Pediatric Nursing Essay

Pediatric Nursing Essay

Critical analysis of home environment

APA formatted

Guidelines in the attachment

Create and practice fire escape plans with two ways out.
Windows above the first floor should have an emergency release device in
case of a fire.Create a family size emergency kit and smaller to go kits.Pediatric Nursing Essay


Personal needs
Disinfectants wipes
Bar soap
Hand sanitizer 60% alcohol
2 masks per person
Living Room teens how to use matches and don’t leave candles lit after use.
2.install smoke detectors and every level of home. Test batteries every 6
3. Install (CO) carbon monoxide detectors
1.Monitor computer use
2.discuss internet/social media
3.Cover cameras when not in use
4. Discuss dating/partner violence. Healthy and unhealthy relationships
5. Talk to teens about sexual behaviors
6. Make an appointment for teen to speak privately with a primary care
physician. Pediatric Nursing Essay

Everyday in this world, children become ill or get into accidents and need medical attention. Whether these children are taken to a hospital, pediatrician, specialist, or clinic, a doctor and a pediatric nurse will tend to them. The nurse plays a role that is just as important as the doctor. Children’s nurses work very closely with the child’s families as part of the caring process. Every member of the child’s family plays a role in different ways. The nurses are there to help the child as well as the family step through the illness or injury. They provide information for the prevention of future illness and injury, and help to comfort the child and his/her parents. It is vital that a pediatric nurse understands that to be a nurse, you need a certain personality and understanding of the field.
The significance of pediatric nurses applies to everyone they encounter. They provide a great amount of help to the doctors and physicians they encounter everyday. They assist in procedures, testing, and diagnosing the patient. They also help to aid families in understand the symptoms and diagnoses of their child. “The child is part of a family, a dynamic, ever-changing unit, and an integral part of any intervention” (McElroy, Gordon 445). Family is a part of the healing process for a child, and the nurse needs to make sure the family perceives the medical terms in a way that they can understand. The nurse also needs to make sure that if the child is old enough to be aware of what is going on, that they understand what is happening to them. They need to provide the child with a certain level of understanding and prepare them for what is about to come. When a child is about to receive a test or a certain procedure, the nurse is to step through what is happening to the child. The nurse is also there to supply comfort and to help nurture and relax a child through this difficult time. This could be as simple as holding a child’s hand when they a getting a shot, or reading them a story after a hard day. Pediatric Nursing Essay

Children get injured or sick every day, and it doesn’t matter whether the child goes to a doctor or a pediatrician they are still tended to by a pediatric nurse. A pediatric nurse has to have many qualities. They also have to take many different classes. A pediatric nurse’s pay can vary from location to location depending on where they are working. Pediatric nurses must endure many different things to make it into this particular work field, and have many different qualities.

Pediatric nurses do a lot of the same tasks as a regular nurse. They draw blood, check vital signs, can perform physical examinations, and order diagnostic tests. However, the job of a pediatric nurse goes beyond regular nurses. They must have a caring relationship not only with the patient they are tending to, but also the patient’s family. Parents usually prefer a pediatric nurse over a regular nurse due to the caring relationship they carry. This is well known by the nurses as the caring process. During this process the nurse must help the child and the child’s family step by step with anything they may need at the time. The pediatric nurse provides support, care, and information on how to prevent future problems. Pediatric nursing can be defined as “the practice of nursing with children, youth, and their families across the health continuum, including health promotion, illness management, and health restoration” (Barnsteiner et al). Therefore, you can see from that statement alone there is more than one job to be done by a pediatric nurse. A pediatric nurse can see anywhere from 80 to 100 children a day. They take appointments, walk-ins, and sometimes make home visits. Pediatric Nursing Essay

Pediatric nursing is the practice of nursing with children, youth, and their families across the health continuum, including health promotion, illness management, and health restoration (Taylor, 2006). Pediatric nursing is not only centered on child care, but involves the well being of the family. A few roles of pediatric nursing include having good interacting skills, good empathy, and immense love for children, flexibility, having control over your emotions, and having good stress management (Pediatric Nurse).

Personal Interests for this Role

One of the main reasons I have chosen to learn more about this nursing role is because of my awe-inspiring desire to care for children. I believe being a pediatric nurse would give me the opportunity to not only teach children to better care for themselves, but would also enable me to act as a role model. Pediatric nursing will require a high level of responsibility because unlike many of the other nursing fields, not only is the patient depending on me to make sensible decisions the family is also going to be a concern. While some other professional fields enable you to work with children, nursing will let me work with children while also obtaining a higher level of income. Pediatric nursing also interests me because I can work in many settings including pediatric clinics, children hospitals, family practices, nursing administration, and in the academic world (Pediatric Nurse Information). While the core decision for nursing is the benefits and salary, being able to send a child home with his/her family safe and sound would add a supreme feeling of accomplishment. Pediatric Nursing Essay

The History behind the Role

Pediatric nursing did not evolve as a specialty in the United States until the late 19th century. Many families of this period could not meet the expense of medical care and relied on mostly folk medicine. Pediatric nursing was “put on the map” around 1855 in the United States, with the found of the first children’s hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This was a good time to open a child care facility since it had also just opened its nursing school and was teaching child care how they believed it should be taught. The hospital provided home care and revolved its improved child care around research. Later several hospitals were opened in many of the major cities in the United States (Taylor, 2006).

Private duty nurses also specialized in child care. They played a big role in the “child saving moment” in the early 20th century. Nurses were also involved in a federal program that aided them in improving child care. Lillian Wald and Mary M. Brewster lived and worked as nurses in New York around 1893, and in 1895, they opened up the Nurses Settlement House. By 1909, thirty seven nurses were employed, which allowed for more nurse’s training, obstetrical services, first aid homes, and educational programs for the communities. Wald also played a role in the development of school nursing. In 1923, the committee for the Study of Nursing Education in the United States, which is a document referred to as the Goldmark Report. This report gave a more coherent thought behind nursing school’s teaching agenda and set a strengthened program. It gave an alternative source of education for those wanting to enter the nursing field. This helped with the direct involvement of pediatric nursing’s movement toward advanced degrees and practices. The new research reflected the changing of many issues, including family involvement in child care. It gave nurses a chance to educate poor children about good health habits without parent hindrance. Later in the century; however, Florence Blake demonstrated the optimistic effects of family centered child care. Surgeon General, C. Everett Koops, helped with the push towards family centered care with community based family centered care. Family centered care developed the present-day pediatric nursing role to include the new theories of multi-cultural care and family theory (Taylor, 2006). Pediatric Nursing Essay

Educational and Training Requirements

There are a few requirements that shall be met before successfully becoming a pediatric nurse. The first step would be to obtain a degree in nursing from an endorsed institution. The next step would be to get your nursing license. The last requirement would be to gain pediatric nursing experience. If the pediatric nurse wanted to go further in his/her career, they could acquire a master’s of science in nursing, which would look good on a resume. A pediatric nurse must hold an associates or bachelor’s degree in nursing. The nurse must have successfully completed the NCLEX (National Council Licensure Examination-Registered Nurse) to become licensed and work as a pediatric nurse. (Pediatric Nurse Information).

Accountability of this Role

According to the Scope and Standards of Practice for Pediatric Nursing, there are ten main standards of professional performance a nurse should follow. These roles include: quality of care, performance appraisal, outcomes of measurement, education, collegiality, ethics, collaboration, research and clinical scholarship, and leadership professional accountability. The advanced practice nurse in pediatrics should serve in leadership positions, serve as role models or mentors to other pediatric nurses, participate in family oriented research, and ensure a practice based on evidence. Eventually, nurses who pursue these activities will become more adherent towards the accountability to themselves, patients, and peers of their profession career (Association, 2008). From the American Nurses Association in the Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements, accountability means to be answerable to oneself and others for one’s own actions. In order to be accountable, nurses act under a code of ethical conduct that is grounded in the moral principles of fidelity and respect for the dignity, worth, and self determination of patients. Nurses are accountable for judgments made and actions taken in the course of nursing practice irrespective of health care organizations’ policies or providers’ directives (section 4.2, paragraph 1). Pediatric Nursing Essay


Scope of Practice for this Role

The roles of the pediatric nurse are diverse and dynamic. On the most universal level, a pediatric nurse is a licensed registered nurse who has displayed knowledge within the specialty and clinical skills. Some of the standards set forth by the health resource and services administration maternal and child health bureau as applied to the beginning practitioner are the care of children in the environment of their families, sensitivity to cultural issues, effective, child communication, injury prevention and safety, promotion of child health in family situations, and ethical moral and legal dilemmas involving children, families, and health care professionals. The inpatient setting presents one of the most assorted opportunities for applying the role of child health care provider (Association, 2008). Pediatric Nursing Essay

Children get injured or sick every day, and it doesn’t matter whether the child goes to a doctor or a pediatrician they are still tended to by a pediatric nurse. A pediatric nurse has to have many qualities. They also have to take many different classes. A pediatric nurse’s pay can vary from location to location depending on where they are working. Pediatric nurses must endure many different things to make it into this particular work field, and have many different qualities.
Pediatric nurses do a lot of the same tasks as a regular nurse. They draw blood, check vital signs, can perform physical examinations, and order diagnostic tests. However, the job of a pediatric nurse goes beyond regular nurses. They must have a caring relationship…show more content…
Another big role in a pediatric nurse’s job is telling the parents disturbing news when it is necessary. Telling the family any bad news is more of a process than anyone might think. The pediatric nurse responsible for this task must first think ahead, plan for the worse, and plan for the reaction of the family. The pediatric nurse must set time apart from their busy day to be able to spend it with the family of the patient. One is never sure how the family will react or how long it will take to explain all the details and answer all the family’s questions. , According to Crawford in his journal “It is also helpful in many cases to have a witness to what was actually said as sometimes, despite all the care and attention to detail, mixed messages can be conveyed” (Crawford 3). In the article, it also states that the pediatric nurse should give open and honest information to the family. The nurse should start the conversation off letting the family know that they are here to support and encourage. The nurse should be straight forward from there on out and should refrain from using elaborate or confusing words with the child’s family. The nurse should avoid not only confusing the family but also excuses, jargon, elaborate reasoning, and the temptation to speed through the bad news without making 100 percent positive the family understands what they are being told. When the nurse has properly told the family the bad news, he or she must Pediatric Nursing Essay