowledge to handle such cases during maternal healthcare.Program Name & Institution Essay.


Pathology and Presentation of Placenta Abruption

The placenta is a product of conception that nourishes the fetus until it is delivered. Thus, the placenta should remain intact until the fetus is delivered to ensure it receives both nutrients and oxygen. Sometimes the placenta detaches from the uterine wall before delivery, the condition is known as placenta abruption. Two types of separation occur; partial and compete for detachment from the uterine wall (Downes, Grantz&Shenassa, 2017). In partial placenta abruption, the fetus receives a limited amount of nutrients and oxygen while incomplete it receives nothing. The condition is most common in the third trimester than in the first or second.Program Name & Institution Essay.

Mothers experiencing this condition present with vaginal bleeding which ranges from spotting to heavy bleeding. The client may also present with severe abdominal pain or back pain whose description does not match that of labor pains. The mother may also present with uterine rigidity or tenderness and sometimes with contractions following each other consecutively. Risk factors of placenta abruption include trauma, smoking, chronic high blood pressure, placenta abruption in previous pregnancies, and chorioamnionitis among others. Diagnosis and management of placental abruption if vital since the occurrence is a risk for both the fetus and the mother.

Case Scenario

Angela* a 29-year-old female (primigravida) is admitted to the antenatal care unit with complaints of heavy bleeding (two fully soaked pads in 14hours) and severe abdominal pains that are not radiating to the back. She reports having fallen down the staircase after feeling dizzy on the previous day.  Her last menstrual period (LMP) was November 27th, 2019 (Wednesday) and the expected due date is September 2nd, 2020 (Wednesday). She was admitted on the 12th of August 2020 (Tuesday), gestation by weeks is 36/38.Program Name & Institution Essay.

Nursing Process in Management of the Case

A nursing process is a systematic way that caregivers follow activities aimed at meeting the healthcare needs of the client. The initial stage is a head to toe examination. The process allows the nurse to identify abnormalities that need to be addressed through objective and subjective data. Subjective data in this case is pain and vaginal bleeding while objective data include vital signs. Observation is another source of objective data which in this case would be the color of the vaginal discharge.Program Name & Institution Essay.

The nurses should also perform other forms of assessment including auscultation for the fetal heart rate and palpation on the uterus to determine if it is tender or rigid. The midwife should also conduct a digital examination to determine if the client has cervical dilatation as well as the status of the pelvic region. The next step in the nursing process is developing a diagnosis which is the health need that should be addressed (Toney-Butler & Thayer, 2019).  Based on the presenting symptoms and data obtained during the assessment, Angela has placenta abruption. After making a diagnosis the nurse develops a plan that is best for the scenario. During the planning stage, the nurse develops goals that should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (SMART). Planning in this case should be facilitating delivery within the shortest time possible. After panning the nurse implements necessary interventions to achieve the goals set. Thereafter, the midwife assesses if the goals set during planning have been met which in this case is safe delivery.Program Name & Institution Essay.

Nursing Diagnosis

While managing Angela, the nurse should come up with a diagnosis that requires to be addressed in the case. The client is likely to have ineffective tissue perfusion related to excessive blood loss evidenced by skin pallor. The goal of this diagnosis is to increase perfusion and reduce blood loss. Interventions to achieve the goals include educating the patient to refrain from applying uterine pressure since it can result in pooling venous blood in lower extremities thus further bleeding (Oyelese&Annath, 2016). The nurse should take vital signs and oxygen saturation to obtain baseline data. The nurse can also put Angela on oxygen therapy to increase the amount of 02 available for circulation. The outcome of those interventions is increased by 02 saturation (91% to 99%).

Angela is also having acute pain related to the sudden separation of the placenta from the uterine wall evidenced by uterine tenderness. The goal of this diagnosis is that she will report relief from pain and demonstrate relaxation skills. Nursing interventions include administering analgesics,provide comfort measures, and encourage rest. Interventions reduce pain and prevent fatigue. Evalution is observing for distress and assessing for pain, which according to Angela greatly reduced.Program Name & Institution Essay.


Placental abruption is one of the complications that occur during pregnancy. A client is said to have placenta abruption when the placenta separated from the uterine partially or fully wall before delivery. The complication is fatal for the fetus since it is derived from nutrients. Midwives should diagnose and plan to manage the same as an emergency. Nursing interventions in such a case include administering analgesics and facilitating delivery. Program Name & Institution Essay.

Pregnant women are considered venerable populations in healthcare. Therefore, maternal healthcare is important throughout pregnancy, delivery, and after delivery. Several abnormalities occur during pregnancy with different etiologies. Common conditions during pregnancy include eclampsia, gestational diabetes, anemia, placenta previa, hyperemesis gravidarum, and placenta abruption among others. This discussion explores on, placenta abruption, causes, presentation, and nursing management (Downes, Grantz & Shenassa, 2017). The information discussed is essential for midwives to obtain the necessary knowledge to handle such cases during maternal healthcare.Program Name & Institution Essay.

Pathology and Presentation of Placenta Abruption

The placenta is a product of conception that nourishes the fetus until it is delivered. Thus, the placenta should remain intact until the fetus is delivered to ensure it receives both nutrients and oxygen. Sometimes the placenta detaches from the uterine wall before delivery, the condition is known as placenta abruption. Two types of separation occur; partial and compete for detachment from the uterine wall (Downes, Grantz & Shenassa, 2017). In partial placenta abruption, the fetus receives a limited amount of nutrients and oxygen while incomplete it receives nothing. The condition is most common in the third trimester than in the first or second.Program Name & Institution Essay.

Mothers experiencing this condition present with vaginal bleeding which ranges from spotting to heavy bleeding. The client may also present with severe abdominal pain or back pain whose description does not match that of labor pains. The mother may also present with uterine rigidity or tenderness and sometimes with contractions following each other consecutively. Risk factors of placenta abruption include trauma, smoking, chronic high blood pressure, placenta abruption in previous pregnancies, and chorioamnionitis among others. Diagnosis and management of placental abruption if vital since the occurrence is a risk for both the fetus and the mother.Program Name & Institution Essay.

Case Scenario

Angela* a 29-year-old female (primigravida) is admitted to the antenatal care unit with complaints of heavy bleeding (two fully soaked pads in 14hours) and severe abdominal pains that are not radiating to the back. She reports having fallen down the staircase after feeling dizzy on the previous day.  Her last menstrual period (LMP) was November 27th, 2019 (Wednesday) and the expected due date is September 2nd, 2020 (Wednesday). She was admitted on the 12th of August 2020 (Tuesday), gestation by weeks is 36/38.

Nursing Process in Management of the Case

A nursing process is a systematic way that caregivers follow activities aimed at meeting the healthcare needs of the client. The initial stage is a head to toe examination. The process allows the nurse to identify abnormalities that need to be addressed through objective and subjective data. Subjective data in this case is pain and vaginal bleeding while objective data include vital signs. Observation is another source of objective data which in this case would be the color of the vaginal discharge.Program Name & Institution Essay.

The nurses should also perform other forms of assessment including auscultation for the fetal heart rate and palpation on the uterus to determine if it is tender or rigid. The midwife should also conduct a digital examination to determine if the client has cervical dilatation as well as the status of the pelvic region. The next step in the nursing process is developing a diagnosis which is the health need that should be addressed (Toney-Butler & Thayer, 2019).  Based on the presenting symptoms and data obtained during the assessment, Angela has placenta abruption. After making a diagnosis the nurse develops a plan that is best for the scenario. During the planning stage, the nurse develops goals that should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (SMART). Planning in this case should be facilitating delivery within the shortest time possible. After panning the nurse implements necessary interventions to achieve the goals set. Thereafter, the midwife assesses if the goals set during planning have been met which in this case is safe delivery.

Nursing Diagnosis

While managing Angela, the nurse should come up with a diagnosis that requires to be addressed in the case. The client is likely to have ineffective tissue perfusion related to excessive blood loss skin pallor. The goal of this diagnosis is to increase perfusion and reduce blood loss. Interventions to achieve the goals include educating the patient to refrain from applying uterine pressure since it can result in pooling venous blood in lower extremities thus further bleeding (Oyelese & Annath, 2016). The nurse should take vital signs and oxygen saturation to obtain baseline data. The nurse can also put Angela on oxygen therapy to increase the amount of 02 available for circulation.Program Name & Institution Essay.

The outcome of those interventions is increased by 02 saturation (91% to 99%). Angela is also having acute pain related to the sudden separation of the placenta from the uterine wall evidenced by uterine tenderness. The goal of this diagnosis is that she will report relief from pain and demonstrate relaxation skills. Nursing interventions include administering analgesics, provide comfort measures, and encourage rest. Interventions reduce pain and prevent fatigue. Evalution is observing for distress and assessing for pain, which according to Angela greatly reduced.Program Name & Institution Essay.


Placental abruption is one of the complications that occur during pregnancy. A client is said to have placenta abruption when the placenta separated from the uterine partially or fully wall before delivery. The complication is fatal for the fetus since it is derived from nutrients. Midwives should diagnose and plan to manage the same as an emergency. Nursing interventions in such a case include administering analgesics and facilitating delivery.  Program Name & Institution Essay.