Paranoid Schizophrenia Case Study

Paranoid Schizophrenia Case Study

Jack Dwight (not his real name), aged 26 was identified as having paranoid schizophrenia in October 2004. In August 2004 Jack’s best ally was killed by a group of youths who were terrorising their neighbourhood. Before the prognosis Jack’s family was concerned about his constant complaints of frustration and tummy ache. He suffered from a severe insufficient hunger. He lost a great deal of weight in a short time – from 120 to 108 kg in only 8 weeks. Jack no longer taken notice of his personal hygiene – his body odour was unbearable. Around September 2004 Jack developed an uncontrollable fear that he was going to be stepped on by a car. He would not be persuaded to project into the road, even heading to his preferred store to get cigarettes for himself. He became extremely anti-social, keeping to himself in his locked bedroom the majority of the time. His family could not cope along with his anger outbursts, which sometimes became violent. Thus it was that in October Jack was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Jack’s behaviour proved that Pinker (1997) is right when he suggests that sometimes, when thrust into a fresh and highly demanding situation, people undergo acute paranoia.


For six weeks Jack was accepted to a psychiatric hospital where a team of specialists caused him. It had been on the 14th Dec 2004 that Jack was sent back home, and I became a part of his home personnel of treatment providers.Paranoid Schizophrenia Case Study The medical staff prescribed pain killers – Paracetamol or Codeine for his pain, and antacids like Gaviscon for the tummy. It was agreed that health care givers should try to redirect him whenever possible when he complained about brain or tummy pains. It was suggested that since Jack appreciated tea, he should first be offered calming tea when he complained of pain. He was also given Multi vitamins and Risperdal to take in the morning hours and nighttime. Jack is now happy to require a cup of Camomile tea whenever he has a pain. He understands that if his headaches persists, he’s permitted to take pain killers. He looks forward to receiving positive responses when he will not require painkillers all the time. He has even recommended that I provide him a glass of Camomile tea once every hour because he has realized that this control buttons his head pain. He hasn’t made this submission to my colleague who takes care of him while i am off work. Instead, he gets the usual headache during this care giver’s switch. At this time one wonders whether this is similar to what Sorensen, Paul, and Mariotto (1988) make reference to when they say “in some instances the paranoia diminishes for mental health reasons somewhat than as a result of drug’s action. ” I claim this because Jack’s head pain seem to surface when he is looked after by some, and not other health care givers. To the result Smith (2003) is of the opinion that the outcome of therapy “may be determined by the ‘chemistry’ or fit between the therapist and the client than the precise modality being employed. ” (p. 61)

In order to improve his hunger, Jack’s nutritionist advised that Jack should be engaged in the look of a wholesome menu. His opinion was to be sought and he was encouraged to plan his foods, choosing from a wide range of foods in the refrigerator. Treatment givers were encouraged to request him to participate in the cooking and planning of his meals, if he so wished. That plan proved helpful very well because he felt a feeling of possession and was very pleased to be serving his attention givers the food that he himself has ready. He began to enjoy foods that he had planned himself. This also made him to take a pastime in reading the labels on all food deals, and he was proud to tell personnel about the vitamins and minerals of foodstuffs. The advantages of Jack’s involvement in the kitchen were enormous. Aside from improving his desire for foods, Jack also got an interest in going food shopping – something he had recently refused to do. He recognized that he had to bathe and clothe themselves in clean clothes before going shopping. So his talk about of personal health improved. He relished watching his reflection in the mirror before going out. We now turn the vacations to the supermarket into special excursions. I have noticed that even his dependence on a cup of Camomile tea disappears whenever we prepare to go shopping. It is not unusual for him to compile the shopping list before going out. Jack recently invited his case manager to become listed on us for shopping because he wished to show her how well he was taking care of the shopping exercise.Paranoid Schizophrenia Case Study

Before Jack’s friend was wiped out, they both proved helpful as shop assistants in the local supermarket. During his disease Jack didn’t want to see some of his ex – work mates. He believed that that they had plotted against his good friend, and they would do the same against him. This behaviour is in line with what Smith (2003) says, “paranoid people have a highly developed aptitude for fabricating testimonies – making contacts is like finding shapes in clouds. ” (p. 39) In January 2005 the case director helped Jack to join up for membership at the local Clubhouse where care and attention providers go with him to attend conferences at least three times a week. Jack has met and spoken to other people who have had an identical disease to his. The counselling they obtain at the Clubhouse has helped Jack to want to renew his regular membership of his previous workplace’s bowling membership. From March 2005 Jack has been accepting invitations from past work mates to travel bowling with them. The local Clubhouse operates on the slightly psychoanalytical manner in the sense that this serves most of Smith’s (2003) purposes in a single integrated package. At the Clubhouse psychological problems are tackled in a comprehensive interdisciplinary method. Clients receive vocational training in order to attain some basic skills of focus and reasoning that could enable them to squeeze in the job world again. IN-MAY 2005 Jack was invited, through the help of the circumstance administrator, by his former workplace to work some shifts. At this time his job is in the cafeteria section where he works three hours for four days in a week. He cleans dining tables and makes sure the eating area is generally clean. Jack seems to enjoy going to work. His job coach, a qualified treatment specialist accounts that Jack can be an asset at work, the cafeteria supervisor is pleased and talks highly of Jack.

At the Clubhouse clients also acquire training in controlling their funds. Jack is now capable of balancing his standard bank balance. He draws a budget, predicated on what he makes from his company and his every week allowance. Paranoid Schizophrenia Case Study He compares prices and chooses which hairdresser, restaurant, ultra market, etc. to visit. Qualified physiotherapists are available to recommend clients on the best ways to relax. They train clients how to breathe, exercise muscles, or meditate when feeling stressed. The Clubhouse personnel also organises evening social occurrences during most weekends. Clients are invited to bring friends and family along. Jack was reluctant to attend these social situations initially, but when he started dating his ex acquaintances, he experienced comfortable to attend the Clubhouse events as well. He has made friends with a few clients of his age group, and they wish to boogie and sing. I’ve recently experienced some difficulty in getting Jack to stop dancing when it’s time to go home. The nutritionist has suggested that his high energy levels may be brought on by some refreshments that are served during the nighttime of festivities. The attention givers have been recommended to encourage Jack for taking sugar free refreshments. It seems that Jack’s progress causes him to lack the understanding to appreciate the full level of his health issues. Pennington et. al. (2003) state that sometimes positive symptoms of schizophrenia distort a person’s ability to understand his or her own condition. Jack realizes that he has skipped out on fun activities, so he could be aiming to make up for lost time. Hence, it is problematic for him to understand the need to control his thrills levels.

Although a whole lot of progress is manufactured in Jack’s health one cannot quantify the success. Smith (2003) contends that “to be able to measure internal change, one must own an instrument to do the measuring. The emotional test used must be both valid and reliable. A valid test is the one which is adequately underwritten by empirical facts and in a position to produce consistent results. ” (p. 61). It is unfortunate that treatment providers in Jack’s circumstance do not necessarily compile comprehensive accounts about our shifts’ proceedings. There is absolutely no standard instrument of diagnosis that can produce measurable results. Reports compiled at the end of a shift may be subjective. In relation to symptoms, for example one health care giver might conclude a particular action issues to worse disorder while another may not think so. It is also a subjective subject whether a symptom is or not present because what one might regard as a symptom, another may not.

The restorative modality may be effective, but if it’s applied inappropriately final results may be unreliable. Additionally it is disheartening that the health care providers do not maintain their positions for long. Through the half a year that I have been caring for Jack, three attention providers have gone. Jack needs balance and consistency in order to get back his sense of trust and self-confidence in people. I have mentioned that he becomes very sad when a staff member leaves. He will take it very in person, becomes moody for quite a while and blames himself whenever a care provider resigns.Paranoid Schizophrenia Case Study


I have also noted that not absolutely all family members take part in discussions or enroll in meetings organised by the medical staff to help Jack, so there is an information difference which slows down progress. One day during the Easter weekend Jack went out with his older brother who lives with the family, in the same house as Jack. They left home around 7pm and did not come home before early time of the next morning. That they had gone to a pub, and Jack argued with a lot of people there. Jack put in all of those other weekend in a bad mood – using foul terminology and banging doorways. Time out did not really help. Jack later confessed if you ask me that he was disappointed with himself, for having lost his temper and nearly ‘getting himself killed’. Possessed Jack’s brother attended all family therapy meetings, got he taken enough time to learn what needs to be looked at when Jack relishes a night out, Jack wouldn’t normally experienced a relapse. Attention givers often feel insufficient when confronted by unreasonable members of the family. When one interrogates the motives behind bullying family members or irresponsible actions like Jack brother’s, one cannot but trust ideas like Bentall’s (2003) when he asserts that there are many people who have problems with undiagnosed varieties of psychoses. Who, if not really a psychotic person would expose his or her paranoid sibling to a pub filled with night time revellers? Such questions are bound to stay unanswered for some time because the approach to schizophrenia itself is in need of improvement, so that it does not just assume that there is a distinct brand between what is considered mental health problems and mental health.Paranoid Schizophrenia Case Study

A whole lot of surface has been covered in the analysis of paranoid schizophrenia, but a lot more still needs to be covered. Studies analyzing the examination of schizophrenia are not very reliable and steady. The actual fact that it was Jack who exhibited remorse, rather than his brother after the incident at the pub demonstrates this assertion. Analysis is also another area that requires intensive research. The anti-psychiatry activity also finds problem with the diagnostic method of schizophrenia. Bentall (2003) clarifies how proponents in this field dispute for their circumstance – saying that to classify specific thoughts and behaviours as an illness allows social control of folks that society discovers undesirable but who have committed no crime. Jack had determined no criminal offense, but his reduction made him to act in a manner that is not so acceptable by society. An evaluation of Jack’s condition at this time in time might also pose challenging to psychologists. One good care service provider who ‘gets on well’ with Jack might examine him as secure, yet another might not. The challenge continues.Paranoid Schizophrenia Case Study