Nursing Leadership and management discussion assignment

Nursing Leadership and management discussion assignment

 The following post is another student post to wish i have to reply. Please Make sure to add other information related to what the student posted. APA style 2 references and less than 20 % similarity



One major difference between a manager and a leader is that while managers create goals, leaders create visions. Leaders inspire their followers by creating a picture that turns vision into reality. Managers focus on setting, measurement and achievement of goals (Weiss, Tappen & Grimley, 2019). Secondly, while leaders are keen to build relationships, managers only build systems and processes. By focusing on people leaders build loyalty and trust among stakeholders to help achieve goals. Managers focus only on structures necessary to achieve goals with less focus on people. Thirdly, while leaders coach, managers direct. Leaders see people as competent stakeholders with answers and capable of finding solutions hence coach them to bring the answers to fruition (Weiss et al., 2019). Managers on the other hand assign tasks and give guidance on accomplishment of outcomes.



I think working for an effective leader is more important than an effective manager. An effective leader inspires people to achieve set goals and coach them to use their potential. As such, the leader creates competency in his follower and help realize their full potential. On the other hand, an effective manager assign tasks and dictates what to do without giving the employee an opportunity to be creative and improve in competence.


At my unit, the nurse manager exemplifies the characteristics of an effective leader and also an effective manager. While she is keen to ensure that laid out procedures for such activities as record keeping and patient care are followed, she also coaches her staff. The nurse manager at the unit is able to sell her vision to the rest of the team and inspire so that we follow her without coercion. In response, the staff both respect and like working close to her.


In nursing, a manager should focus more on being an effective leader rather than a manager. A good nursing manager should have such qualities as the ability to inspire and coach employees to achieve to help them find solutions by their own. He/she should also be able to build relationships by focusing on people while at the same time ensuring that laid down structures are followed.

1.  (5)

After interviewing the nurse manager from my assignment unit, I identified the activities they complete on daily basis. Among these are interpersonal activities include leadership such as coaching and training nurses, communicating and motivating employees; acting as the figurehead of the unit to represent it in legal and social aspects; and liaison to develop networks outside the unit and collaborate with other units. There are also informational roles that include dissemination of information and communication in the unit; acting as the spokesperson to represent the unit and give information about it to outsiders; and monitoring to seek information in regards to issues affecting the unit. In decisional roles, the manager allocates resources, handle disturbances and negotiates when representing the unit.

2.  (6)

Among the tangible rewards that can be used in this case include providing the employees with bonus, giving them high scores on evaluation in the appraisal system, giving them a raise, promoting the employees and providing development opportunities (Weiss et al., 2019). Among the intangible rewards to give them include raising the employees, invitation to work in special teams, increasing the level of autonomy and providing comfortable working conditions.

3.   Part 1 (7)

An ideal nurse manager is one who consults with his/her team in setting goals. They should be a people’s person who is keen to understand the challenges employees are facing. He/she should assign tasks based on abilities and inspire teamwork to achieve set goals. The nursing manager in my unit meets some of these qualities as she always consulted with juniors and coached us to determine our talents. However, she was always supervising and corrected mistakes with an iron hand.

Part 2 (8)

As an ideal manager, I think I am great at consulting and keen to observe and put to use the talents of others. Also, I am a good coach and able to correct people in a way that makes them great. However, sometimes I am slow to identify challenges that people may be facing. Nursing Leadership and management discussion assignment

1.  (9)

The standards for informed consent in Florida are almost similar in emergency and elective. However, additional provisions are added for emergency situations so that informed consent can be obtained from close family members.

2.  (10)

The Florida Nurse Practice Act provides adequate guidance for nurses to know if their actions are within the scope of practice. It not only effectively define nursing diagnosis and treatment but also explains the scope of registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, ARPNS and medical assistants.

1.  (11)

The Florida Nurse practice Act has penalties for prohibited acts that would cause harm to healthcare consumers. By placing disciplinary actions for nurses and organizations failing to observe required protocols, the act protects the consumers. The classification of nurses according to level of education and requirement for continuous learning in the act promotes progress in nursing as it encourages nurses to achieve higher ranks.

2.  (12)

Multistate licensure would strengthen nursing by increasing mobility. States with inadequate nursing staff would benefit from ease of getting nurses from other places within the country. It would also improve the earning potential for nurses. The main challenge would be creating standards for nursing that cuts across all the states.

3.  (13)

To maintain confidentiality as a nurse, it is necessary to observe organizational, state and federal laws on privacy and security. Storage of patient information in secure systems is necessary for facilities to ensure that confidentiality is maintained (Westrick, 2016). Further, the nurse should avoid discussing the patient’s information with unauthorized personnel.

4.  (14)

Reasonable safeguards should be put in place to protect data transferred through emails and fax. To ensure security, the nurse should use data encryption measures to ensure the security of data (Westrick, 2016). Also, care should be taken to ensure that sent information is only accessed by the intended recipient.

5.  (15)

In obtaining informed consent, the nurse is responsible for witnessing and verification to ensure that a patient or their legal representative has signed and that they understand what they have consented to in the document. Considering the scope of nursing includes ensuring the physical, psychological and social wellbeing of the patient, this role is within the scope of nursing practice.

6.  (16)

It is necessary for nurses to carry malpractice insurance to protect themselves from malpractice lawsuits. Malpractice insurance protect nurses against unfair lawsuits arising from the risks they take in caring for their patients.

7.  (17)

All patients should have advance directives to ensure that their desire for medical care is known during moments of crisis (Greutmann & Tobler, 2019). An advanced directives help to reduce disagreements and confusions about medical care especially in end-of-life care. Nursing Leadership and management discussion assignment

8.  (18)

Mandatory overtime should not be allowed for nurses. While it may be necessary in cases of shortage, overtime often result in burnout for nurses. According to Luther et al., (2017) burnout among nurses results in an increase in cases of medical error and poor patient outcomes. As such, mandatory overtime has more negative than positive effects.


Greutmann, M., & Tobler, D. (2019). ACHD Advanced Directives and Discontinuation of Life in the Critical Care Environment. In Intensive Care of the Adult with Congenital Heart Disease (pp. 565-571). Springer, Cham.

Luther, L., Gearhart, T., Fukui, S., Morse, G., Rollins, A. L., & Salyers, M. P. (2017). Working overtime in community mental health: Associations with clinician burnout and perceived quality of care. Psychiatric rehabilitation journal40(2), 252.

Weiss, S. A., Tappen, R. M., & Grimley, K. (2019). Essentials of nursing leadership & management. FA Davis.

Westrick, S. J. (2016). Nursing students’ use of electronic and social media: Law, ethics, and e-professionalism. Nursing education perspectives37(1), 16-22.

Nursing Leadership and management discussion assignment