Philosophy of Nursing Paper Example

Philosophy of Nursing Paper Example

The paper deals with the analysis of autonomous aspects of nursing practice that lead to nursing excellence. On the way, conscientiousness, integrity, trust, and caring constitute a platform for personal improvements in the patient-centered nursing. Such practice is described to be the background for health promotion with an active involvement of a patient in shared decision-making. Trust refers to the primary issues of personal philosophy of nursing while making the relational manifestation of nursing socially significant. In addition, the patient-nurse relations become humanistic due to the passionate caring. The latter one should be reinforced by integrity and conscientiousness. The issues are described as the markers of professional development of a nurse as a change agent, advocate, educator, and leader. Permanent practice contributes to the understanding of the value of autonomous aspects in nursing.Philosophy of Nursing Paper Example


Keywords: patient-centered care, conscientiousness, integrity, trust, caring

Expanded Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Nurse profession refers to one of the most needed and noble occupations of modern society. A permanent increase in everyday stresses and diversity of health disorders requires a life-long holistic care. That can be provided by permanent improvements in the nurse excellence. In the light of challenges, patient-centered nursing that involves conscientiousness, integrity, trust, and caring seems to be the most appropriate way. Trust and conscientiousness establish such an environment that makes the nurse and the patient the like-minded persons. Integrity reinforces trust while covering moral complexity of decision-making in nursing. On the way, only caring distinguishes the nurse from a health care worker. Exploration of the patient-centered care aspects contributes to the personal professional excellence.Philosophy of Nursing Paper Example

Patient-Centered Nursing

Foremost, the nursing practice should be focused on the needs, individual preferences, and choices of patients. Only the patient-centered activity can enable all aspects of efficient treatment to occur. According to the research by Barry and Edgman-Levitan (2012), patient-centered care shifts the focus toward the needs of patients though not only the disease itself. As a result, it shortens the distance between the members of the health care system and makes the relations to positive feedbacks. By this, in my opinion, the autonomous skills of the nurse practitioner like conscientiousness, integrity, trust, and caring provide the patient to be cured in a respectful and holistic way.

For example, while having provided care for the Latin American patient with prostate cancer and with the low awareness of his heath state, firstly I have focused on his significance in a treatment process. Hence, the patient, being earlier afraid of clinical decisions that are not understood, became interested in the surgery. In such a way the value of the person’s preferences was upraised. It is an essential feature of shared-decision making (Barry & Edgman-Levitan, 2012). Accordingly, in order to implement patient-centered care one must overcome the barriers between the patient and the clinician. For these purposes, trust has turned out to be a cornerstone of excellent nursing.Philosophy of Nursing Paper Example


The issue of trust generates the most suitable environment for the patient-centered nursing to be significant and efficient. Hence, therapeutic relationships are manifested in its establishment between the sick person and the nurse. As for me, the establishment of trust follows trying on the role of an advocate and educator for a patient. The survey by Dinc and Gastmans (2013) shows that those roles make the trusting relationships being lasting. Trust involves keeping the privacy of the person’s personal issues that may only be the caregiver’s and healthcare professional’s concern. In my opinion, the nurse should be aware and even responsible for maintaining the patient’s rights for privacy in a healthcare facility. It seems to be an essential part of holistic care.

Moreover, pedagogical competence reinforces the trusting behavior to be maintained. Once, I have managed to teach the patient to cope with the onsets of hypertension, I have become a leader in the person’s environment. Furthermore, keeping in my mind that my African American patient with the low income does not trust the health care system, I have focused on the treatment of hypertension as a life-threating factor. The recent studies argue that mistrust to the medical facilities as a whole can be replaced by the autonomous trusting relationship of patient-nurse (Dinc & Gastmans, 2013, p. 505).Philosophy of Nursing Paper Example

However, the difficulties of trust are related to a vulnerable status of an individual under treatment. The person’s dependency in the clinical settings is thought to be an obstacle for making trust the foremost competency to rely on (Dinc & Gastmans, 2013, p. 502). In turn, the interpersonal activity of gaining trust would benefit from integrity as a part of moral awareness of professional, social, and individual issues. The search for the balance of the above-mentioned aspects appears to be crucial for me. However, still the property should be improved further.


Mastering integrity in the clinical practice is another autonomous feature of nursing excellence. It seems to be a controversial issue while the modern conditions of the health care environment suggest flexibility of moral standards in response to specific situations and individual beliefs of the sick person. Hence, the trait requires a deep and multisided insight into the personal honesty, healthcare problems and social reality.

Integrity starts from being a major inspector of the own actions as a nurse and as a human. Even though the busy environment of the healthcare setting leads often to burnouts, the medical practitioner should always keep honesty and above mentioned trust as guiding lines for actions. These are the options that enable the nurse to be stable in the professional excellence.Philosophy of Nursing Paper Example

The recognition of failures in the practice constitutes manifestations of integrity as well. In particular, it took me a lot of courage to confess my irrational actions while working under pressure. Though no one of the staff noticed it, I excused for the deferred care before the patient. In the same time, it became the point for me to take this process under control and improve.

The difficulties with the implementation of integrity also are in the dogmatism of commonly acknowledged moral principles. Though it may be a conventional directive for undertaking clinical actions, dogmatism should be also dampened, according to the moral vision of the sick person (Edgar & Pattison, 2011, p. 96). Hence, integrity goes hand in hand with the competence of caring as a framework for being accountable for moral actions that help.


Provision of a continuous chain of medical techniques, psychological assistance, and curing environment are all the aspects of caring. Only in such a way, professional caring becomes reasonable for the patient. Accordingly, the role of the nurse practitioner can be only assessed in the terms of interpersonal collaboration. The autonomous property of caring contributes to the human face of nursing in the efficiency of the health care system. In my opinion, being humanistic is the property that makes every medical practitioner excellent in the eyes of society. In addition, sacrifice obtains a new meaning in the era of high technologies and computerized diagnostics, but a bit of humanity. The value of caring is well known while being designated toward the person as a whole, but not only the disease exploration and treatment (Kim, 2015, p. 46). Besides, Watson’s theory of human caring determines a spiritual part of caring (Alligood, M., 2014, p.103). Since, caring for human souls appears to be a determinant of holistic care as well.Philosophy of Nursing Paper Example

My personal philosophy constitutes sharing the care in a form of public love to patients. Personal experience shows that offering more than just the treatment instructions or fulfilling medical procedures is a key to positive outcomes in health promotion and maintenance of others. The beliefs are congruent with Watson’s theory of caring that integrates nursing science and healing art (Lukose, 2011; Alligood, 2014). In particular, older patients turn out to be the most vulnerable ones to the positive emotions they get in the clinical settings. The occasion with the old man who was eager to take the life-maintaining medications only because of me as a passionate nurse made me think of caring as interpersonal curing. Making other persons believe that they can rely on someone else seems to be the power of an excellent medical practitioner. Such conditions are based on the crucial values of nurses like human dignity and altruism.


In the same way, discovering the right place for sacrifice, compassion, and empathy in practice means another challenge for my professional development. Ethical knowledge once again serves the framework for decision making. Broadening the scope of ethical considerations, while operating in the atmosphere of cultural diversity and conflicts of personal interests, concerns the development of nursing excellence within the needs of time (Alligood, 2014, p. 65). Consequently, modern and nursing practice should involve conscientiousness as an appropriate way to remain objective in the subjective visions of nurse professionalism.


Evidence-based and patient-centered practice cannot be seen without conscientiousness. Moreover, the competence predisposes and shapes the performance. The studies argue a close connection of professional conscientiousness and job productivity (Ellershaw et al., 2015). Nursing has to be purposeful to provide medical treatment and caring. Besides, it is supposed to be the profession with the highest honesty. While this occupation is closely related to personal integrity and increasing social expectations, one cannot move toward excellence without gaining conscientiousness.

Accordingly, the well-organized behavior is another competence of my nursing philosophy while it enables the above mentioned properties of autonomous practice to be applied. Conscientiousness relates to the development of job efficiency provided by a careful nurse (Kim, 2015). The property, however, means working under pressure. My experience shows that it is still a challenge for me. Still, when it goes about patient safety, the nurse cannot behave without being conscious. Hence, the sick person’s safety and comfort have become a trigger for me to pay attention to conscientiousness. For instance, when teaching the Jewish patient how to cope with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) at home, I had to become the treated person myself being careful despite religious beliefs of the client. Keeping in my mind that delivering those techniques may diminish exacerbations was a determinant in being conscious. In a long run, every next day of my practice and each further positive feedback serve a background to improve my nursing excellence.Philosophy of Nursing Paper Example


Nursing excellence means the incorporation of humanistic and professional competencies into a flexible network of patient-centered care. Providing the sick person with some abilities to take part in the treatment enables the health care professional shorten the distance in an efficient nurse-patient relationship. In order to fill in the curing process with significance and comfort, the nurse is supposed to apply trust, caring, conscientiousness and integrity in the daily practice. Trust reflects the quality of interpersonal relations based on the roles of an advocate and educator. Integrity provides objectivity and morality and, in the same time, decisions with the least harm. Conscientiousness serves a basis for the caring to become of high quality. Finally, only commitment to caring makes the nurse needed or even vital. All the discussed competencies make sense when developed and implemented into one philosophy for nursing. Finally, only daily practice reveals the difficulties and solutions for the application.Philosophy of Nursing Paper Example