Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Paper

Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Paper

The paper “Nursing Evidence-Based Practice” is a wonderful example of an assignment on nursing. To generate and disseminate nursing practice knowledge to stimulate research and improve clinical outcomes.Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Paper

Courses that I have taken this past year to meet this outcome are the following: NUR 695b: DNP Forum; NUR 705: Philosophy of Nursing Science and Practice; NUR 646 Healthcare Informatics: Theory & Practice; NUR 650 Theories of Leadership & Organizational Management; and NUR 652: Methods of Scholarly Inquiry Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Paper

Writing reflective essays has helped to realize a lot of things that would have been taken for granted otherwise. Looking back at my first year at the University of Arizona I can say that this academic year has significantly impacted my professional outlook, broadened my understanding of the profession and expanded the perception of the health care system and processes within and around it. Prior to joining the school, I had an intuitive understanding that advancing nursing practice and securing better patient outcomes as impossible without the development of research and a proper theoretical basis. At the end of the academic year, I have not only come to understand such research better but was also able to see a ‘broader’ picture of how this research fits into the healthcare system, how it can impact the national economy and the national healthcare system. Additionally, comparative analysis of the US healthcare system has given me some very valuable information as to determining the strengths and weaknesses of the national health care system.


After reading and reflecting on the Philosophy of Nursing Science and Practice, I was capable of merging my own ideologies of nursing science and practice with existent theories in nursing and other sciences. I looked at social & political factors, analyzed influential people in my environment, analyzed significant events as well as analyzed my cognitive style. This has helped me to realize my ontological and philosophical view, single out my pattern of knowing, Metaparadigmic statement, and current research interest, which I presented for my final in Philosophy of Nursing Science and Practice and uploaded in Foliotek.Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Paper

I’ve also had the opportunity to work with such methods of scholarly inquiry as qualitative and qualitative research, evidence-based practice, and mixed methods. In Methods for Scholarly Inquiry, I learned to review, critique, and evaluate research based on the guidelines and tools presented in The John Hopkins Nursing Evidenced-Based Practice Rating Scale (Newhouse, 2007). Through this process, I was capable of connecting evidence-based research to practice and validate the usefulness of the literature to my practice inquiry topic. I will continue to search for literature to narrow my research topic of interest.

Overall, this year has been a successful introduction to advanced practice nursing and has greatly facilitated my research skills. I expect to continue practicing research, methods of use, and writing in order to develop my practice question together with my advisory committee.Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Paper