New Personal Dietary Habits Essay

New Personal Dietary Habits Essay

Healthy living involves good nutrition. It involves eating a balanced diet. It is self-discipline and control over certain types of food. Whereas some types of food such as fast food may be considered “good”, they contain high amounts of fats and calories that are risky to our health. I have made a declaration to eat balanced diet (carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals, fats, and fiber) in my major meals i.e. breakfast, lunch and supper daily. I will also ensure that I engage in active duties or do exercises daily to help burn excess fats from the body and keep fit. I will also reduce the amount of packed food I take daily to limit the amount of calories in my body. Moreover, I will be reading every ingredient to know the amount of calories in every food I buy. The figure below illustrates the kind and proportion of food I will eat. New Personal Dietary Habits Essay


Having learnt that there are bad fats such as saturated fats and trans fats which contain large amounts of cholesterol and raise the chances of contacting heart diseases and good fats such as monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats which contain low amounts of cholesterol, I will identify the type of food that provide good fat to use in my diet while omit bad ones. In addition, I plan to drink plenty of water daily as it helps in transportation of materials in the body, removal of waste products, and osmoregulation.

My health mission statement is “good nutrition practices for a healthy living”. This will always be my motivating factor when following practices that help me live healthily. Whereas many people’s eating habits are affected by social, psychological, philosophical, and physical factors, I believe I will not be driven by them, and in any case it happens, I will try to choose, among the ones available, food that are healthy to eat.  New Personal Dietary Habits Essay