Medicare or Medicaid Essay

Medicare or Medicaid Essay

Medicare or Medicaid – which has greater impact in Florida?

Above is the answer of 2 peer. I need a response for them



Medicare and Medicaid are the greatest insurance programs run by the government. However, they are operated and funded by different parts of the government and primarily serve different groups. Medicare is run by the federal government and mainly provide health coverage to individual aged 65 years and above and those with disability. Medicaid entails collaboration between the state and federal government and provides health coverage to low-income. However, there are those how meet dual eligible criteria. Therefore, as a state and federal-run program Medicaid has greater effects on state governments. State governments co-fund the program and are expected to match federal funding. Medicare or Medicaid Essay

From modest beginnings in 1965, Medicaid has grown significantly from $5.3 billion four decades ago, to $449 billion in 2013. In Florida, Medicaid expenditures have grown by 33% between 2012 and 2016. In 2016, the combined state and federal spending on Medicaid increased by 22%. Over these years, the federal government has provided between 55% and 60% of Medicaid funding. During the same time, Medicaid has growth to more than 75% of the Medicare expenditure and its share of national health expenditure has almost doubled. Following the passage of the Affordable Care Act, 2010, states were requested to expand their Medicaid program (Sutter, 2016). According to Ward (2020), the expansion of the Medicaid program has met significant resistant because of its presumed impact on state budgets. Florida is one of the states that have failed to expand its Medicaid plan under the Affordable Care Act. Some stakeholders argue that expanding the illegibility criteria is likely to have significant fiscal implications. Florida is among the states with the highest personal healthcare spending, ranking 5th nationwide. According to Buettgens (2018), the growing Medicaid expenditure are not necessarily driven by increased coverage, but also by changing medical needs, changes in demographics, and other factors affecting consumption of health care services. The debate on the cost implications of expanding Medicaid are likely to persist, but is evident that more Americans have health insurance. Medicare or Medicaid Essay


More often individuals tend not to understand the difference between Medicare in addition to Medicaid. Regardless of them providing assistance to the senior citizens as well as the disabled ones in catering for most of the expenses that are health-related. Medicare is basically a type of health insurance for the people who are disabled, senior or anyone who is known to be suffering from a failure of the kidney which is considered to be permanent. Additionally, it is financed via the contributions of tax security which is contrary to the Medicaid (Hu and Mortensen, 2018). Medicare or Medicaid Essay

Florida Medicaid is basically a program that depends on the necessities with benefits which is determined by an individual’s financial in addition to their medical position. It basically provides medical insurance to individuals who are considered to have low incomes in addition to the ones who are disabled. It is a nationwide program which is funded jointly by the federal government in addition to the states. The eligibility of Medicaid, administration in addition to benefits tends to be under the states’ management which are within the guidelines of the federal.

Medicaid basically is known for having an impact which is great within the Florida state in comparison to the Medicare program. It does not provide healthcare which is direct, contrary to that, it pays the nursing homes, hospitals, health plans, physicians in addition to other various caregivers particularly for the services that are covered as well as the ones that have been delivered to the eligible patients. In Florida State it is compulsory for an individual to have a Medicaid so that they can benefit from the healthcare (Munnich and Richards, 2020). Medicare or Medicaid Essay

Medicare and Medicaid are programs that have been developed to assist Americans in attainment of quality health care. Both programs were established in 1965 and are federally supported to provide health care coverage to vulnerable populations such as the elderly, the disabled, and people with low incomes. Both Medicare and Medicaid are federally mandated and determine coverage under each program; both are run by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, a federal agency (“What is Medicare? What is Medicaid?” 2008). Medicare or Medicaid Essay
Distinguishing between Medicare and Medicaid
Medicare is a federally governed insurance program, primarily serving Americans over the age of 65, younger disabled meeting specific disability criteria, and dialysis…show more content…
The Evolution of Medicare based on the Needs of Society Since its establishment in 1965 we have seen Medicare change as people’s needs change however being a federal program these changes do have an incredible amount of lag time. One of the first major changes to Medicare occurred in 1972 when President Nixon signed the Social Security Amendments of 1972 which extended coverage to individuals under age 65 with long-term disabilities, expanded benefits to include some chiropractic services and speech and physical therapy. During this time we see the American public growing tired of the Vietnam Conflict and lack of support and care for those returning Marines and soldiers with severe disabilities. As the protests escalate and the peace initiatives fail a key piece of legislation is signed showing government support and a willingness to extend health care benefits to this growing and vocal population of veterans (The Vietnam War, 1999). Also included in this Amendment is the encouragement of the use of Health Maintenance Organizations, President Nixon’s administration caught in the scandal of Watergate and pending hearings appeased the left and proposed the HMO Act, Medicare or Medicaid Essay

Medicare and Medicaid are two of the United States largest broken systems, which must sustain themselves in order to provide care to their beneficiaries. Both Medicare and Medicaid are funding by a joint effort between the federal government and the local state government. If and when these governments choose to cut funding or reduce spending, Medicare and Medicaid take the biggest hit. Most people see these two benefits as one in the same, two benefits the government takes out of their pay check to help fund health care. While the government does deduct a sum from paychecks everywhere, Medicare and Medicaid are very two very different programs.


Medicare was designed for beneficiaries sixty five years and older and enrollees who are permanently disabled and are unable to work. Medicare benefits are applied for at the Social Security office, where proof of eligibility is required. Medicaid however is health care benefits for those who are low income and do not have insurance through their job (, 2008). Medicare or Medicaid Essay

Medicaid supports children who are under the age of nineteen, people over the age of sixty five, enrollees who are disabled and those that need permanent nursing home care. Potential beneficiaries can find an application for Medicaid at their State’s Medicaid agency (, 2008).

These requirements overlap between the two and some beneficiaries do qualify for both benefits. This means that Medicaid is sometimes used to help pay for Medicare premiums and those who do quality for both programs are considered to be “dual eligible” and will usually enroll in both programs in order to cut personal costs. Medicare and Medicaid both have their financial woes Medicare or Medicaid Essay