Microbiology Q1 Essay.

Microbiology Q1 Essay.




A virus is a small infectious agent that cannot reproduce by itself. A virus starts reproducing after infecting a susceptible cell. The genetic material of the virus is either RNA or DNA and the nucleic acid can be single or double-stranded. The infectious virus particle is known as virion and includes nucleic acid and protein. T (Keay et al., 2020).Microbiology Q1 Essay.


Bacteria are comparatively complex, single-celled organisms, and they contain a rigid wall and a thin membrane that surround the fluid within the cell. Bacteria can reproduce on their own and they can also survive within various environments, that include extreme cold, human body, and radioactive waste. The majority of bacteria are harmless, although some cause diseases (Tolera et al., 2020). On the other hand, viruses are smaller, where the largest virus is smaller than the smallest bacteria. Viruses only have a protein coat and their genetic material is either DNA or RNA. Unlike bacteria, viruses only survive within the host and they can only reproduce/replicate when they attach themselves to cells(Keay et al., 2020). Microbiology Q1 Essay.

While bacteria contain a ribosome and can make proteins, viruses cannot and this is the reason viruses are totally dependent on the host.

Types of viruses include the Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV/AIDS), herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), and hepatitis B virus (HBV). Human immunodeficiency virus causes HIV infection, which progresses into AIDS (Schwetz&Fauci, 2019), while the herpes simplex virus type 2 causes genital herpes. Hepatitis B virus causes viral hepatitis.Microbiology Q1 Essay.