Mission And Nursing Philosophy Essay.

Mission And Nursing Philosophy Essay.


Every health care organization in the United Stated has a mission statement and a vision. We also can say that the mission and vision guides the organization purpose of service and practice. This is also true for colleges and universities. We also have an understanding that creating a philosophy that supports the values of the organization is essential. Therefore, when the project is in the formulation state, the members have to clear understanding of their own beliefs and value.Mission And Nursing Philosophy Essay.


Baptist Health of South Florida mission and vision statement are in nature related to helping our community meet their healthcare needs. The main focus is to ensure that our community seeks BHSF (Baptist Health of South Florida) for their healthcare needs. BHSF also has a faith base guiding principle that has existed for many years.

Our Mission

The mission of Baptist Health is to improve the health and well-being of individuals, and to promote the sanctity and preservation of life, in the communities we serve. Baptist Health is a faith-based organization guided by the spirit of Jesus Christ and the Judeo-Christian ethic. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of clinical and service excellence, rooted in the utmost integrity and moral practice. Consistent with its spiritual foundation, Baptist Health is dedicated to providing high-quality, cost-effective, compassionate healthcare services to all, regardless of religion, creed, race or national origin, including, as permitted by its resources, charity care to those in need (BHSF 2014).Mission And Nursing Philosophy Essay.

Our Guiding Principle

Through our compassionate healthcare services, we seek to reveal the healing presence of God (BHSF 2014).

Our Vision

Baptist Health will be the preeminent healthcare provider in the communities we serve, the organization that people instinctively turn to for their healthcare needs. Baptist Health will offer a broad range of clinical services that are evidence-based and compassionately provided to ensure patient safety, superior clinical outcomes and the highest levels of satisfaction with a patient- and family-centered focus. Baptist Health will be a national and international leader in healthcare innovation (BHSF 2014). BHSF nursing philosophy is based on the Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring/Caring Science. By having a nursing theorist base practice, the development of a nursing philosophy becomes lucid. BHSF nursing philosophy stated as follow, NURSING PHILOSOPHY

The nursing staff of BSHF is committed to maintaining the highest standards of nursing care and service excellence. This care is fostered through the nursing process–assessment, diagnosis, identification of outcomes, planning, implementation, and evaluation. We believe the primary purpose of nursing is to provide culturally congruent, non-discriminatory, safe and beneficial care to the patient, family, and significant others. Healing is promoted by competent staff, providing culturally congruent care, while educating patients / families and significant others in the caring process. Education of patients / families and significant others promotes independence, self-care and bio-psycho-social healing. Nursing Services advocates participative management through shared responsibility and accountability.

We foster and encourage nursing autonomy and professional development through competency development, education and training. The profession of nursing is a transcultural caring discipline that promotes clinical excellence through evidence-based practice. We cultivate a framework for developing nursing care practices that are based on the best available evidence. We believe in an interdisciplinary collaboration and consultation in the promotion, restoration, maintenance and rehabilitation of the patient / family and significant others (BHSF 2014).

They are many reasons why a hospital would develop a nursing philosophy. Nursing practice philosophy gives the nurse a good overall understanding of the facility practice nursing environment. Because nurses come from so many different backgrounds and educational levels, the hospital nursing philosophy aid in setting clear standards of care for their patient’s. In comparison with Phoenix University philosophy, BSHF is based in patient care theory style. The university philosophy clearly educates the individual about the curriculum and the flexibility of the educational needs of the individual in regards their career needs.

Here is the philosophy of Phoenix University, Our Philosophy

Our core goal is to meet the needs of working and underserved students by giving you the chance to earn your college degree. Flexible scheduling, faculty with real-world knowledge and a consistent and effective curriculum design help make higher education accessible to everyone (University of Phoenix 2014).

The BSHF philosophy is based on the frame work of Jean Watson’s theory. The focus of the philosophy is to ensure we provide the ultimate care for our patient regardless of their race or cultural background. It also encourages nurses to practice in a culturally diverse environment. It promotes an autonyms working environment for the nurses and also encourages them to advance their carriers. The University of Phoenix philosophy frame work is build to help those working individuals obtain a degree or advance in their carrier. It also helps the individual integrate their learned material to their working environment. It also speaks to the ability of flexible scheduling.Mission And Nursing Philosophy Essay.

The difference in philosophy is clear one is related to meeting the needs of the student and the other is to allow the nurse to practice in safe and culturally diverse environment. With that said, a philosophy is essential to be able to guide the core of a program or a work environment. Everyone has a philosophy regardless if they take time to think about it or not. Some people are more aware and have search for their beliefs and values. This gives them a better understanding of what they want in a career and in any educational program. Therefore, everyone should analyze and search for their beliefs and values and formulate their philosophy.Mission And Nursing Philosophy Essay.