Nurs521 Board Discussion Week 3 Paper

Nurs521 Board Discussion Week 3 Paper

Discussion Prompt #2

· The following questions refer to your experience in this week’s exercise, Conducting Moral and Ethical Dialog in Clinical Practice.  Describe your overall experience with the moral and ethical dialog exercise, and address the following:

· Did you find any of the scenarios more difficult to deal with than others?


· Did you feel any internal conflict with any of the scenarios?

· How did your personal and professional background impact how you decided to interact with the patient?

· Do you feel the responses the patient gave to the practitioner’s response were reasonable or typical?

· Were you taken aback by any of the patient reactions?

· How might this activity contribute to your role as a nurse advocate in a moral and ethical practice?

· Did you utilize an ethical decision-making model to explore a systematic way to evaluate any of these ethical dilemmas? If so, describe the effectiveness.


This is the excesise:


APA style and well done

Scenario 1 

Rebeca: “My husband is abusive, and I fear for my safety and the safety of my children” 

Nurse Response: A


Scenario 2 

Rebeca:  I was raped by my husband’s brother

Nurse Response: A


Scenario 3 

Rebeca:  I am terminally Ill

Nurse Response: A

Scenario 4 

Rebeca:  Thew child will be born with trisomy 18 and I ‘ve been told this incompatible with life

Nurse Response: A


Scenario 5 

Rebeca:  I don’t’y want anymore children

Nurse Response: A

Nurs521 Board Discussion Week 3 Paper