Pathopharmacological Foundations; Advanced Nursing Practice Essay

Pathopharmacological Foundations; Advanced Nursing Practice Essay

A. Obesity is an epidemic disease which is increasing in frequency in frequency. It is one of the most common disorders in medical practice and among the most frustrating and difficult to manage. Little progress has been made in prevention or treatment, yet major changes have occurred in our understanding of its causes and implications for health. It is associated with changes in many body systems. Pathopharmacological Foundations; Advanced Nursing Practice Essay.The definition of obesity is: a condition of excess body fat. Obesity is measured using Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is calculated by dividing body mass in kilograms by the square of height in meters, 

( ) A2. Management and treatment of obesity is a long term and many times lifelong commitment. Pharmacotherapy and bariatric surgery along with life style change is used to treat obesity. A2a. The list of pharmacological treatments approved for weight loss is long. Orlistat, known as Xenical or Alli, can be bought over the counter, works by reducing fat absorption via inhibition of pancreatic lipase activity in the intestine. Appetite suppressants similar to amphetamines, acting on the central nervous system are also commonly used. Among these drugs are: Adipex (phentermine), Meidia (sibutramine hydrochloride), Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine saccharate), and Belvig (lorcaserin hcl). Drugs such as Zonisamide and Topamax (topiramate) which are medications prescribed for seizures and migraines were found to have a side effect of weight loss, loss of appetite, and leaving a bad taste in your mouth when carbonated beverages are consumed. Other drugs used are a combination of two drugs. Qsymia is a combination of phentermine and topiramate. Pathopharmacological Foundations; Advanced Nursing Practice Essay. Contrave is a combination of naltreyone, which treats alcohol and drugaddiction and bupropion which treats depression and seasonal affective disorder and 4 used to help smokers quit. In order for this drug to be prescribed the patient must have at least one weight related illness such as high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes. ( Although local doctors will prescribe


As an advanced practice nurse, it is important to diagnose, treat, and evaluate patients who have chronic disease. A nurse must understand how pathology, treatment, regimens, and psycho-social issues affect patients and the care they receive. Disease management is more than just monitoring a medication or treatment; it is evaluating the disease process from the micro to macro level. As a nurse with an advanced degree, you will be expected to assess patients and individual and population responses to chronic illness.

For this assessment, you will investigate pathopharmacological issues related to a specific disease process. You may choose to investigate traumatic brain injury, depression, obesity, asthma, or heart disease. As part of this assessment, you will analyze the various impacts the disease process has on the patients, their families, and populations at a local, national, and international level.


A. Investigate one of the following disease processes: traumatic brain injury, depression, obesity, asthma, or heart disease.
1. Analyze the pathophysiology of the disease process you selected in part A.
2. Discuss the standard of practice for the selected disease process.
a. Discuss the evidence-based pharmacological treatments in your state and how they affect management of the selected disease in your community.
b. Discuss clinical guidelines for assessment, diagnosis, and patient education for the selected disease process.
c. Compare the standard practice for managing the disease within your community with state or national practices.
3. Discuss characteristics of and resources for a patient who manages the selected disease well, including access to care, treatment options, life expectancy, and outcomes.
a. Analyze disparities between management of the selected disease on a national and international level.
4. Discuss three or four factors (e.g., financial resources, access to care, insured/uninsured, Medicare/Medicaid) that contribute to a patient being able to manage the selected disease
a. Explain how a lack of the factors discussed in part A4 leads to an unmanaged disease process.
i. Describe characteristics of a patient with the selected disease that is unmanaged. Pathopharmacological Foundations; Advanced Nursing Practice Essay.

B. Analyze how the selected disease process affects patients, families, and populations in your community.

1. Discuss the financial costs associated with the selected disease process for patients, families, and populations from diagnosis to treatment.

C. Discuss how you will promote best practices for managing the selected disease in your current healthcare organization.

1. Discuss three strategies you could use to implement best practices for managing the selected disease in your current healthcare organization.
2. Discuss an appropriate method to evaluate the implementation of each of the strategies from part C1.

D. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Note: For definitions of terms commonly used in the rubric, see the Rubric Terms web link included in the Evaluation Procedures section.

Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in an assessment, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the assessment.

Note: No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from outside sources, even if cited correctly. For tips on using APA style, please refer to the APA Handout web link included in the APA Guidelines section.
value: 0.00    value: 1.00    value: 2.00    value: 3.00    value: 4.00    Score/Level
Articulation of Response (clarity, organization, mechanics)
The candidate provides unsatisfactory articulation of response. The candidate provides weak articulation of response. The candidate provides limited articulation of response. The candidate provides adequate articulation of response. The candidate provides substantial articulation of response.
A. Investigated Disease Process
The candidate does not investigate 1 of the given disease processes. Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. The candidate investigates 1 of the given disease processes.
A1. Pathophysiology
The candidate does not provide a plausible analysis of the pathophysiology of the disease process selected in part A. The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with no detail, of the pathophysiology of the disease process selected in part A. The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with limited detail, of the pathophysiology of the disease process selected in part A. The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with adequate detail, of the pathophysiology of the disease process selected in part A. The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with substantial detail, of the pathophysiology of the disease process selected in part A.
A2. Standard of Practice
The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of the standard of practice for the selected disease process. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of the standard of practice for the selected disease process. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of the standard of practice for the selected disease process.Pathopharmacological Foundations; Advanced Nursing Practice Essay.  The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of the standard of practice for the selected disease process. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of the standard of practice for the selected disease process.
A2a. Pharmacological Treatments
The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of the evidence-based pharmacological treatments in the candidate’s state and how they affect management of the selected disease in the candidate’s community. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of the evidence-based pharmacological treatments in the candidate’s state and how they affect management of the selected disease in the candidate’s community. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of the evidence-based pharmacological treatments in the candidate’s state and how they affect management of the selected disease in the candidate’s community. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of the evidence-based pharmacological treatments in the candidate’s state and how they affect management of the selected disease in the candidate’s community. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of the evidence-based pharmacological treatments in the candidate’s state and how they affect management of the selected disease in the candidate’s community.
A2b. Clinical Guidelines
The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of clinical guidelines for assessment, diagnosis, and patient education for the selected disease process. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of clinical guidelines for assessment, diagnosis, and patient education for the selected disease process. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of clinical guidelines for assessment, diagnosis, and patient education for the selected disease process. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of clinical guidelines for assessment, diagnosis, and patient education for the selected disease process. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of clinical guidelines for assessment, diagnosis, and patient education for the selected disease process.
A2c.Pathopharmacological Foundations; Advanced Nursing Practice Essay.  Standard Practice of Disease Management
The candidate does not provide an appropriate comparison of standard practice for managing the disease within the candidate’s community with state or national practices. The candidate provides an appropriate comparison, with no detail, of standard practice for managing the disease within the candidate’s community with state or national practices. The candidate provides an appropriate comparison, with limited detail, of standard practice for managing the disease within in the candidate’s community with state or national practices. The candidate provides an appropriate comparison, with adequate detail, of standard practice for managing the disease within the candidate’s community with state or national practices. The candidate provides an appropriate comparison, with substantial detail, of standard practice for managing the disease within the candidate’s community with state or national practices.
A3. Managed Disease Process
The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of characteristics of and resources for a patient who manages the selected disease well, including access to care, treatment options, life expectancy, and outcomes. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of characteristics of and resources for a patient who manages the selected disease well, including access to care, treatment options, life expectancy, and outcomes. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of characteristics of and resources for a patient who manages the selected disease well, including access to care, treatment options, life expectancy, and outcomes. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of characteristics of and resources for a patient who manages the selected disease well, including access to care, treatment options, life expectancy, and outcomes. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of characteristics of and resources for a patient who manages the selected disease well, including access to care, treatment options, life expectancy, and outcomes.Pathopharmacological Foundations; Advanced Nursing Practice Essay.
A3a. Disparities
The candidate does not provide a plausible analysis of disparities between management of the selected disease on a national and international level. The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with no support, of disparities between management of the selected disease on a national and international level. The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with limited support, of disparities between management of the selected disease on a national and international level. The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with adequate support, of disparities between management of the selected disease on a national and international level. The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with substantial support, of disparities between management of the selected disease on a national and international level.
A4. Managed Disease Factors
The candidate does not provide a logical discussion, of any factors that contribute to a patient being able to manage the selected disease. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with sufficient detail, of 1 or 2 factors that contribute to a patient being able to manage the selected disease. Not applicable. Not applicable. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with sufficient detail, of 3 or 4 factors that contribute to a patient being able to manage the selected disease.
A4a. Unmanaged Disease Factors
The candidate does not provide a logical explanation of how a lack of the factors discussed in part A4 leads to an unmanaged disease process. The candidate provides a logical explanation, with no detail, of how a lack of the factors discussed in part A4 leads to an unmanaged disease process. The candidate provides a logical explanation, with limited detail, of how a lack of the factors discussed in part A4 leads to an unmanaged disease process. The candidate provides a logical explanation, with adequate detail, of how a lack of the factors discussed in part A4 leads to an unmanaged disease process.Pathopharmacological Foundations; Advanced Nursing Practice Essay.  The candidate provides a logical explanation, with substantial detail, of how a lack of the factors discussed in part A4 leads to an unmanaged disease process.
A4ai. Unmanaged Disease Characteristics
The candidate does not provide an appropriate description of the characteristics of a patient with the selected disease that is unmanaged. Not applicable. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with insufficient detail, of the characteristics of a patient with the selected disease that is unmanaged. Not applicable. The candidate provides an appropriate description, with sufficient detail, of the characteristics of a patient with the selected disease that is unmanaged.
B. Patients, Families, & Populations
The candidate does not provide a plausible analysis of how the selected disease process affects patients, families, and populations in the candidate’s community. The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with no detail, of how the selected disease process affects patients, families, and populations in the candidate’s community. The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with limited detail, of how the selected disease process affects patients, families, and populations in the candidate’s community. The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with adequate detail, of how the selected disease process affects patients, families, and populations in the candidate’s community. The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with substantial detail, of how the selected disease process affects patients, families, and populations in the candidate’s community.Pathopharmacological Foundations; Advanced Nursing Practice Essay.
B1. Costs
The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of the financial costs associated with the selected disease process for patients, families, and populations from diagnosis to treatment. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of the financial costs associated with the selected disease process for patients, families, and populations from diagnosis to treatment. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of the financial costs associated with the selected disease process for patients, families, and populations from diagnosis to treatment. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of the financial costs associated with the selected disease process for patients, families, and populations from diagnosis to treatment. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of the financial costs associated with the selected disease process for patients, families, and populations from diagnosis to treatment.
C. Best Practices Promotion
The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of how the candidate will promote best practices for managing the selected disease in the candidate’s current healthcare organization. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of how the candidate will promote best practices for managing the selected disease in the candidate’s current healthcare organization. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of how the candidate will promote best practices for managing the selected disease in the candidate’s current healthcare organization.Pathopharmacological Foundations; Advanced Nursing Practice Essay.  The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of how the candidate will promote best practices for managing the selected disease in the candidate’s current healthcare organization. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of how the candidate will promote best practices for managing the selected disease in the candidate’s current healthcare organization.
C1. Implementation Plan
The candidate does not provide a discussion of 3 strategies the candidate could use to implement best practices for managing the selected disease in the candidate’s current healthcare organization. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of 3 strategies the candidate could use to implement best practices for managing the selected disease in the candidate’s current healthcare organization. The candidate provides logical discussion, with limited detail, of 3 strategies the candidate could use to implement best practices for managing the selected disease in the candidate’s current healthcare organization. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of 3 strategies the candidate could use to implement best practices for managing the selected disease in the candidate’s current healthcare organization. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of 3 strategies the candidate could use to implement best practices for managing the selected disease in the candidate’s current healthcare organization.
C2. Evaluation Method
The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of an appropriate method to evaluate the implementation of each of the strategies from part C1. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of an appropriate method to evaluate the implementation of each of the strategies from part C1. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of an appropriate method to evaluate the implementation of each of the strategies from part C1. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of an appropriate method to evaluate the implementation of each of the strategies from part C1. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of an appropriate method to evaluate the implementation of each of the strategies from part C1. Pathopharmacological Foundations; Advanced Nursing Practice Essay.
D. Sources
When the candidate uses sources, the candidate does not provide in-text citations and references. When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides only some in-text citations and references. When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and references with major deviations from APA style. When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and references with minor deviations from APA style. When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and references with no readily detectable deviations from APA style, OR the candidate does not use sources.
Project Title
Your Name
WUT2 Task
Western Governors University
Dr. Nmezi | WGU
Project Title
A. Investigated Disease Process
? Investigate one of the following disease processes – traumatic
brain injury, asthma, depression, obesity and heart disease.
? Please note that heart disease, in general, is a very broad topic
and will not be appropriate for this task. We therefore
recommend that you select a subcategory of heart disease as
your topic. Excellent examples include, CHF,
Cardiomyopathy, Valvular Heart Disease, Pericarditis, etc.
The remaining 4 topics should not be narrowed down, as
doing so, may present difficulties finding resources to
adequately cover all the items in the task rubric. I hope this
makes sense. Once again, the only topic that requires
“narrowing down” is heart disease, and not the other disease
? As part of this assessment, you will analyze the various impacts the disease process has on the
patients, their families, and populations at a local, national and international level. This can be
considered the introductory section of your paper, where you summarize general information
relating to the disease process.
? For instruction on disease processes, please visit the section titled “Care Management” in the
C155 Course of Study.
A1. Pathophysiology
? This is where you analyze the pathophysiology of the disease process you selected in part A. BE
SURE to discuss, not only the macro changes associated with the affected organs/organ
system, but, also, the cellular and functional changes. The more detail you provide, the better!
? You are required to provide sufficient evidence in the analysis to show an understanding of the
? The average length of
the paper should be in
the region of 20 pages,
plus or minus a few
pages. However, there
are no restrictions on
the number of pages
your work must have.
? The most important
thing to note is that your
success in this
assessment will be
based on how you
successfully complete
each item in the task
? Provide as much detail
as is necessary to fulfill
the item in the rubric
Dr. Nmezi | WGU
disease, its effect on the body, its progression through the selected disease process. Pathopharmacological Foundations; Advanced Nursing Practice Essay.
? For instruction on pathophysiology, please visit the section titled “Pathophysiology” in the
C155 Course of Study.
A2. Standard of Practice
? Here, you are required to discuss the standard of practice for your selected disease process.
? This may include, but is not limited to, current pharmacological treatments, state or national
guidelines that monitor disease management, and leading evidence-based practices.
A2a. Pharmacological Treatments
? You are required to discuss the evidence-based pharmacological treatments in your state and
how they affect management of the selected disease in your community.
? You should discuss the current pharmacological treatments of the selected disease process in
your state and how the treatments affect your community, based on current evidence-based
practice. In other words, what impact does pharmacological management of the disease process
have on disease sufferers in your community? Be sure to elaborate on its impact in your
? You may, but are not required to support your discussion of evidence-based treatments with
current literature, data and/or best practices.
A2b. Clinical Guidelines
? This item in the rubric requires that you discuss clinical guidelines for assessment, diagnosis,
and patient education for your selected disease process.
? You should be able to articulate if there are local, state or national guidelines that assist the
health care professional to consistent practice.
? For example, asthma care, or, for that matter, the management of any disease process, may have
standard medications, criteria for a positive diagnosis, and patient education standards. Pathopharmacological Foundations; Advanced Nursing Practice Essay.
A2c. Standard Practice of Disease Management
? In this rubric item, you are required to compare the standard of practice for managing the
Dr. Nmezi | WGU
disease in your community with state or national standard of practice.
? In your comparison, you should discuss any inconsistency between the standard of practice in
your community and those within your state, or across the nation.
? You may find no differences, but you should articulate how the organization has adopted these
state/national standards of practice.
A3. Managed Disease Process
? You should discuss characteristics of and resources for a patient who manages the selected
disease well, including access to care, treatment options, life expectancy, and outcomes.
? You should definitely include information about access to care, treatment options available, and
the likely outcomes of a patient who is managing the disease well.
? The discussion may include information about how a patient managing the disease would
present, what their quality of life is like, and what it takes for the patient to have a managed
? You may also discuss any family support or other resources involved in managing the disease.
A3a. Disparities
? You should analyze disparities that exist between management of the selected disease on the
national and international level. Please make sure to describe disparities between two or more
states, then compare and contrast these with how the disease is managed in one or two other
countries. In other words, compare how the disease is managed in the United States with how it
is managed one or two other countries.
? You may choose to analyze, but are not limited to, disparities in access to care, medical
insurance, cultural implications, etc.
? No matter the disparities you choose to discuss, the analysis should be thorough and clearly
reflect a discrepancy between the managed disease process on the national and international
Dr. Nmezi | WGU
A4. Managed Disease Factors
? This item in the rubric requires that you discuss three or four factors that contribute to a patient
being able to manage the disease well.
? You may discuss, but are not limited to, access to care, insured/uninsured, Medicare/Medicaid,
A4a. Unmanaged Disease Factors
? Here, you should explain how the factors discussed in part A4 contribute to a patient not being
able to manage the selected disease.
? Resources will vary based on the discussion in part A4; however, you should clearly explain
how those factors contribute to an unmanaged disease.
? You may discuss, but are not limited to, how the factors discussed in part A could lead to
frequent emergency room visits, exacerbation of disease, psychosocial implications, living
arrangements, relationship issues, etc.Pathopharmacological Foundations; Advanced Nursing Practice Essay.
A4ai. Unmanaged Disease Characteristics
? In this rubric item, you should describe the characteristics of a patient who does not manage the
selected disease well.
? You should provide a description of a patient with characteristics of an unmanaged disease
process. You may discuss, but are not limited to, physical and emotional characteristics of a
patient with the unmanaged disease.
B. Patients, Families, and Populations
? You should analyze how this disease affects patients, families, and populations in your local
community. You may, for example, discuss, but are not limited to, how the disease affects the
patient’s ability to work and what implications that has for the family and the community.
? You may also discuss, but are not limited to, how the patient’s family is affected by managing
the disease (e.g., multiple family members caring for the patient, multiple family members
having the disease, amount of family resources being contributed to managing the disease), and
Dr. Nmezi | WGU
how that changes the family dynamic and/or community.
B1. Costs
? You should discuss the financial costs associated with the selected disease from diagnosis to
treatment. What is the financial cost of the disease for patients, families, and populations? Make
sure to include this in your discussion.
? You may discuss, but are not limited to, out-of-pocket expenses for patient and family, medical
insurance costs for families and communities, government program costs, etc.
C. Best Practices Promotion
? Discuss how you will promote best practices for managing the disease in your current health
care facility (your place of employment).
? You should discuss how you can use your position as a nurse to promote changes within your
health care setting that advocate for management of your selected disease using best practices.
C1. Implementation Plan
? Identify three strategies to implement best practices for managing your selected disease in your
current health care organization (place of work).
? Examples may include, but are not limited to, nursing education,
collaboration between healthcare leaders, new policies, etc.
C2. Evaluation Method
? Discuss an appropriate method to evaluate the implementation
of the strategies you developed in part C1.
? You may discuss what steps you would need to take in
evaluating the effectiveness of your strategies once they have
been implemented. Pathopharmacological Foundations; Advanced Nursing Practice Essay. How would you measure the outcome?


D. Sources
? When you use sources, which you most definitely will in the completion of this task, include all
? Be sure to provide
in-text citations when
you quote or summarize
an outside source, as
well as include the
citation in the
references section of
your paper.
? Make sure in-text
citations are in APA
format (Author, Year).
Dr. Nmezi | WGU
in-text citations and references in APA format.
? Please reach out to the staff of WGU’s Center for Writing Excellence, for all questions relating
to articulation, grammar, and punctuation, as well as for APA citation and referencing.
? List in APA 6th edition Format
? Many online sites to help with this APA format:
Additional Tips:
? This performance assessment CANNOT be done in PowerPoint presentation format
? Do not combine responses to the items in the task rubric. Keep your format in the same
chronological order as listed in the rubric. This makes it easy for the evaluator to identify
your answers and grade your paper. In addition, it will keep you focused on what
information is needed as you write your paper. Answer one section, then move on to the
? It is always a good idea to restate the question while answering/discussing the item in the task
rubric. This will allow you to keep your answer/discussion focused.
? Break up the task requirement and ensure you answer every part of the question.
? This research paper is considered a high-stakes performance assessment and it is at the
evaluator’s discretion whether or not the paper passes. We are not allowed to proofread
the paper. Course mentors are here to help provide you with interpretation of the task
requirement and get you on the right track, once you have identified which rubric item
you are having trouble with.
? Directions for the Author must be read before using this document.Pathopharmacological Foundations; Advanced Nursing Practice Essay. The rubrics are
designed to facilitate your understanding of how your work will be graded.
Dr. Nmezi | WGU
? Do not skip the course of study, since information provided in one disease
state may be carried over/applied to another disease state. Reading through all
the links provided, as well as all the case studies his highly recommended.
? This performance assessment DOES require researching OUTSIDE the Course of Study
? Some answers may be similar. Remember: RESTATING is always better
than having to revise.
? Information derived from the interviews is acceptable to include as an
in-text citation, however, it cannot be included in the bibliographic
reference page provided on the last page of the document.
? There is no limit to the number of pagesfor this paper(average length is in the region
of 20 +/- 5 pages). However, the primary objective is that you answer what is
being asked with expert perspective and that you provide substantial detail in
your discussion.
? No more than 30% of outside sources may be used in the completion of this
task. Otherwise, the paper will be returned and counted as a failed submission.
Please reach out to the Center for Writing Excellence (CWE) for help with
articulation, acceptable citation and referencing.
? Have fun researching and writing this paper! ?Pathopharmacological Foundations; Advanced Nursing Practice Essay