Nursing Oncology Sample Essay

Nursing Oncology Sample Essay

Clinical weakness has been established a major course of muscle weakness in the long run hence weakening the functionality of the elderly as a result of mechanical ventilation. This article aims to appraise the physiological reactions to a timely consistent flaccid exercise protocol with an objective of preventing muscle weakness especially in adults who require mechanical ventilation. Mechanical ventilation has become a useful medical procedure in nursing oncology that rejuvenates the functionality of a patient’s body by repairing the old muscle tissues and replacing them with functional new ones. The article focuses on the benefits of early exercises by evaluating the effects of this nursing strategy.

The results of this experiment are quite promising outcome in patients subjected to early exercise showing stability of cytokine levels hence providing physiological foundation for benefits of early exercises. The primary cause of muscle weakness is critical illness. The critically ill condition fatigues the tissues in human body and hence faulting the required functionality of the different organs within the human body. Fatigue of the muscles leads to inflammation. Fatigued organs hence reduce their functionality in the body. Nursing Oncology Sample Essay


Research indicates that elderly are in a great risk of suffering from muscle weaknesses since their muscles having been exposed to greater strains than those of the young people. Fatigue reduces the mobility of a patient hence diminishing the muscle mass of the immobile part. Diminishing muscle mass means an individual has less strength and hence the body can resists to small amount of threat. It is for this reason that the elderly people are more prone to bacterial and physical attacks since the body has a minimal ability to fight the strain brought in by the bacteria.

Mechanical ventilation therefore set in as a very importance procedure to rejuvenate the diminishing muscle and sustain the ability of the different body tissues to perform their unique role in the human body and slow down the process of aging. With fatigued muscles, the recovery processes becomes quite complex and overwhelmed by unnecessary setbacks. This is a major reason why the elderly patients tend to spend much time in the hospital beds nursing the setbacks of their recover process in comparison to the young patients who recover rather fast and effectively.

To help the elderly recover from critical illnesses successfully, medical practitioners have established mechanical ventilation as the most appropriate way of sustaining the muscle functionality of an elderly patient hence ensuring that the different organs in the human body are functioning at their best level. However, it is important to note that mechanical ventilation is quite a sensitive medical procedure that requires state of the art facilities to enable a successful procedure. Unfortunately, these facilities are available in very few medical facilities across the globe. Nursing Oncology Sample Essay

In fact, only 15% of the health care facilities across the globe can afford the right equipment to facilitate successful mechanical ventilation. Not forgetting that there are certain cultural principles upheld across different cultures that might not authenticate the procurement of a mechanical ventilation process no matter how critical the patient needs such a procedure. The medical practitioners are therefore faced with serious challenges in the form of resources as well as socio-cultural beliefs upheld across different cultural set ups. We are caught in medical dilemmas at some point in the quest of identifying the way to overcome a certain ailment.

According to research, mobility is probably the only method of strengthening the body muscles that is acceptable across the divergent socio-cultural set ups across the globe. The most important thing is however the realization that mobility is indeed a readily available method of strengthening the body muscles of a patient hence equipping the patents body with the endurance and strength required in the mechanical ventilation procedure. Nursing the elderly patients is characterized of greater risks in comparison to nursing the relatively young patients. To reduce the risk of mortality of the elderly therefore, different health care facilities have embraced the early exercise approach as a preliminary requirement to strengthen the muscles of the patient prior to the mechanical ventilation procedure. Nursing Oncology Sample Essay


Nursing oncology has certainly brought in the techno-modern health care aspect that lacked in past. It is a change that increases the hopes of procuring successful muscle rejuvenation procedures hence sustaining the body functionality of the elderly. It is however prudent to administer a patient to early exercise to reduce the risks affiliated with critical illness. The changes witnessed in the health care sector supplement the endless research activities aimed at mitigating the adverse effects of muscle weaknesses and inability of the elderly to respond positively to health care procedures. Mechanical ventilation encounter has personally increased my medical care experience and hence it can effectively administer and manage the condition of different patients depending on their age, health risk and financial ability.


Amidei, C. & Sole LM. (2013). Physiological Responses to Passive Exercise in Adults Receiving Mechanical Ventilation. American Journal of Critical Care, Vol.22(4): 337-348. Retrieved from, Nursing Oncology Sample Essay