Population Health Case Studies Example

Population Health Case Studies Example

Salt intake control is a major issue globally. This needs to be addressed because of the associated consequences especially the high blood pressure. The main view of the paper is the review of the contrasting model of control which is the medical model and public health model of control. High salt intake comes from various sources. One of the main sources noted to be relevant in America is that of the intake from processed and restaurants foods.
The medical model is based on stating the amount of salt the patient needs based on the health condition of such patient. For instance, American Heart Association recommends 1500mg of sodium per day for a patient known to be at stage A and B heart failure (Gupta et al., 2012). Other consideration by the medical model is based on the incidence of hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, cardiovascular disease and other Heart failure risk factors (Gupta et al., 2012).Population Health Case Studies Example
This medical model creates a list of foods the patient with hypertension, kidney disease or heart failure needs to stay away from and those to choose. The most important aspect of the medical model is that which focuses on taking the patient as an individual entity and helping the patient to manage the salt intake so as not to compromise the other areas of the body that might also be in need of sodium. In the case of how the public health official would manage the issue of salt intake, this seems to be another approach that is more of population based because of the method.
The approach noted to be relevant in the population salt reduction is based on communication, reformulation, monitoring and regulation. These four-pronged approaches are considered to be the foundation of the policy of salt reduction. All four approaches are interconnected because they help to reduce the salt intake. Considering the two approaches, public health based model help reduce cost. It ensures a larger population based is prevented from the problems that might be associated with increased salt concentration in the body. However, on the other hand, medical model ensures that patients are managed in association to their salt intake based on their salt requirements. There are some other needs of salt in the body that two low salt concentrations in the body will cause.Population Health Case Studies Example


Creating a more healthful environment is an essential duty of the government. The government has more work to do regarding the salt intake reduction or control especially in helping to reduce the increase salt intake among Americans. The government needs to ensure that all notable sources of increased salt intake are controlled in terms of creating laws that will ensure that options are available for people at risk of increased salt concentration.
The government will also have to ensure that there are laws made to control the confederation of food and drink industries. It should also consider addressing the contributions of the catering sector. Another area of changes that needs to be addressed is the changes in the environment and health promotion and consumer education. With all these areas, government can achieve a high level of control of salt intake simply because all areas from the food producers down to the consumers were considered.
The cost of producing the other brands or options should be bear by the manufacturers, considering the fact that all profits are for them and they are doing everything in the consumer’s interest. The manufacturers should always consider the option of producing varieties that considered the people in need of such healthier foods.Population Health Case Studies Example