NURS 110 Introduction to Professional Nursing Essay

NURS 110 Introduction to Professional Nursing Essay

I need to do a teaching plan and a brochure for a class called introduction to professional nursing. The subject of the paper is teaching a patient who is paralyzed from the waist down how to use a straight catheter on themselves.

  • NURS110-Rubric-EducationalBrochure.docx
  • TeachingPlanRubric2.docx
  • TeachingPlanPaperLayout2.docx
  • TeachingPlan.pdf
  • EducationalBrochure.pdf

Course: NURS 110

RUBRIC: Educational Brochure

Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations
Needs Assessment 100 %

Identifies comprehensive learning needs relevant to diagnosis.

75 %

Identifies most learning needs relevant to diagnosis.

50 %

Identifies basic learning needs relevant to diagnosis.

25 %

Does not identify learning needs relevant to diagnosis

Evidence-based Information 100 %

Provides current specific evidence-based practice supported with at least 2 references.

75 %

Provides current specific evidence-based practice supported with at least 1 reference.

50 %

Provides general practice with at least 1 reference.

25 %

Provides outdated or inaccurate information not supported by evidence-based references.

Graphics Originality 100 %

The graphics and text used on the design project reflects an exceptional degree of student creativity in their creation and/or display.

75 %

The graphics and text used on the design project reflect student creativity in their creation and/or display

50 %

The graphics and text used by the student, but are based on the designs or ideas of others and don’t demonstrate original ideas

25 %

Graphics and text do not demonstrate any original thought or creativity

Design Attractiveness 100 %

The design project is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, neatness, dominance, rhythm, size, etc.

75 %

The design project is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness and demonstrates an understanding of the use of design tools, but is in black & white.

50 %

The design project is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness and demonstrates an understanding of the use of design tools, but is in black & white.

25 %

The design project is distractingly cluttered or devoid of necessary elements and very poorly designed. It is not attractive.

Graphics Relevance 100 %

All graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand.

75 %

All graphics are related to the topic and most make it easier to understand.

50 %

All graphics relate to the topic.

25 %

Graphics do not relate to the topic.

Clarity of message

100 %

Graphics do not relate to the topic.

45 %

Message is clear and compelling. It may not be as subtle as it could be.

50 %

Message is clear but fails to go beyond something simple or obvious.

25 %

Message is absent or contradictory.

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NURS 110 Introduction to Professional Nursing Essay